Career Experience
2019-present Professor, School of Economics & Management of Tongji University
2018-2019 Professor, U. of New Mexico. Visiting Scientist, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Visiting Prof., National Chengchi University.
2011-present Editor-in-Chief, Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Brought Elsevier’s international journal to record high impact factor. Re-organized editorial board and workflow to accommodate new submission rate of more than 1800 manuscripts/year.
2015-2018 Distinguished Professor, Far Eastern Group Endowed Chair, and Head of International College, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Key figure in internationalizing YZU and obtaining 5-year AACSB re-accreditation. Mentored young faculty in research and publication skills.
2011-2014 Visiting Professor, SUNY Stony Brook
2011-2014 Founding Korea Programs Chair, Dept. of Technology & Society, College of Engineering & Applied Sciences.
Founded BS, MS, PhD programs at SUNY’s Korea campus, attracting outstanding faculty and students.
2006-2007 Vice Provost for Research and Professor of Management, Alliant International University
Rationalized multi-campus IRBs, increased faculty research output and quality.
2006-2011 Professor of Management.
2004-2006 Associate Dean and Professor, Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, Netherlands
Responsible for accreditation of school; MBA, doctoral, and research programs; strategic positioning; alliances in thirty outreach MBA locations. Won large grant from Limburg Province for China studies.
2004-2012 Professor of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Research Methods
1995-2004 Professor of Management and Head of the School of Management, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology (OGI, merged in 2001 with Oregon Health & Science University)
Built M.S. program that Intel, Tektronix, IBM lauded as “best graduate management program in Oregon.”
Launched highly successful Health Care Management certificate program.
Became preferred distance learning provider to American Electronics Association member companies.
Built and won accreditation for distance learning program U.S. News & World Report (2001-02) listed in "Best of the Online Grad Programs."
Started department’s funded research, executive education, entrepreneurship, distance learning programs.
On committee guiding OGI through its merger with Oregon Health & Science University.
1995-2004 Affiliate Staff Scientist (Courtesy appointment), Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratories
1989-1995 University of Texas at Austin
Senior Research Fellow, IC2 Institute, 1984-present. Research Director, IC2 Institute, 1989-95.
Associate Director (for Informatics Research), Center for Cybernetic Studies, 1989-95
Senior Lecturer, Depts. of Marketing, Management Science/Information Systems, Economics 1989-95
Coordinated one hundred IC2 Institute Fellows - including winners of the Nobel Prize, Von Neumann Medal, etc. - in many scientific fields.
Co-P.I. on $5 million in AFOSR grants for Japan Technology Management studies.
Prominent roles in the "Austin Experiment" in technology-based economic growth, as teacher, speaker, researcher, author, and founder of organizations including the Austin Technology Council.
Faculty member in one of top 10 Marketing departments in U.S. (U. of Texas at Austin), 1989-95.
1978-1989 Market Research Corporation of America / MRCA Information Services, Stamford, CT
- Vice President and member of the Management Committee 1986-89
Performed strategic industry and acquisition analyses. Created an MRCA consulting group, taking profit/ loss responsibility. The Office of the Asst. Secretary of the Army called the group's analysis of recruiting and readiness issues "the most accurate and concise statement of our problem we have ever seen."
- Director, Research, Product Development, and Quality Assurance 1978-86
Pioneer designer of tools and concepts for market research (sampling and data analysis methods, computer packages, educational simulations) used by General Mills, Coca-Cola, Levi-Strauss, other Fortune 500 firms, including DYANA™, the industry's first interactive system for data-based consumer research.
Directed marketing-oriented projects for Nabisco, Frito-Lay, Coca-Cola, Levi's, Burlington Mills, etc.
Technical troubleshooter for client accounts; saved over $1 million in accounts from termination.
Authored and successfully evangelized quality control procedures and standards for all operations areas.
Earlier Employment: Visiting Professor at University of Hawai’i Manoa, 2001-02; SUNY Stony Brook, 2001-02; St. Edward's University; General Motors Research Laboratories; Universities of Aston and Birmingham (England); Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc.; Northwestern University.
Professional Affiliations
INFORMS; AAAS; PICMET; ISPIM; Western Regional Science Assoc.; Int’l Society for Systems Science.
Juries, Review Panels
- Juror, Balearic Innovation and Technology Park Design Competition, Mallorca, Spain, 1994.
- Curriculum review panel, SUNY Stony Brook, B.S. program in Technological Systems Studies, 2002.
- City Club of Portland task force evaluating Portland’s $200 million urban renewal agency, 2003-04.
- External tenure reviewer, George Mason University, 2005, Portland State U., 2005, U. of New Mexico, 2006.
- Economics and Management Panel 2009-11, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal.
- Judge, University Science Writing Competition, 2010.
- External dissertation reader, Singapore National University, 2012.
- Contributor panel, Global Forum on Agricultural Research Glossary of Futures Studies, 2013-14.
Task Forces, Committees
- OHSU task force on creation of biomedical engineering department; intellectual property committee, 2001.
- Task Force, Joint Boards (of Oregon Econ. Devel. Commission and State Board of Higher Education). Its Report to the Governor, Building the Bonds of a Knowledge Economy, led to legislation enabling state universities to own equity in spin-off firms and appropriating funds for a revitalized state seed capital fund.
Service & Editorial Activities, Directorships
- Member of the Academic Committee, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, 2019-.
- Board of Directors/Advisors of San Diego World Affairs Council, Alliances for Discovery, Cenquest Corp., The Software Quality Institute, Austin Technology Council, Paradigm II Companies, CellData Corp., Software Assoc. of Oregon, World Technopolis Assoc., Innovative Business Accelerator, Austin-Oita Sister City Committee, Incheon Free Economic Zone, World Association for Triple Helix and Future Strategy Studies, International Nonaka Academy, Big Heart Technologies.
- Editor-in-Chief of Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Editorial boards, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Int’l Jour. of Global Environmental Issues; Jour. of Technology Management for Growing Economies; Foresight and STI Governance. Scientific Board, Jour. Centrum Cathedra; National Research University (Moscow) book series Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (Springer). Honorary Editor, Jour. Open Innovation. Advisory Board, International Journal of Innovation Studies (Tsinghua University and Chinese Academy of Sciences), International Journal of Innov. and Tech. Management.
- Mentor, Apprenticeships in Science & Engineering (for secondary school students), 2001, 2002.
- Head instructor and faculty advisor, OGI Aikido Club 1995-2004, YZU Aikido Club 2016-17.
- Organizing, Program, and Awards Committee (Chair), PICMET, the Portland International Conferences on Management of Engineering and Technology, 1997-2003.
- Occasional reviewer for Technovation, Industrial Mktg Mgt., Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Internat’l Jour. of Innovation and Tech. Mgt., African Jour. Bus. Mgt., Systemic Practice & Action Res., Jour. of Engineering and Technology Mgt., Trends in Biotechnology, Technology and Innovation–Journal of the National Academy of Inventors,.other journals.
Selected Consulting
- Planning & Policy: Office of the President of Rwanda, 2013. Vice Presidency of Iran, 2014-15.
- High Tech Regional Economic Development: MOST/NARLabs, Taiwan; 2016; US-EPA 2010-11; UNESCO; World Technopolis Association; Government of Costa Rica, County of Maui.; Taeduk Science City (Korea); PUC-Paraná, Brazil, and the city of Curitiba in Paraná state, 1994; Govern Balear, Spain, 1992; Serbia Innovation Fund, 2012-13; Government of Indonesia, 2018.
- Research and Publishing: Elsevier’s Sci-Topics Pages; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2006-present; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, 2009-11. Samsung, 2015, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, 2017-).
- Higher Education: Cenquest, Inc.;Japan-America Institute of Management Science (JAIMS), Honolulu, 2002; Ministry of Education and Science (Albania), 2011; Escuela Superiór Internacional, Guatemala, 2009; Mongolian ECO ASIA and Ministry of Education, Culture & Sciences, 2005.
