Articles in Refereed English Journals
- Peng, MW., Li, Y., Tian, LW., Tian-ren-he-yi strategy: An Eastern perspective. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 2016, 33(3), SI: 695-722. 【SSCI】
- Yi, YQ., Li, Y., Hitt, MA., Liu, Y., Wei, ZL., The influence of resource bundling on the speed of strategic change: Moderating effects of relational capital. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 2016, 33(2):435-467. 【SSCI】
- Tian, LW., Li, Y., Li, PP., Bodla, AA., Leader-member skill distance, team cooperation, and team performance: A cross-culture study in a context of sport teams. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS, 2015, 49: 183-197. 【SSCI】
- Marquis, C., Jackson, SE., Li, Y., Building Sustainable Organizations in China. [J]. MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW, 2015, 11(3), SI: 427-440. 【SSCI】
- Wang, HF., Zhao, J., Li, Y., Li, CJ., Network centrality, organizational innovation, and performance: A meta-analysis, [J]. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L ADMINISTRATION, 2015, 32 (3): 146-159.【SSCI】
- Chen, HW., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Dual capabilities and organizational learning in new product market performance, [J]. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2015, 46: 204-213. 【SSCI】
- Tian, LW., Ma, YC., Hu, W., Li, Y., Knowing Guanxi from the perspective of Tao: a mixed methodological approach, [J]. CHINESE MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 2015, 9(4): 626-647. 【SSCI】
- Cao, Z., Huo, BF., Li, Y., Zhao, XD., Competition and supply chain integration: a taxonomy perspective, [J]. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS, 2015, 115(5): 923-950. 【SSCI】
- Cao, Z., Huo, BF., Li, Y., Zhao, XD., The impact of organizational culture on supply chain integration: a contingency and configuration approach., [J]. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 2015, 20(1): 24-41.【SSCI】
- Li, Y., Chen, HW., Liu, Y., Peng, MW., Managerial ties, organizational learning, and opportunity capture: A social capital perspective. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 2014, 31(1): 271-291. 【SSCI】
- Liu, Y., Liu, T., Li, Y., How to inhibit a partner's strong and weak forms of opportunism: Impacts of network embeddedness and bilateral TSIs. [J]. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2014, 43(2), SI: 280-292. 【SSCI】
- Cai, HW., Chen, HW., Li, Y., Liu, Y., External dynamic capabilities, reconfiguration of cooperation mechanism and new product development: contingent effect of technological resource base. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, 2014,65(1-4), SI: 240-261.【SSCI】
- Ma, YC., Pang, CW., Chen, HW., Chi, N., Li, Y., Interdisciplinary Cooperation and Knowledge Creation Quality: A Perspective of Re-Combinatory Search. [J]. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, 2014, 31(1): 115-126.【SSCI】
- O'Cass A, Song M, Yuan L. Anatomy of service innovation: Introduction to the special issue. [J]. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 2013, 66(8): 1060-1062.【SSCI】
- Zhao J, Li Y, Liu Y, et al. Contingencies in collaborative innovation: matching organizational learning with strategic orientation and environmental munificence. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, 2013, 62(2): 193-222. 【SSCI/SCIE】
- Tian Y, Li Y, Wei Z. Managerial Incentive and External Knowledge Acquisition Under Technological Uncertainty: A Nested System Perspective. [J]. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, 2013. 【SSCI】
- Li Y, Peng M W, Macaulay C D. Market-political ambidexterity during institutional transitions [J]. Strategic Organization, 2013, 11(2): 205-213. 【SSCI】
- Li Y, Wei Z, Zhao J, et al. Ambidextrous Organizational Learning, Environmental Munificence and New Product Performance: Moderating Effect of Managerial Ties in China. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 2013, 146(1): 95-105.
