Growing without Gentrification: The Impact of Technology Shocks on Low- and High-skilled Migration in China
Fri, Oct 25, 2024
This paper investigates the impact of technology progress on migration patterns among different skilled groups, considering the responses in the labor market, housing market, and amenity market. Using data from the Chinese Census between 2005 and 2015, we observe that cities with higher patent growth attract more low-skilled migrants but not high-skilled migrants, in contrast with findings in other developed countries. These cities also exhibit stronger wage growth for both low-skilled and high-skilled workers, along with slower growth in amenities. To understand these empirical patterns, we develop and estimate a spatial equilibrium model following Diamond (2016). Our findings indicate that low-skilled workers place greater importance on wages and rents, while high-skilled workers care more about amenities. Additionally, the ratio of skilled workers in a city increases amenity supply. Consequently, a positive shock in patent activity attracts more low-skilled workers than high-skilled workers, reduces amenities, and discourages high-skilled migration. The counterfactual analysis suggests that technology growth in China increased wages and welfare massively not only for high-skilled but also for low-skilled workers.
黄子彬,上海财经大学商学院,副教授,美国罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester)经济系博士,主要研究领域包括劳动经济学,教育经济学与城市经济学。黄子彬长期关注中国的城镇化、人口流动与流动家庭子女教育问题。