- Market Research: Intel Corp., 1998, 2000; MRCA Information Services; Copaken, White & Blitt, Kansas City, MO, 1995; Sell-Thru Services, Austin, TX, 1992; HEB, San Antonio, TX, 1990; Intelliquest, Austin, TX, 1989-90; Millward-Brown, Naperville, IL, 1989-90; Ashton-Tate, Los Angeles, CA, 1989; Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, Chicago, IL, 1979.
- Technology Commercialization: San Diego Zoo 2011; Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), government of South Korea;Korea Research Council for Industrial Science and Technology; Office of the Chancellor, Oregon University System; Japan Research Institute (Sumitomo), industry incubation consortium, 1992-96; Atlas Telecomm, Portland, OR, 1993.
- Foresight: Merck, 2016-18. Samsung, 2016.
- Speaker: Royal Statistical Society, Advertising Research Foundation Leaders' Forum, The Conference Board, American Marketing Association, UNESCO, others.
Specialized Training: United Nations security training, 2010, 2013, 2018.
- Academic authority. 100+ refereed articles; many articles and books for managers. Won multi-million-dollar research grants; Awards from national academies of science. Editor-in-Chief of a high-impact journal.
- Successful leadership, organization-building and research management experience in academe and industry.
- Experience managing multinational researchers, multidisciplinary projects, and alliances.
- Effective communication in many modes: journal articles, op-eds, web sites, trade magazines, public speaking.
- Travel/business experience in Europe, East Asia, Australia, Canada, South Pacific, Mexico, Caribbean, several South American countries, parts of Africa. Languages: Rusty Spanish and French; rudimentary Japanese.
Refereed Publications and Acceptances
- F. Phillips, G.M. White and K.E. Haynes, "Extremal Approaches to Estimating Spatial Interaction". Geographical Analysis, Vol. 8, April, 1976, 185-200.
- A. Charnes, K.E. Haynes, and F. Phillips, "A 'Generalized Distance' Estimation Procedure for Intra-Urban Interaction". Geographical Analysis, July, 1976, 289-294.
- A. Charnes, F. Granot, and F. Phillips, "An Algorithm for Solving Interval Linear Programming Problems". Operations Research, Vol. 25, #4, July-Aug. 1977.
- A. Charnes, R.D. Armstrong and F. Phillips, "Page Cuts for Integer Interval Linear Programming". Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1, #1,2, Sept. 1979, 1-14.
- K.E. Haynes, F. Phillips and G.M. White, "A Market/Consumer Model of Residential Property Values: The airport-noise – land use problem". Environment & Planning A. Vol. 8, May 1976, 271-286.
- A. Charnes, K.E. Haynes, F. Phillips, and G.M. White, "Dual Extended Geometric Programming Problems and the Gravity Model". Journal of Regional Science, vol. 17, #1,1977.
- K.E. Haynes, F. Phillips and B. Solomon, "A Coal Industry Distribution Planning Model Under Environmental Constraints". Economic Geography, vol.59, #1, pp.52-65, Jan. 1983.
- K.E. Haynes and F. Phillips, "Environment and Urban Housing: an Estimation Model". East Lakes Geographer: Proceedings, Akron, Ohio, 1979.
- K.E. Haynes, J. Mohrfeld and F. Phillips, "The Entropies: Some Roots of Ambiguity". Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 14, 137–145. May 1980.
- K.E. Haynes and F. Phillips, "Constrained Minimum Discrimination Information: A Unifying Tool for Modeling Spatial and Individual Choice Behavior". Environment and Planning A, vol.14, pp.1341-1354, 1982.
- K.E. Haynes and F. Phillips, "Minimum Information Methods and Individual Choice: Applications to Linear and Loglinear Regression and Competitive Spatial Interaction Models". In G.E. Lasker, ed., Applied Systems and Cybernetics: Proceedings of the International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetics -- Vol. II, Systems Concepts, Models and Methodology. Pergamon Press, New York, 1981.
- D.B. Learner and F. Phillips, "Information-Theoretic Models for Controlled Forecasting in Marketing." In D.B. Montgomery and D.R. Wittink, eds., Market Measurement and Analysis: Proceedings of the ORSA/TIMS Marketing Science Conference, Marketing Science Institute, 1979.
- A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, D.B. Learner and F. Phillips, "A Theorem and Approach to Market Segmentation". In R. Leone, ed., Market Measurement and Analysis: Proceedings of the Second ORSA/TIMS Marketing Science Conference, The Institute of Management Sciences, Providence RI, 1980.
- F. Phillips, "Comment on Goodhardt, et al., 'The Dirichlet Model of Consumer Choice'". The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series A (general), vol. 147, part 5, 621-655, 1984.
- K.E. Haynes, F. Phillips and B. Solomon, "Private Sector Decision Making in a Coal Industry Distribution Planning Model". In Wm. G. Vogt, ed., Modeling and Simulation, vol.13, 1059-1066. Instrument Soc. of America, 1982.
- A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, D.B. Learner and F. Phillips, "An MDI Model and an Algorithm for Composite Hypothesis Testing in Marketing". Marketing Science, Vol. 3, No. 1, winter 1984, 55-72.
- A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, D.B. Learner and F. Phillips, "Management Science and Marketing Management". invited paper, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49, no.2, pp. 93-105, spring 1985.
- F. Phillips, "Advanced DSS Design in Consumer and Marketing Research". DSS'85: Fifth International Conference on Decision Support Systems, 1985. Anthologized in R. Sprague and H. Watson, eds., Decision Support Systems: Putting Theory into Practice. Prentice-Hall, 1986. Adapted for case study at Ecole Des Hautes Etudes de Commerce, Montreal, 1987.
- B. Golany, F. Phillips and M. Kress, "Estimating Purchase Frequency Distributions with Incomplete Data". International Journal of Research in Marketing. vol.3, pp.169-179, 1986.
- K.E. Haynes and F. Phillips, "The Cost Constraint in the Maximum-Entropy Trip Distribution Model: A Research Note". Geographical Analysis, Vol. 19, No. 1, January 1987.
- D.B. Learner, F. Phillips, and J.J. Rousseau, "Managing Marketing Productivity: Mathematical and Computational Advances Allow Improved Management of Services Productivity, with Particular Application in Marketing." Proceedings of the 41st ESOMAR Congress on Marketing Research, 1988.
- B. Golany, D.B. Learner, F. Phillips and J.J. Rousseau, "Efficiency and Effectiveness in Marketing Management." In B.-H. Ahn (ed.), Asian-Pacific Operations Research: APORS '88 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1990.
- F. Phillips and B. Golany, "A Heuristic for Estimating Densities from Data in Histogram Form". Decision Sciences, Vol. 21 No.4, pp.862-881, Fall 1990.
- B. Golany, D.B. Learner, F. Phillips and J.J. Rousseau, "Managing Service Productivity". Computers, Environment & Urban Systems, Vol. 14 #2, 1990, 89-102.
- A.W. Donoho, F. Phillips and R. Parsons, "Parallel Microcomputing for DEA". Computers, Environment & Urban Systems, Vol. 14 #2, 1990, 167-170.
- B. Golany, F. Phillips and J.J. Rousseau, "Few-Wave vs. Continuous Consumer Panels: Some Issues of Attrition, Variance and Bias". International Journal of Research in Marketing, 8, 273-280, 1991.
- Fred Phillips and John J. Rousseau, "Efficiency of a Computer Company's Sales Regions." In J.W. Frazier, B.J. Epstein, F.A. Schoolmaster III, and J.D. Lord (eds.), Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences, Volume 13, Association of American Geographers, 1990, 80-87.
- B. Golany, F. Phillips and J.J. Rousseau, "Models for Improved Effectiveness Based on DEA Efficiency Results." IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers) Transactions, Vol. 25, No.6, November, 1993.
- F. Phillips, R.K. Srivastava and R.S. Springer, "Project Valuation and Scheduling with Recourse." in the refereed Proceedings of PICMET'91, the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (IEEE Engineering Management Society), October, 1991.
- D.B. Learner and F.Y. Phillips, "Method and Progress in Management Science." Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 9-24, 1993.
- A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, B. Golany, D.B. Learner, F. Phillips and J. J. Rousseau, "A Multiperiod Analysis of Market Segments and Brand Efficiency in the Competitive Carbonated Beverages Industry." in A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, A.Y. Lewin and L. Seiford (eds.), Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Methodology and Applications, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hingham, MA, in 1995 using the refereeing practices and standards of the journal Management Science.