- Liu Y, Liu T, Li Y. How to inhibit a partner's strong and weak forms of opportunism: Impacts of network embeddedness and bilateral TSIs. [J]. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2013. 【SSCI】
- Yi Y, Liu Y, He H, et al. Environment, governance, controls, and radical innovation during institutional transitions. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 2012. 29(3): 689-708. 【SSCI】
- Li, Y ., Hou, MJ., Liu, H., Liu, Y.,Towards a theoretical framework of strategic decision, supporting capability and information sharing under the context of Internet of Things. [J]. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, 2012. 13: 205-216. 【SSCI】
- Liu Y., Wang, L. Yuan C. Li Y. Information communication, organizational capability and new product development: an empirical study of Chinese firms. [J]. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, 37: 416-432
- Yang, JJ. Liu, HF. Gao, SX. Li, Y. Technological innovation of firms in China: Past, present, and future. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 2012. 29: 819-840. 【SSCI】
- Xu, WH. Li, Y. Liao, XW. Approaches to attribute reductions based on rough set and matrix computation in inconsistent ordered information systems. [J]. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, 2012. 27: 78-91. 【SCI/SCIE】
- Li Y. ZF, Liu, Y., Li, MF. Fast adaptation, strategic flexibility and entrepreneurial roles. [J]. CHINESE MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 2011. 5: 256-271【SSCI】
- Yi Y., Liu.,Y., He, H. & Li, Environment, governance, controls, and radical innovation during institutional transitions. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 2011.29: 689-708 【SSCI】
- Pang, CW. & Li Y., How Organizational Slack Affects New Venture Performance in China: A Contingent Perspective. [J]. CHINESE MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 5: 181-193 【SSCI】
- Yuan Li, Yi Liu, Heng Liu, Co-opetition, distributor’s entrepreneurial Orientation and manufacturer’s knowledge acquisition: Evidence from China. [J]. Journal of Operations Management. 29: 128-142 【SSCI/SCIE】【UTD 24】【FT 45】
- Li, Y., Wang, LW., Liu, Y., Organizational learning, product quality and performance: The moderating effect of social ties in Chinese cross-border outsourcing. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 49: 159-182. 【SCI/SCIE】
- Li Y. Li XY, Liu Y., Barnes B. R. Knowledge communication, exploitation and endogenous innovation: the moderating effects of internal controls in SMEs. [J]. R & D MANAGEMENT, 41: 156-172 【SSCI】
- Xie E., Li Y., Su ZF., Teo HH. The Determinants of Local Suppliers' Trust Towards Foreign Buyers. [J]. MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, 50: 585-611 【SSCI】
- Su, Z.F., Xie, E., Wang, D., Li, Y. Entrepreneurial strategy making, resources, and firm performance: evidence from China. [J]. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 2010. 36: 235-247 【SSCI】
- Liu Y. Li Y, Xue JQ. Ownership, strategic orientation, and internationalization in emerging markets. [J]. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 2011. 46 : 381-393. 【SSCI】
- Zhao Y.B., Li Y., Lee S.H., Chen L.B., Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Learning, and Performance: Evidence From China. [J]. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2011. 35: 293-317. 【SSCI】
- Su Z.F, Li J.Y.,Yang Z.P. and Li Y., Exploratory learning and exploitative learning in different organizational structures. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 28: 697-714. 【SSCI】
- Su ZF, Xie E. and Li Y., Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in new ventures and established firms, [J]. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 49: 558-577 【SSCI】
- Li Y., Lee S.H, Li X.Y. and Liu Yi ,Knowledge Codification, Exploitation, and Innovation: The Moderating Influence of Organizational Controls in Chinese Firms. [J]. MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW, 6: 219-241 【SSCI】
- Peng, MW, Li, Y; Xie, E, Su, ZF. CEO duality, organizational slack, and firm performance in China. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 27: 611-624. 【SSCI】
- Liu, Y., Su, CT., Li, Y., Liu, T. ,Managing opportunism in a developing interfirm relationship: The interrelationship of calculative and loyalty commitment. [J]. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 39: 844-852.
