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Unveiling the Power of Genetics: Early-Life Adversity Amplifies Genetic Predisposition for Self-employment?

Mon, May 13, 2024

SPEAKER: 童迪(上海外国语大学 助理教授)

TIME/DATE: 2024年5月14日(周二)12:00-13:00

CLASSROOM: 同济大厦A楼505室

TENCENT: 511185089

PW: 448705

LINK: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/BbhQt7UlNhAe


Entrepreneurship research remains contentious over whether nature (i.e., genetic predispositions) or nurture (i.e., environmental exposure) drives people into self-employment. Moreover, while behavioral genetics research has highlighted the importance of gene-environment interaction in determining behavior, how genetic predispositions’ impact on self-employment entry may depend on environmental conditions has yet to be examined. Using twins data collected in China and exploiting the Chinese send-down movement as an exogenous shock triggering early-life exposure to adverse environments, we document two main findings. First, while genetic effects are previously found to completely dominate any environmental effects in determining self-employment entry, we find that genetic predispositions and environments are about equally important. Second, prior studies have advanced competing models on how adverse environments may moderate genetic effects on behaviors. Differentiating between concurrent and a priori environments, we suggest that adversity exposure, in the long run, strengthens genetic impact on self-employment entry. This hypothesis is tested and supported by extending the basic ACE model to allow for moderating effects. Our findings enrich our understanding of how genetic predispositions affect self-employment entry. Complementing prior research, we show that genetic effects may not be as deterministic as previously conceived and can be highly contingent on environmental conditions.


童迪博士现为上海外国语大学国际工商管理学院助理教授。他在德雷塞尔大学获得战略管理博士, 一直致力于创业创新、员工流动性、战略人力资本研究领域的研究,取得一系列重要研究成果,在Research policy、Journal of Business Venturing和Advances in Strategic Management等期刊发表高水平论文3篇,并担任New England Journal of Entrepreneurship编委等学术兼职。



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