- F. Phillips, "Brand Shifting in Hierarchical Markets: A New Model and Information Equivalency." Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.45, No.8, pp.901-915, 1994.
- John Allison, W.W. Cooper, George Kozmetsky, and Fred Phillips, "Self-Policing and Reinforcement as Alternatives to Government Regulation for Quality Assurance in Research." Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, Vol. 3, pp.137-145, 1993.
- John Allison, W.W. Cooper, George Kozmetsky, and Fred Phillips, "Comprehensive Audits for Use in Evaluating Scientific Research." Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, Vol. 3, pp.1-9, 1993.
- F. Phillips, “Analysis of a contingency table using MDI estimation in excel 3.0” (Research Note.) Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2013.
- G. Kozmetsky, S. Thore and F. Phillips, "DEA of Financial Statements Data: The U.S. Computer Industry." Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol.5, No.3, pp.229-248, 1994.
- with B. Golany and J.J. Rousseau, "Optimal Design of Syndicated Panels.” European Journal of Operations Research 87 (1995) 148-165.
- P. Brockett, A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, D.B. Learner and F. Phillips, "Marketing Research Unification by Information Theoretic Methods." European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 84, pp.310-329, 1995.
- S. Thore, G. Kozmetsky, F. Phillips, T. Ruefli, and P. Yue, "DEA and the Management of the Product Cycle: the U.S. Computer Industry." Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 23, No.4, 341-356, 1995.
- P. Brockett, S.H. Cox, B. Golany, F. Phillips and Y. Song, "Actuarial Use of Grouped Data: An Information Theoretic Approach to Incorporating Secondary Data." The Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, Vol. 47, 1996.
- F. Phillips and N. Kim, "Implications of Chaos Research for New Product Forecasting." Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 53, Issue 3, 1996, 239-261.
- K.E. Haynes, Fred Y. Phillips, L. Qiangsheng, N.S. Pandit and C.R. Arieira, “Managing Investments in Emerging Technologies: The Case of IVHS/ITS.” ITS Journal, 1996, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.21-47.
- Fred Phillips, Andrew Donoho, William Keep, Walter Mayberry, John M. McCann, Karen Shapiro, and David Smith, “Electronically Connecting Retailers and Customers: Summary of an Expert Roundtable.” Journal of Shopping Center Research 4:2 Fall/Winter 1997, 63-94.
- Fred Phillips, Lyle Ochs, and Mike Schrock, “The Product is Dead!” PICMET ‘97, Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, July, 1997.
- Jun Kamo and Fred Phillips, “The Evolutionary Organization as a Complex Adaptive System.” PICMET ‘97, Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, July, 1997.
- F. Phillips, “Public Health and Aesthetics in the Environmental Debate.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change 55:2, June, 1997, pp.193-195.
- F. Phillips, “University-Industry Partnerships in Management Research.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change 57:3, March, 1998, pp.257-260.
- Fred Phillips, Lyle Ochs, and Mike Schrock, “The Product is Dead; Long Live the Product-Service.” Research•Technology Management,vol. 42, no. 4, July-August, 51-56 ,1999.
- F. Phillips, “A Method for Detecting a Shift in a Trend“ PICMET ‘99, Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. July, 1999.
- F. Phillips, “Some Good Reasons for Faith in the Market.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 60, 95-96, 1999.
- F. Phillips and S. Tuladhar, “Measures of Organizational Flexibility.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change 64/1, May 2000, 23-38.
- Lois Delcambre, Mathew Weaver, Timothy Tolle, David Maier, Eric Landis, Shawn Bowers, Patty Toccalino, Fred Phillips, Nicole Steckler, Craig Palmer, Julia Norman, Rupini Tummala, Sonali Varde (2001) “Similarity search for harvesting information to sustain our forest.” Proceedings of DG.O 2002, the Digital Government Conference, April 2002, pp 155-158.
- Balbinder Banga, Lois Delcambre, Eric Landis, Fred Phillips, Tim Tolle, “User Needs Assessment for the Adaptive Management Portal.” Proceedings of DG.O 2002, the Digital Government Conference, Los Angeles, April 2002, pp1-9.
- Timothy Tolle, Patty Toccalino, Lois M. L. Delcambre, Julia Norman, Fred Phillips, David Maier, “Using Controlled Vocabularies as a Knowledge Base for Natural Resource Managers.” dg.o '02 Proceedings of the 2002 Annual National Conference on Digital Government Research. Pages 1-7. Digital Government Society of North America ©2002.
- L. Delcambre, T. Tolle, D. Maier, F. Phillips, P. Toccalino, N. Steckler, M. Koch, L. Shapiro, E. Landis, B. Banga, S. Bowers, J. Brewster, A. Gutema, W. Howe, S. Murthy, J. Norman, R. Tummala, M. Weaver, and K. Zillman. 2003. “Harvesting Information to Sustain our Forests.” Communications of the ACM. 46(1):38-39.
- Marianne Koch, Lois Delcambre, Patricia Toccalino, Eric Landis, Fred Phillips, Tim Tolle, Len Shapiro, Nicole Steckler, David Maier, Mathew Weaver, Shawn Bowers, Balbinder Banga, Jason Brewster, Afrem Gutema, Sudarshan Murthy, Bill Howe, Rupa Tummala, Julia Norman, Kirsten Zillman, David Drake, Craig Palmer, Ashley Burt (2003) “The forest portal: a multidisciplinary project.” Proceedings of the 2003 annual national conference on Digital government research. pp 1-4. Digital Government Society of North America.
- Lois Delcambre, Timothy Tolle, David Maier, Mathew Weaver, Daniel Behlings, Patricia Toccalino, Lacey Baldwin, Fred Phillips, Nicole Steckler, Marianne Koch, Marianne Lykke Nielsen, Eric Landis (2003) Harvesting information to sustain our forests: serendipity supplement (2001) REU supplement (2001) deployment supplement. Proceedings of the 2004 annual national conference on Digital government research, p.54. Digital Government Society of North America.
- F. Phillips, “Trading Down: The Intellectual Poverty of the New FTAs.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Volume 71, Issue 8, October 2004, pp. 865-876.
- Lois Delcambre, Fred Phillips and Mathew Weaver, “Knowledge Management: A Re-Assessment and Case.” Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 17:3, 2005.
- F. Phillips, “New Directions for Technology-Based Economic Development: Evidence from Austin, Portland, and Beyond.” in E. Kaynak and T. Harcar (eds.) Advances in Global Management Development (Proceedings of the 2004 Congress of the International Management Development Association), Maastricht, 2004, pp. 677-684.
- F. Phillips, “25 Years of Data Envelopment Analysis.” International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 4, Issue 3, September, 2005, 317-323.
- F. Phillips, “The Techno-Management Imagination.” Proceedings of the PICMET Conferences, Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, 2005.
- F. Phillips, “Technology and the Management Imagination.” Pragmatics & Cognition, 13:3, 533-565, 2005.
- F. Phillips, “Toward an Intellectual and Theoretical Foundation for ‘Shared Prosperity.’” Systemic Practice and Action Research, 18:6, December, 2005, pp. 547-568.
- F. Phillips and L. Seiford, “IFORS Operational Research Hall of Fame: Abraham Charnes.” International Transactions in Operational Research 13:3, May, 2006, 273-77.
- F. Phillips, “On S-curves and Tipping Points.” Tech. Forecasting & Social Change, 74(6), July 2007, 715-730.
- F. Phillips, “Change in socio-technical systems: Researching the Multis, the Biggers, and the More Connecteds.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 75(5), June 2008, 721-734.
- F. Phillips, “The Godfathers: Characteristics and Roles of Central Individuals in the Transformation of Techno-Regions.” Journal of Centrum Cathedra, 1(2): 12-27, 2008.
- F. Phillips and Y.-S. Su, Advances in evolution and genetics: Implications for technology strategy, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change 76(5): 597-607, 2009.
- F. Phillips, “Zen and Management Education.” Journal of Centrum Cathedra, 1(4) September 2009.