- Li, Y., Xie, E., Teo, H.H., Peng, M. W. ,Formal control and social control in domestic and international buyer-supplier relationships. [J]. JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 28: 333-344. 【SSCI/SCIE】【UTD 24】【FT 45】
- Li Y., Su, Z.F., Liu, Y (Liu, Yi). Can strategic flexibility help firms profit from product innovation? [J]. TECHNOVATION, 30: 300-309. 【SSCI/SCIE】
- Li Y., Li, P.P., Liu, Y. and Yang, D., Learning trajectory in offshore OEM cooperation: Transaction value for local suppliers in the emerging economies. [J]. JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 28: 269-282 【SSCI/SCIE】【UTD 24】【FT 45】
- Li Y., Zhang C.L., Liu Y. and Li Ming fang, Organizational Learning, Internal Control Mechanisms and Indigenous Innovation: The Evidence from China. [J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 57: 63-77. 【SCI/SSCI/SCIE】
- Li Y., Wei ZL, Liu Y. , Strategic Orientations, Knowledge Acquisition, and Firm Performance: The Perspective of the Vendor in Cross-Border Outsourcing. [J]. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 47: 1457-1482 . 【SSCI】【FT 45】
- Li Y, Guo H., Yi Y.Q., and Liu Y, Ownership Concentration and Product Innovation in Chinese Firms: The Mediating Role of Learning Orientation. [J]. MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW, 2009. 6: 77-100 【SSCI】
- Liu Y., Li Y., Xue J.Q., Transfer of market knowledge in a channel relationship: Impacts of attitudinal commitment and satisfaction, [J]. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 39: 229-239. 【SSCI】
- Liu Y., Li Y., Zhang L.N., Control mechanisms across a buyer–supplier relationship quality matrix, [J]. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 63: 3-12. 【SSCI】
- Li Y., Liao X.W. and Zhao W.H. , A rough set approach to knowledge discovery in analyzing competitive advantages of firms. [J]. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 168: 205-223. 【SCI/SCIE】
- Li Y., Liu Xunfeng, Wang Longwei, Guo Hai, How Entrepreneurial Orientation Moderates the Effects of Knowledge Management on Innovation. [J]. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, 26: 645-660. 【SSCI】
- Tan C.H., Teo H.H., Xie E., Li Y. Designing sniping agents. [J]. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 168: 291-305. 【SCI/SCIE】
- Shen H, Wang LW, Xu Q. and Li Y., Toward a Framework of Innovation Management in Logistics Firms: A Systems Perspective. [J]. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, 26: 297-309. 【SSCI】
- Su ZF, Xie E., Li Y., Organizational Slack and firm performance during institutional transitions. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 26: 75-91. 【SSCI】
- Jiang X., Li Y.. An empirical investigation of knowledge management and innovative performance: The case of alliances. [J]. RESEARCH POLICY, 38: 358-368.
- Li Y., Liu Y., Li M.F. and Wu H.B., Transformational offshore outsourcing: Empirical evidence from alliances in China. [J]. JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 26: 257-274. 【SSCI/SCIE】【UTD 24】【FT 45】
- Li Y., Guo H., Liu Y. and Li M.F., Incentive Mechanisms, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Technology Commercialization: Evidence from China’s Transitional Economy. [J]. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 25 Issue: 1: 63-78. 【SCI/SSCI/SCIE】
- Li Y., Peng MW, Developing theory from strategic management research in China. [J]. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 25: 563-572. 【SSCI】
- Li Y., Zhao Y.B., Justen Tan and Yi Liu. Moderating effects of entrepreneurial orientation on market orientation-performance linkage: Evidence from Chinese small firms. [J]. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 46: 113-133. 【SSCI】
- Li Y., Liu Y., Duan Y. and Li M.F.. Entrepreneurial orientation, strategic flexibilities and indigenous firm innovation in transitional China. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, 41: 223-246. 【SSCI/SCIE】
- Jiang X., LI Y. * The Relationship between Organizational Learning and Firms’ Financial Performance in Strategic Alliances: A Contingency Approach. [J]. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 43: 365-379. 【SSCI】
- Liu Y., Li Y.* and Wei Z.L.. How Organizational Flexibility Affects New Product Development in an Uncertain Environment: Evidence from China. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 120: 18-29.
