Explaining disparity in robot application between countries: A cross-level lens of cultural tightness-looseness
Thu, Jun 20, 2024
SPEAKER:Prof. Xiaoping CHEN (University of Washington)
TIME/DATE:2024年6月26日(周三) 10时
Robots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing how work is done on a global scale, with a notable surge in robot application. However, there exist large disparities among countries and regions on robot application – an engagement of innovative activity in a nascent industry. To explain the country- and region-level differences in the global robotics landscape, we take a culture perspective and propose a cross-level lens of cultural tightness-looseness. This lens posits an interaction effect of cultural tightness between the first (i.e., country level) and second level (i.e., state-/province- level) on robot application at the third level (i.e., industry level). As such, we predict that people in a tight country or region would be more likely to innovate in a loose industry (e.g., robotics industry) than those in a loose country or region. More importantly, the effect of region tightness on robot application will be amplified by country tightness. Results based on multi-source longitudinal archival data provide strong support for our prediction. These findings together shed light on how cultural tightness at different levels interact to affect innovation in a loose domain.
陈晓萍,美国伊利诺大学工业和组织心理学博士,美国工业组织心理学会院士,现任美国华盛顿大学福斯特商学院Philip M. Condit讲席教授。她目前担任专业英文期刊Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes的主编,以及中英文双语杂志《管理视野》(Management Insights)的主编。陈晓萍教授的学术研究涉及很多组织行为和人力资源管理领域,主要的研究课题包括跨文化管理、个体和群体决策、领导学、商业谈判、创业者激情、和中国人的关系等。她的学术论文发表于全球顶尖的管理学和心理学期刊如Academy of Management Journal,Academy of Management Review,Journal of Applied Psychology,Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,Journal of International Business Studies等。同时,她也是《跨文化管理》、《组织和管理研究的实证方法》、《走出社会困境:诱导合作的心理机制》、《平衡—工作和生活的艺术》、《幸福的决定因素》、《简化人情》、《看山还是山》、《随心所欲》等中文书的作者。