- F. Phillips, “Inter-institutional Relationships and Emergency Management.” International Journal of Society Systems Science, Vol. 3, No.1/2 2011 pp. 40 - 57.
- P. Limprayoon and F. Phillips, “Corporate vs. Social Attitudes toward Environmental Externalities.” Int'l. Jour. Global Environmental Issues, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011, pages 109-138.
- Mei-Chih Hu and F. Phillips, Technological evolution and interdependence in China’s emerging biofuel industry. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 78(7), September 2011, Pages 1130-1146.
- F. Phillips, The state of technological and social change: Impressions. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Volume 78, Issue 6, July 2011, Pages 1072-1078
- F. Phillips and Y.-S. Su, “Chaos, Strategy, and Action: How not to fiddle while Rome burns.” International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.10, No. 6, pp.1-19, December 2013.
- F. Phillips, “Social Capital, Social Engineering, and the Technopolis.” World Technopolis Review, 1(2) April 2012, 86-91.
- F. Betz and F. Phillips, “Models-Talking-To-Models For Policy.” Proceedings of PICMET’13, San Jose CA, 2013.
- H. Linstone and F. Phillips, “The Simultaneous Localization-Globalization Impact of Information/Communication Technology.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 80 (2013), 1438-1443.
- F. Phillips, “A Life in Systems.” Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the International Society for System Sciences - 2013 HaiPhong, Vietnam.
- Rachel H. Kim and F. Phillips, “Innovation Capability in Pharmaceutical R&D Management.” Management Review: An International Journal, 8 (1), 76-97, Summer, 2013.
- F. Phillips, “Meta-measures for Technology and Environment.” Foresight, Volume 16 Issue 5 pp. 410–431 (2014).
- F. Phillips, D. Chang, S. Heetun, B. Kim, H-J Lee, and S. Park, “High-Performance Inter-Organizational Interaction for Disaster Response: An evolutionary game.” PICMET ‘14 (Portland International Conferences on Management of Engineering & Technology), Kanazawa, Japan.
- F. Betz and F. Phillips, “Model Ontology For Economic Models.” PICMET ‘14 (Portland International Conferences on Management of Engineering & Technology) Proceedings, Kanazawa, Japan.
- F. Phillips, “Triple Helix and the Circle of Innovation.” Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia (JCEA). Vol. 13, No. 1, April/May 2014, 57-68.
- Mei-Chih Hu, F. Phillips, Ching-Yan Wu and Sheng-Hsiang Wang, “The influence of technological regime in the LED industry: The innovative latecomer’s perspective.” Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 17(1), 91-114, 2015.
- Frederick Betz, Antonnie Jetter, Whasik Min, Fred Phillips and Dong Woo Shin, “Innovation Intermediaries in a Triple Helix.” Jour. Knowledge Economy, June 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp 587–599. DOI 10.1007/s13132-014-0230-7
- F. Betz and F. Phillips, “Model Ontology and Information Architecture.” Proceedings of PICMET2015.
- H. Yoon, S. Yun, J. Lee and F. Phillips, “Entrepreneurship in East Asian Regional Innovation Systems: Role of Social Capital.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 100, November 2015, 83-95.
- D.-S. Oh and F. Phillips, “Sharing Innovation’s Benefits.” World Technopolis Review, 4(3), 126-131, 2015.
- F. Phillips, G. George Hwang, and Pornpimol Limprayoon, “Inflection Points and Industry Change: Was Andy Grove Right After All?” Int’l. Jour. Technology Management in Growing Economies, Vol. 7, Issue 1, April, 2016.
- F. Phillips and H. Linstone, “Key Ideas from a 25-Year Collaboration at TFSC.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 105, pp.158-166, April, 2016.
- Deog-Seong Oh, Fred Phillips, Sehee Park, and Eunghyun Lee, “Innovation Ecosystems: A critical examination.” Technovation, 54 (2016) 1–6.
- Cheng-Chin Tsao, Pei-Chann Chang, Chin-Yuan Fan, Shu-Hao Chang, Fred Phillips, “A patent quality classification model based on an artificial immune system.” Soft Computing, May 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00500-016-2212-0.
- (SSRN TOP TEN): L. Golden, J. Hsieh, C. Ingene and F. Phillips, “Business Schools in Crisis.” Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 2(1), 1-21, June, 2016. DOI 10.1186/s40852-016-0037-9;
- F. Phillips, Letter: "Deciphering p values: Defining significance." Science, 05 Aug 2016:Vol. 353, Issue 6299, p.551.
- F. Phillips, “The Circle of Innovation.” Journal of Innovation Management Vol. 4, No.3, 12-31, 2016.
- F. Phillips and D.-S. Oh, “Technology Assessment and the Social and Human Impact of Innovation.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 72(6), 402-411, 2016.
- F. Phillips, Multiplicity and Divergence Challenge the Social Sciences. Kondratieff Waves: Cycles, Crises, and Forecasts 2016 1–27.
- F. Phillips, D.-S. Oh, and E.-H. Lee, “Cluster or Diversify? A dilemma for sustainable local techno-economic development.” World Technopolis Review, 5(2) pp. 86-97, December, 2017.
- F. Phillips, “Perspectives on Big Data.” Science and Public Policy, 44(5) 2017, 730-737. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scx012
- S. Heetun, F. Phillips and S. Park, “Post-Disaster Cooperation among Aid Agencies.” Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 35(3) 233-247, May-June 2018. (Published online 15 June, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/sres.2476.)
- F. Phillips, Ching-Ying Yu, Tahir Hameed and Mahmoud Abdullah El Akhdary, “Knowledge Society: Origins and Current Trajectory.” International Journal of Innovation Studies, 1(3) (2017) pp. 175-191.
- Hyungseok Yoon, Namil Kim, Bernard Buisson, and Fred Phillips, “A Cross-National Study of Knowledge, Economic Freedom, and Innovative Nascent Entrepreneurship.” Jour. Bus. Res., 84, 243-252, 2018.
- F. Phillips, J. Chang, and Y-S. Su, “When do efficiency and flexibility determine firm performance? A simulation study.” Jour. Innovation & Knowledge, 4 (2019) 88-96.
- F. Phillips, “Innovation for Sustainability,” Strategic Change, 27(6): 539-542, 2018.
- F. Phillips, The Sad State of Entrepreneurship Today: What educators can do about it. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.129, 2018, 12-15.
- F. Phillips, “The Globalization Paradox,” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 143 (2019) 319-320.
- Wiley Award for JAIST Top Downloaded Paper 2018-19: Leydesdorff, Loet, Igone Porto, Jordan A. Comins, F. Phillips, (2019) “Synergy in the Knowledge Base of US Innovation Systems at National, State, and Regional Levels: The Contributions of High-Tech Manufacturing and Knowledge-intensive Services.” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 70(10): 1108–1123, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/asi.24182
- Ulrich A.K. Betz, Frederick Betz, Rachel Kim, Brendan Monks, and Fred Phillips, Surveying the future of science, technology and business – a 35-year perspective. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Volume 144, July 2019, Pages 137-147.
- F. Phillips, “The End of Determinism: The Circle of Innovation.” European J. of International Management, 2019. DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2020.10021762
- F. Phillips, Does Complexity Belong Inside the Firm, or Out? Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1) 2020.
- F. Phillips, Hsing-Er Lin, Trudi Schifter and Nicholas Folse, “Augmented Popperian Experiments: A framework for sustainability knowledge development across contexts.” Forthcoming, European J. of International Management, May 2019. Preprint at and
- F. Phillips, A View of China’s Prospects, Obstacles, and Contradictions. World Technopolis Review 8(1) 2-7, June, 2019.
- U. Betz, F. Phillips, B. Monks, Scientists, businesspeople, professional forecasters predict differing worlds of 2052. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, August 5, 2019.
- F. Phillips, Z. Pu, & M. Martinez-Ramon (2020, refereed conference paper) Project Plan: Toward the Sustainable Development Goals. ISPIM, Bangkok.
- Fan Zhang, Xiangzheng Deng, Chao Wang and F. Phillips, Impacts of industrial structure and technical progress on carbon emission intensity: Evidence from 281 cities in China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.154, May 2020, paper #119949.
