Learning Equilibrium Mean-Variance Strategy
Mon, Apr 01, 2024
Speaker: 董玉超(同济大学数学科学学院 助理教授)
Time/Date: 2024年4月2日(周二)12:00-13:00
Classroom: 同济大厦A楼505室
TENCENT meeting: 391311121
PW: 620714
Link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/JX4cz8TkEBgI
We study a dynamic mean-variance portfolio optimization problem under the reinforcement learning framework, where an entropy regularizer is introduced to induce exploration. Due to the time–inconsistency involved in a mean-variance criterion, we aim to learn an equilibrium policy. Under an incomplete market setting, we obtain a semi-analytical, exploratory, equilibrium mean-variance policy that turns out to follow a Gaussian distribution. We then focus on a Gaussian mean return model and propose a reinforcement learning algorithm to find the equilibrium policy. Thanks to a thoroughly designed policy iteration procedure in our algorithm, we prove the convergence of our algorithm under mild conditions, despite that dynamic programming principle and the usual policy improvement theorem failing to hold for an equilibrium policy. Numerical experiments are given to demonstrate our algorithm. The design and implementation of our reinforcement learning algorithm apply to a general market setup.