How does data analytics capabilities impact overall firm performance? An examination from the lenses of complementarity and operational ambidexterity
Sun, Jun 23, 2024
How does data analytics capabilities impact overall firm performance? An examination from the lenses of complementarity and operational ambidexterity
JJ Po-An Hsieh, Professor of information systems at Georgia State University.
Despite the prevailing wisdom that data analytics capabilities are crucial for organizational performance, there is significant variance in whether firms indeed benefit from these capabilities. This paper unpacks this relationship by drawing upon the theories of complementarity and operational ambidexterity to hypothesize the complex nomological network regarding the influences of data analytics capabilities. Specifically, we examine the mediating and moderating ways through which data analytics capabilities, operational ambidexterity, internal data-driven decision-making culture, and external industry IT intensity influence organizational performance. We gathered data from a large-scale, matched-pair field survey of business and IT executives at different time points to test the hypotheses. Our results provide evidence of an intriguing three-way interactive effect of data analytics capabilities, data-driven decision-making culture, and industry IT intensity on operational ambidexterity, which, in turn, impacts overall firm performance. Our moderated mediation analyses reveal further nuances of the relationships among the key constructs and explain why data analytics capabilities are a necessary but insufficient condition for improving firm performance. Our findings bear valuable implications for future research and practice.
Dr. J.J. Po-An Hsieh is a professor of information systems at Georgia State University. His current interest includes the future of work, artificial intelligence, data analytics, digital innovation, and effective post-adoptive IT usage behaviors and impacts. Dr. Hsieh has published in premier journals across different disciplines, such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Management Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Service Research among others. He has served or is serving among the editorial boards of MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, and Journal of the Association for Information Systems, among others. He received the Annual Best AE Award at Information Systems Research and Mid-Career Award by the Association of Information Systems. He was also the recipient of the Annual Best Journal Paper Award and the Best Conference Paper Award by the CTO division of the Academy of Management. He also received the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Information Systems. He was voted the Top Professor by students at Georgia State University for his teaching contributions. More info about his research and records is available at