- F. Phillips, The SDG Project: A Long-term Project under Technological Uncertainty. Engineering, Volume 6 Issue 6 (June 2020)
- F. Phillips, From My Perspective: Toward Peace Engineering. Accepted to Technological Forecasting & Social Change special issue on Peace Engineering (Y. Marinakis, guest editor), June, 2020.
Submitted for Peer Review
- Yun-Chu Delphine Wang, Fred Phillips and Chyan Yang, Bridging Innovation and Commercialization to Create Value: Open Innovation at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). Submitted to Journal of Business Research, 2019.
- K.E. Haynes, F. Phillips & C.-Y. Yu, Recent Applications of Entropy in Social and Environmental Sciences, with Evaluative Comments. Submitted to Aura Reggiani, Laurie A. Schintler and Danny Czamanski (eds.) Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2020 forthcoming.
- Yu-Wen Sophia Liu, Chin-Chia Michael Liang & F. Phillips, Precursors of intellectual property rights enforcement in East and Southeast Asia Submitted to Industrial Marketing Management, Feb. 2020.
- Fred Phillips, Urusha Thapa, Benjamin Matheson, Yun Jeong Choi, Jeongeun Byun, & Eun Sun Kim, Why Don’t Regional Innovation Systems Have Comprehensive Information Support? Submitted to JASIST, May 2020.
- F. Phillips, Commentary: Peace Engineering Gains Momentum. Submitted to Sustainability, April 2020.
- Sepehr Ghazinoory, Nasrin Bigdelou, Masoud Afshari-Mofrad, & F. Phillips, Innovation Lives in Ecotones, Not Ecosystems. Submitted to Research Policy, April, 2020.
Articles in preparation and planned
- S.-H. Lee and F. Phillips, “The Future of Fabrics.”
- F. Phillips and ?, “The Natural Resource Curse: Perspectives from several developing countries.”
- Fajardo, Pereyra, and Phillips, “Modeling a class of technological transitions.”
- Frederick Betz, Tugrul Daim, Michael Kim, Fred Phillips, “National science & technology policy model for cooperative innovation”
- Yohan Kim, Yun Bae Kim, and Fred Phillips, “Unexpected Impact from a Government-imposed Barrier on Telecommunication Industry: Lessons learned from Korea’s WIPI”
- F. Phillips, Z.N. Pu, and A. Chao, “Toward the Sustainable Development Goals: Treating Tradeoffs under Political Risk and Technological Uncertainty”
- F. Phillips and S. MacMillan, “Innovation Ecosystems: Antecedents and Influences.”
Books Authored
- F. Phillips, Market-Oriented Technology Management: Innovating for Profit in Entrepreneurial Times. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001.
- F. Phillips, The Conscious Manager: Zen for Decision Makers. General Informatics, Beaverton, OR, 2003.
- F. Phillips, Social Culture and High Tech Economic Development: The Technopolis Columns. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2006.
- Javier Vitale, F. Phillips and 27 others, A Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Futures Studies. Forward Thinking Platform/Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), 2014.
- F. Phillips, What About the Future? New perspectives on planning, forecasting and complexity. Springer, 2019.
- F. Phillips, El Gerente Consciente: Zen para los que toman decisiones. (Translation of The Conscious Manager.) Editorial Académica Española, 2018.
Books Edited
1. F. Phillips and J.J. Rousseau (eds.) Systems and Management Science by Extremal Methods: Research Honoring Abraham Charnes at Age 70, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell MA, 1992.
2. F. Phillips (ed.), Concurrent Life Cycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives. IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
3. F. Phillips (ed.), Thinkwork: Working, Learning and Managing in a Computer-Interactive Society. Praeger, Westport, Conn., 1992.
4. S. El-Badry, H. Lopez-Cepero, and F. Phillips, (eds.), US-Japan Shared Progress in Technology Management and Technology Policy. IC2 /JIMT monograph #2, 1994.
5. W.W. Cooper, D.V. Gibson, F. Phillips, and S. Thore (eds.), IMPACT: How IC2 Research Affects Public Policy and Business Practices. Greenwood (Quorum Books), Westport, Conn., 1997.
- F. Phillips (ed. and series ed.), Managing Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, 2009.
- (as series editor) Stephanie Jones, Khaled Wahba, and Beatrice I.J.M. van der Heijden, How to Write Your MBA Thesis: A Comprehensive Guide for All Master’s Students Required to Write a Research-Based Thesis or Dissertation. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, (2007)
- (as series editor) Joop Remmé, Stephanie Jones, Beatrice I.J.M. van der Heijden and Silvio De Bono, Leadership, Change, and Responsibility. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, (2008)
- (as series editor) Stephanie Jones and Silvio De Bono, Managing Cultural Diversity. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, (2008)
- D.S. Oh and F. Phillips (eds.) Technopolis: Best Practices for Science & Technology Cities. Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4471-5507-2.
- D.S. Oh and F. Phillips (eds.) Smart Cities. In preparation, World Scientific.
Journal Special Issues and Special Sections, Edited
1. F. Phillips and Manabu Eto, eds., Special Section “Revitalizing University Research and Its Contribution to Society.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change 57, 3, March 1998, 205-265.
2. F. Phillips and David Drake, eds., Special Edition “Navigating Complexity: The Future of Knowledge and Learning in Organizations.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change 64/1, May 2000.
3. F. Phillips, Y.-S. Su, eds., Special Section “Advances in evolution and genetics: Implications for technology strategy,” Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change June 2009.
Proceedings Edited
- J.P. Hsu, F. Phillips and J. Gervais (eds.), International Workshop on Concurrent Engineering. National Science Foundation, 1991.
- F. Phillips, R. Goldgar and J. Orth (eds.), Software Engineering in the 90s: Perspectives for Austin's Growth as a Software Center. IC2 Institute of The University of Texas at Austin and Austin Software Council, 1992.
- F. Phillips and Chirag Desai (eds.), New Software Technologies. IC2 Institute, 1993.
- Robert Culbertson and F. Phillips (eds.), ElectroComm '94: A Conference on Electronic Commerce. IC2 Institute, 1995.
- H. Curtis, W. Lopez, and F. Phillips (eds.), The Asian Flat Panel Display: Technology and Strategy - Proceedings of a University-Industry Workshop, Portland, 1996. Oregon Graduate Institute, 1996.
- Ronald Tuninga, Fred Phillips, and Ron Soeren (eds) Proceedings of the MsM Partners’ Conference 2005. Maastricht School of Management, July, 2005.
- Fred Phillips, and Johanna Korff (eds) Proceedings of the MsM Partners’ Conference 2006. Maastricht School of Management, June, 2006.
- Fred Phillips, and Beau Erken (eds) Proceedings of the MsM Partners’ Conference 2007. Maastricht School of Management, June, 2007.
- Fred Phillips, and Fer Somogyi (eds) Proceedings of the MsM Partners’ Conference 2008. Maastricht School of Management, June, 2008.
Book Chapters
- D.B. Learner and F. Phillips, "A. Charnes' Contributions to Marketing." in F. Phillips and J.J. Rousseau (eds.) Systems and Management Science by Extremal Methods: Research Honoring Abraham Charnes at Age 70, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell MA, 1990.
- F. Phillips, "ParcBIT and Balearic Economic Development," in A. Font (ed), ParcBIT: toward new ways of living and working in the 21st century. Consellería d'Hisenda y Economia, Govern Balear, Palma de Mallorca, © 1995.
- D.B. Learner, F. Phillips and J.J. Rousseau, "A Management System for Analyzing and Monitoring the Productivity of Armed Forces Recruiting." in W.W. Cooper, D.V. Gibson, F. Phillips, S. Thore and A. Whinston (eds), IMPACT: How IC2 Research Affects Public Policy and Business Markets. Kluwer, 1996, 167-188.
- K.E. Haynes, F.Y. Phillips and R. Srivastava, "Uncertainty in Infrastructure Management." in J. Giffor, D. Uzarski and S. McNeil (eds.) Infrastructure Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1993, pp. 452-461.
- "Computer Evaluation of Legislative Redistricting Plans", in C.A. Andrews and R.E. Yager, eds., Abbreviated Report by Research Participants in Secondary Science Training Program. SUI Press, Iowa City, 1967.
- "The Regional Impact of an Environmental Policy: Pollution Abatement on the Hudson, the Refuse Act of 1899". In K.E. Haynes and J.E. Hazleton, Establishment of Operational Guidelines for Texas Coastal Zone Management. LBJ School of Public Affairs, Austin, 1973.
- "Life Cycles and Concurrent Analysis." in F.Y. Phillips (ed.), Concurrent Life Cycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives. IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
- F. Phillips and L. Spindler, "Product Life Cycle Planning and Global Location Dynamics." in F.Y. Phillips (ed.), Concurrent Life Cycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives. IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
- "The Data Fusion Problem." in F.Y. Phillips (ed.), Concurrent Life Cycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives. IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
- with B. Golany, "A Maximum-Entropy Based Heuristic for Density Estimation from Data in Histogram Form." in F.Y. Phillips (ed.), Concurrent Life Cycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives. IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
- "Tracking the Introduction of a New Product: What Really Happens?" in F.Y. Phillips (ed.), Concurrent Life Cycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives. IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
- "Customer Orientation, and Can the PC Market Absorb all these Mips?" in F.Y. Phillips (ed.), Thinkwork: Working, Learning and Managing in a Computer-Interactive Society. Praeger, New York, 1992.
- K.E. Haynes, F. Phillips and R. Srivastava, “Uncertainty as a Management Evaluation Tool for Projects.” in Manas Chatterji (ed.), Regional Science: Perspectives for the Future. McMillan and St. Martin’s Press, Devon, U.K., 1996, pp.127-143.
- Fred Phillips, Andrew Donoho, William Keep, Walter Mayberry, John M. McCann, Karen Shapiro, and David Smith, “Electronically Connecting Retailers and Customers: Interim Summary of an Expert Roundtable.” in Robert A. Peterson (ed.), Electronic Marketing and the Consumer, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, 1997.
- K.E. Haynes, F. Phillips, N.S. Pandit and C.R. Areira, “Investment Policy and Innovation Management: An Exploratory Analysis.” in C.S. Bertuglia, S. Lombardo and P. Nijkamp (eds.), Innovative Behaviour in Space and Time. Springer, Berlin, 1997.
- F. Phillips, “University-Industry Partnerships in Management Research.” in R. Ronstadt and G. Kozmetsky (eds) Newer Perspectives on the Generation of Knowledge. IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin, 1999.
- F. Phillips, “Entrepreneurship: An introduction to critical issues for new growth businesses.” Invited introductory chapter for Research for Egypt’s Development, 2005-2006 (Vol. 1: Family Business and Entrepreneurship), published by Regional Information Technology Institute (RITI), Cairo, 2006.
- F. Phillips, “Economic Development Alliances.” Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations. IDEA Group / Information Resources Management Association, Hershey, PA, 2007.
- F. Phillips, “Technology and the management imagination” in Itiel E. Dror (ed.) Cognitive Technologies and the Pragmatics of Cognition. John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 2007.
- Fred Phillips & Jean S. Verhardt, “Firms, innovation and entrepreneurship.” Chapter 1 in F. Phillips (ed.), Managing Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, 2009.
- Gene Konecci, Fred Phillips, & Jean S. Verhardt, “The business plan.” Chapter 7 in F. Phillips (ed.), Managing Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, 2009.
- Jean S. Verhardt, Rod McNaughton, & Fred Phillips, “Funding for new businesses and for corporate R&D.” Chapter 11 in F. Phillips (ed.), Managing Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, 2009.
- Fred Phillips, “Assessing and enhancing the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship.” Chapter 15 in F. Phillips (ed.), Managing Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, 2009.
- Fred Phillips, “Pulling the threads together: New products and new firms.” Chapter 16 in F. Phillips (ed.), Managing Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Meyer & Meyer Media, Aachen, 2009.
- L. Sieford and F. Phillips, “Profile of Abraham Charnes.” In S. Gass and A. Assad (eds.), Profiles in Operations Research. Springer, 2010.
- F. Phillips, Sukaina Alarakhia, and Joy Limprayoon, “The Triple Helix: International Cases and Critical Summary.” In D.S. Oh and F. Phillips (eds.) Technopolis: Best Practices for Science & Technology Cities. Springer (2014).
- F. Phillips, “Toward a Sustainable Technopolis.” In D.S. Oh and F. Phillips (eds.) Technopolis: Best Practices for Science & Technology Cities. Springer (2014).
- F. Phillips and N. Sheikh, “Relocation Incentive Decisions: Opinions of economic development professionals.” In Zhenhua Chen, William M. Bowen and Dale Whittington (eds.) Development Studies in Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Kingsley E. Haynes. In press at Springer. 2020.
- [in English] INTRODUCTION to Bible of STI Policy. Published in Iran in Persian (2019), later English edition planned.
Book Reviews
- Kessler, R.C. and D.F. Greenberg, Linear Panel Analysis. In Journal of Marketing Research, August, 1982. (Review by F. Phillips and V.L. Narasimhan)
- Lester C. Thurow, The Zero-Sum Society: Distribution and the Possibilities for Economic Change. In Economic Geography, 1982. (Review by F. Phillips and H.O. Phillips)
- S. Hawking, A Brief History of Time. In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 1990.
- Richard A. Goodman and Michael W. Lawless, Technology and Strategy: Conceptual Models and Diagnostics. In Interfaces, 26:1, 134-136, Jan-Feb, 1996.
- Chuck Pettis, TechnoBrands: How to Create & Use “Brand Identity” to Market, Advertise & Sell Technology Products. In Interfaces, 26:4, 88-89, July-Aug., 1996.
- Cusumano, Michael A., and Richard W. Selby. 1995, Microsoft Secrets: How the World’s Most Powerful Software Company Creates Technology, Shapes Markets, and Manages People. In Interfaces 27-3, May-June 1997, 101-103.
- Laszlo, Ervin, and Christopher Laszlo. 1997, The Insight Edge: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Evolutionary Management, Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut. In Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 58, 321-322 (1998).
- Managing Technical Risk: Understanding Private Sector Decision Making on Early Stage Technology-Based Projects. Prepared for U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Assessment Office, Advanced Technology Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, by Lewis M. Branscomb, Kenneth P. Morse, Michael J. Roberts, and Darin Boville. NIST GCR 00-787, April, 2000. In Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 69-2, February, 2002, pp. 217-221.
- James, Jeffrey, Technology, Globalization and Poverty. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2002. In Technological Forecasting & Social Change 70 (2003) 493-496.
- Terence E. Brown and Jan Ulijn (eds.), Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Culture: The Interaction Between Technology, Progress and Economic Growth. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2004. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Volume 72, Issue 2, (February 2005) 245-248.
- Simon Commander (ed.), The Software Industry in Emerging Markets. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2005. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Volume 74, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 110-112.
- Jonathan Peizer, The Dynamics of Technology for Social Change, iUniverse, Lincoln, Nebraska (2006) Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Volume 74, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 238-239.
Cover Blurbs/Endorsements
- Cover blurb for S. Yano, New Lanchester Strategy, Vol. 3 (Lanchester Press, Sunnyvale, CA, 1996).
- Cover blurb for Electronic Shock by Michael deKare-Silver, 1998.
- Cover blurb for Building Effective Questionnaires by Robert Peterson, 1999.
- Cover blurb for Zenwise Selling by Lee Godden, 2003.
- Cover blurb for The Art of Business by Raymond Yeh, 2004.
- Cover blurb for Semiconductor Front Runners Intel and Samsung: Past Successes, Present Dilemmas, Future Directions by Yong-In Shin, 2009.
Policy Reports / Analyses
- K.E. Haynes, J.E. Hazleton, F. Phillips, G.M. White, et al. "Establishing Operational Guidelines for Texas Coastal Zone Management". LBJ School of Public Affairs, Austin, 1974.
- F. Phillips, Texas Electronics Manufacturing: The Role of Higher Education. IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, December, 1989.
- F. Phillips (ed.), "The Stateless Corporation and H.R. 4611 (Easing Antitrust Restraints on Joint Manufacturing Ventures)." IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin, August, 1990.
- F. Phillips (ed.), "The U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement." IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin, September, 1990.
- "Toward Research and Policy Priorities for the Integrated North American Market." IC2 Institute of The University of Texas at Austin, January, 1991.
- F. Phillips, "A U.S. Perspective on Japan's Technology Policy." April, 1991. This roundtable appeared (in Japanese translation) in JETRO SENSOR, the magazine of the Japan External Trade Organization.
- F. Phillips and Travis Hoppe, "White Paper on Building a U.S. Environmental Industry." IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin, 1994.
- F. Phillips, A. Roberts and M. Burningham (eds.), Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship for Economic Growth and Quality of Life in Oregon and Southern Washington: International Benchmarks. Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, October, 1999.
- Clyde Doctor, Marilynne Albers, Anne Marie Claire, Lynne Coward, Vern Faatz, Paul Fellner; Wade Fickler, Liv-Elsa Jenssen, Kurt Krause, David Mandell, Paul Manson, Paul Meyer, Fred Phillips and Sue Thomas, The Portland Development Commission: Governance, Structure, and Process. City Club of Portland Bulletin, Vol. 86, No. 34, January 21, 2005.
- Deog-Seong Oh and F. Phillips, “Strategy and Implementation for UNESCO Global Innovation Forum.” Proceedings of the Preparatory Conference for Daejeon Global Innovation Forum, 2013.
- F. Phillips, “Editorial: State and Direction of the Journal, 2013.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 82 (2014) 1–5.
- D.-S. Oh, B.-J. Kang, F. Phillips, and S.-F. Kung, “Prospects for S&T Park in Indonesia.” UNESCO, December, 2013.
- F. Phillips and T. Daim, “Response to IARPA RFI-13-06, Analyzing S&T Activities: Forecasting S&T trends and milestones.” October, 2013.
- F. Phillips with Joy Walden, “Review of the Indonesia Technoparks Development Plan: Assessing Indonesia’s Innovation System, with Special Reference to Technopark Strategy.” UNESCO, 2018.
- F. Phillips, B.Matheson, U. Thapa, Technology Commercialization in Regional Innovation Systems, with a Focus on Information Infrastructure. Korea Institute for Science & Technology Information (KISTI), 2019.
Magazine and Trade Magazine Articles
- "Beyond Modernism, What?" (Letter) Harper's, March, 1985.
- "Three Aikido Stories". Aikido Today - Journal of the Aikido Association of America. 1st quarter, 1986.
- "The Mind of the Warrior: Perceptions of U.S. Elite Forces in Popular Culture and in the Regular Forces". Aikido Today - Journal of the Aikido Association of America. 4Q1986 and 1Q1987, in two parts.
- "Marketing Productivity". Newsletter of the Austin Chapter of the American Marketing Association, 1987.
- "Strategic Management in the Information Age", in McEwen on Marketing, Austin, Texas, January 1989.
- "The Sword Symbol, Aikido and Madame Butterfly," lecture-demonstration in support of Austin Lyric Opera's production of Madame Butterfly, 1990. Reprinted in Aikido Today, 1990.
- "Technology Incubation, Japanese Style." IC2 Technology Knowledge Access, January 1993.
- "Abraham Charnes, 1917-1992." OR/MS Today, April, 1993, pp. 44-45.
- F. Phillips, M. Harris and Eric Schell, "Critical Path Chicken." IC2 Technology Knowledge Access, January 1994.
- F. Phillips, “Measuring Trends: There Oughta Be a Law.” Quirk’s Market Research Review, Nov., 2002.
- F. Phillips, “When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Stay Centered.” Hikari, July, 2003.
- F. Phillips, “University-Industry Partnerships in Management Research: A Guide for Managers,” to be published in Points of View, Cenquest’s online managed education journal, 2003.
- F. Phillips, “A Passing of Teachers.” ELMAR Digest. Special issue #2005-2, 31 Dec 2004. Reprinted in American Marketing Association’s Marketing Power,
- F. Phillips, “Adventures in Coverage.” Quirk’s Market Research Review, May, 2004, 40-44 (Published as “Have You Heard the One About the Diabetic Alligator?”).
- F. Phillips, “A Primer on Economic Development, Part I.” Tech Valley Times,, June, 2004.
- F. Phillips, “Supporting Entrepreneurship: Central direction or laissez-faire?” in MsM-RITI Alumni Association “Knowledge Base,” December 2005.
- F. Phillips, “The Conscious Manager: Zen for Decision Makers.” Effective Executive, vol.XI, No.5, May 2008, 40-49.
- F. Phillips, ““Vision, and Changing the World.” Leadership Excellence, 25(2) February, 2008, p.20.
- F. Phillips, “If It Ain’t Broke, Break It!” Leadership Excellence, 25(10) October, 2008, p.12.
- F. Phillips, “A Warmer Capitalism: View of an American in Korea.” Effective Executive, vol.XVI, No.2, June 2013, 7-9.
- F. Phillips, “Innovation Ecosystems: Key idea or empty buzzword?” Research Europe, April, 2015.
- F. Phillips, “The US Consumer Panel Industry, 1940-2000: Lessons for the Age of Big Data.” American Business History Center, August 2019. panel-industry-1940-2000-lessons-for-the-age-of-big-data%C2%B9/
Unpublished Working Papers (Not detailed)
Articles in (Non-refereed) Conference Proceedings (Not detailed)
Editorials, Op-Eds and Opinion Pieces
- F. Phillips, “Take fuller advantage of what your organization already knows.” Portland Business Journal, June 18, 1999, p.75.
- F. Phillips, “Oregon’s lack of investment means we’re behind.” Portland Business Journal, September 27, 2002, p.39.
- F. Phillips, “University-Industry Relations: An Open Letter to Industry,” in Points of View, Cenquest’s online managed education journal (subscriber password needed), 2003.
- F. Phillips and B. Xu, “ .” Oriental Business, November, 2016.
- C.H. Hsieh and F. Phillips, “MBA該改變了嗎?”
- F. Phillips with Meng-Yu Lin, “The End of Branding. 品牌的未來” Oriental Business, June 2017 issue, p. D.
- F. Phillips and Cindy Chou, “The Sad State of Entrepreneurship.” Oriental Business, 2017.
- F. Phillips with Lily Teng, “A Silicon Harbor?” Oriental Business, 2018.
- Linstone H.A., & Phillips, F. (2016) Joseph F. Coates: 1929 to 2014 – an Appreciation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 113, Part A, Pages 1-3.
- Phillips, F. (2016) Hal Linstone (1924-2016): Remembrance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 111, Page 1.
- Phillips, F. (2019) 50 Years of Technological Forecasting & Social Change. TF&SC 50th Anniversary issue, Volume 143, June, Pages 125-131.
- Phillips, F. (2019) How to Publish in TF&SC. Technological Forecasting & Social Change,
Selected Keynote, Plenary, and Invited Talks
- F. Phillips, “A Technology Manager’s Perspective on Forecasting.” World Future Society, San Francisco, July, 1997.
- F. Phillips, “Three Unpopular Truths.” Opening talk at Symposium/Workshop On Technology Entrepreneurship For Economic Growth And Quality Of Life in Oregon and Southern Washington, Portland, October, 1999.
- F. Phillips, “The Austin Experience.” Plenary panel at National Association of State Seed and Venture Funds, Austin, November 1999.
- F. Phillips, “Technology Opportunities in Latin America and Asia for New Mexico Companies.” New Mexico International Trade Conference, Albuquerque, January, 2000.
- F. Phillips, “The Business Model.” Venture Capital Conference, Portland, June, 2000.
- F. Phillips, “Sustainability of Regional Initiatives for Technology Entrepreneurship.” EFMD 35th EISB Conference “Sustaining the Entrepreneurial Spirit over Time,” Barcelona, September 12-14, 2005.
- F. Phillips, “Inter-institutional Relationships in a Shrinking World.” Maastricht School of Management Partners' Conference 2008.
- F. Phillips, “Meta measures for technology & environment.” Keynote Address, IM2012 Innovative Methods for Managing Innovation, Beijing, May 2012.
- F. Phillips, “Ways of Looking at the Future.” Keynote Address, Chinese Society for Management of Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan, November 2012.
- F. Phillips, “Technology Colonization.” Keynote Address, ISPIM the International Society of Professional Innovation Managers, Seoul, December 2012.
- F. Phillips, “Technopolis and Economic Development.” World Technopolis Association workshop, Gliwice, Poland, September 2012.
- F. Phillips, “Risk, Values, and Sustainability.” Invited keynote at Inha University’s Sustainable Asia Conference, June 29, 1013.
- D.S. Oh and F. Phillips, “Strategy and Implementation for Global Innovation Forum.” Preparatory Conference for UNESCO Global Innovation Forum, Daejeon, September 2013.
- F. Phillips, “The Creative Science City.” Cheonan International Science Conference, Cheonan S. Korea, November 2013.
- F. Phillips, “A Life in Systems.” Seoul National University, November 2013.
- F. Phillips, “Perspectives on Triple Helix.” Keynote, Asian Triple Helix Society, Taegu, December 2013.
- D.S. Oh and F. Phillips, “Sharing Innovation’s Benefits.” 2nd UNESCO Global Innovation Forum, Daejeon, September 2015.
- F. Phillips and H. Linstone, Key Ideas from 25 years at Technological Forecasting & Social Change. International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow, Apr.19-21, 2016.
- F. Phillips, Socio-economic impact of mobile technology and implications for ASEAN. QualComm-Lee Kwan Yew School Research Conference on: “Socio-Economic Impacts of Mobile Communications: Implications for ASEAN” 22-23 April, 2016, National University of Singapore.
- F. Phillips, Start-ups in the regional innovation system: What's new? Entergrow project, VTT Helsinki, June 2016.
- F. Phillips and D.-S. Oh, The Future of Technology Assessment: A Manifesto for Decentralization. IPP World Forum on Order and Governance in the Contemporary World, Guangzhou, China, Aug 20-21, 2016.
- F. Phillips, Technopolis Trends and Challenges. Ministry of Science & Technology, Taipei, Aug.2016.
- F. Phillips and D.-S. Oh, Cluster or Diversify? A dilemma for sustainable local techno-economic development. Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia, UNESCO Global Innovation Forum, Sep. 20-23, 2016.
- F. Phillips, The Circle of Innovation: Implications. Keynote talk at Sungkyungkwan University MOT Department 10th Anniversary Celebration, Suwon, Korea, October, 2016.
- F. Phillips, Perspectives on Big Data. Chinese Society for Management of Technology (CSMOT), Taichung, Taiwan, November 4-5, 2016.
- “Implementation of Innovation clusters to promote the quality of STP companies. Annual conference of Iranian Science and Technology Parks and Incubators managers. 20-21 Feb. 2017 at Qeshm Island, Iran.
- Strategy in the Knowledge Economy. Keynote at Conference in Honor of Ikujiro Nonaka, Tsinghua University, Beijing, March 16-17, 2017.
- A theoretical foundation for understanding university-industry collaboration, particularly in Asia. Taipei, QS Asia, Mar.29-31, 2017.
- How the Knowledge Revolution Will Change Urban and Global Geography. Keynote at Regional Science Association International, Tainan, Taiwan, May 2017.
- Innovation for Sustainability. Workshop on climate adaptation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, August 2017.
- Multiplicity and Divergence Challenge the Social Sciences. Kondratieff Laureate Lecture presented at the 10th International Kondratieff Conference “Academic Heritage of N. D. Kondratieff and the Present,” dedicated to the 125th Kondratieff anniversary. Moscow, September, 2017.
- F. Phillips and Lan Anh Alice Nguyen, "WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS: Preliminary Look at Global Trends in Innovation. 2017 UNESCO-WTA International Training Workshop, Daejeon, ROK, September 11-14, 2017.
- Asia's Technology-Driven Futures. KAIST Forum on Asia’s Futures, Seoul, December 2018.
- Scientific Collaboration with China. China-UK Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation: The Next 40 Years. July 2019, Queen Mary, University of London.
- We’ve Come a Long Way. Where to now? Or, I like IKE. INEKA/ACIEK Medal Acceptance Address, Verona, Italy, June 2019.
- Complexity and the Future. 6th International Forum on Intellectual Property and Technology Management. Hsinchu, Feb. 3, 2020.
- Advice for Entrepreneurs at the Threshold of the 2020s. 1st Conference of Research in Entrepreneurship, Education and Technology (CREET), May 28, 2020. University of Ottawa.
- Information for Regional Innovation Systems. Joint conferences of FEMIB2020 (2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business) and ICEIS (22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), May 5, 2020.
Blogs and Preprints
- On The Fringe: An Editor’s Dilemma Raises Questions About The Future Of Science.
- Apollo 11: What a difference an A makes.
- Just-in-Time And Its Hazards (Including “Illicit Wealth Transfers”)
- Incremental Cost: More Than An Increment Of Trouble.
- As The Actress Said To The Bishop, Or, The Professional Practice University.
- Sex Change And Corn Flakes Stress The Review Board.
- Intention.
- Sustainability: Gladly Pay You Tuesday For A Hamburger Today.
- Crossing Over: How To Use And Misuse The Fisher-Pry Curve.
- Yucky Science.
- There Oughta Be A Law. And, Actually, There Is One.
- Philosophies of Evaluation (and the New OMB Directive).
- Two Research Careers: A Fable For Grad Students.
- The Dragons I’ve Eaten: Speculations on the Existence of Human Intelligence.
- From Trade-off To Mutuality: Modeling The Transition To Free Green, Free Flex, And Free Qual.
- Insidious Imperialism! Creeping Colonization!
- Wikipedia all potholes, no street; Find alternate route.
- The Economist's new Schumpeter column continues to disappoint.
- Economics on the other side of the looking glass.
- On The Psychology Of Identity.
- War, Violence, And Technological Change.
- Picking Winners: Is Government Technology Strategy Good Or Bad? (Or, Say “Thai Baht” Three Times Really Fast)
- Clusters, Technopolis, And A New Industrial Policy.
- How To Become The Second Editor Of A 42-year-old Journal.
- The National Debt: Digging Deeper Into Why We’re Digging Deeper.
- University Research Under Attack (And One Defense)
- Do You Trust Technology?
- Partisanship, Simplicity-Seeking, And Maladaptation.
- The Flying Professor - Part I: Don't leave home without these.
- The Flying Professor -Part II: Before you leave home.
- Money For Startups: Endangered Specie?
- Why The Future Of E-business Is R-business.
- Taking Headhunters To The Woodshed.
- Social Engineering.
- Ten Commandments For Tech Companies.
- Why Government Appears Inefficient.
- Guns.
- Fists Of Fitness.
- Our Dying Business Schools.
- Big Data.
- Two Whacks To Technology’s Dark Side.
- Theory Of Externalities, And Why We’ve Come To Hate Tech Companies.
- The Resource Curse: Science Cities Suffer.
- Cui Bono? B-corporations And The University.
- Ah, Cuba.
- Companies In Rehab (And Governments. And Universities.)
- 12 Common Mistakes In Empirical Social Science.
- Machine translation poetry.
- Ten Commandments For Airlines.
- What Business Discipline To Major In?
- Risk Management Turned Upside Down.
- Qualitative Research: Lessons From Rashomon.
- Who Has The Most Babies, Wins: A System Analysis Of America’s Angst.
- Publishing In An International Scholarly Journal: Tips From An Editor.
- Autonomous Vehicles: The Deal Killer.
- The Magic Number 3? Maybe Not.
- Our University President Was Sooo Stupid….
- The Future Of Branding.
- Not Just Another Rant About TSA.
- The Sad State Of Entrepreneurship In America: What Educators Can Do About It.
- When The Missionaries Of Neoliberal Economics Knock, Bar The Door.
- The Globalization Paradox.
- Asia's Technology-Driven Futures.
- 64. Get Rid of Innovation Ecosystems.
- Robots, Imagination, and Spirit.
- A speculation on the evolution of science,