- Liu Y., Yuan, L. and Tao L., Relationship stability, trust and relational risk in marketing channels: Evidence from China. [J]. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2008.37: 432-446. 【SSCI】
- Jiang X., Li Y*., Gao S.X.. The stability of strategic alliances: Characteristics, factors, and stages. [J]. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT, 14: 173-189. 【SSCI】
- Liu Y, Tao L, Li Y. and Adel I. El-Ansary. The impact of a distributor's trust in a supplier and use of control mechanisms on relational value creation in marketing channels. [J]. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING,23: 12-22. 【SSCI】
- Li Y., Liao X.W.. Decision support for risk analysis on dynamic alliance, [J]. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS, 42: 2043-2059.
- Liao XW, Li Y., Lu B. A model for selecting an ERP system based on linguistic information processing. [J]. INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 32: 1005-1017. 【SCI/SCIE】
- Li, Y. Liu, Y. Ren, F. Product innovation and process innovation in SOEs: evidence from the Chinese transition. [J]. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, 2007.32: 63-85. 【SSCI】
- Li Y., Liu Y., Zhao Y.B. The role of market and entrepreneurship orientation and internal control in the new product development activities of Chinese firms. [J]. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 35: 336-347. 【SSCI】
- Li Y, Liao X.W, Lei H.Z. A knowledge management system for ERP implementation. [J]. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, 23: 157-168. 【SSCI】
- Li Y, Zhao Y.B., Liu Y. The relationship between HRM, technology innovation and performance in China. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER, 27: 679-697. 【SSCI】
- Li Y., Li L., Liu Y., Wang L.W. Linking management control with product development and process decisions to cope with environment complexity. [J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 43: 2577-2591. 【SCI/SCIE】
- Li, Y. Deng, SL. A methodology for competitive advantage analysis and strategy formulation: An example in a transitional economy. [J]. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 1999. 118: 259-270.
- Deng, SL. Li, Y. Chen, JX., Evaluating foreign investment environment in China: A systematic approach. [J]. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 1997. 100: 16-26.
* Corresponding author
- Distinguished Professor of Tongji University, and Dean of the School of Economics & Management, Vice-chairman member of Advisory Committee for Management Science & Engineering, Ministry of Education, vice chairman of China Management Science & Engineering Association, director of IACMR Consulting Committee, standing member of China Management Modernization Society, director of Technology & Innovation Management Committee, standing member of China Science & Technology Society, member of APJM (SSCI Journal) Editorial Advisory Board,member of Journal Enterprise Information Systems(SCI Journal)Editorial Advisory Board. Prof. Li had assumed the dean of School of Management, Xi’an Jiao Tong University, and Executive Dean of Antai College of Economics & Management.
- In 1996, he was received the State Council special allowance. In 1999, Prof. Li gained the support from Yong Talents Program of the National Natural Science Foundation. He was selected as Shan Xi Third Five Talent in 2002 and Chang-Jiang Scholar Professor & Distinguished Professor awarded by Ministry of Education in 2005.
- Since 2005, Prof. Li has published over 60 papers in international journals, including Journal of management studies, Journal of operations management, ETP, MOR, etc. Prof. Li edited the Eleventh Five-year textbook of General Management. He has been awarded 10 provincial prizes including 2 first-class Science and Technology Award prize, 4 second-class Science and Technology Award prize, 1 provincial Science and Technology Progress Award prize, 1 second-class Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education Award prize, 1 third-class Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education Award prize, and 1 second-class Teaching Achievement Award prize. His foundation project was evaluated as Special Excellence. He completed 4 National Nature Science Foundation Programs, 2 National Soft Program. As one of the hosts, He completed European Asia-Link Program: ICM and he completed over 10 company projects. As a chief expert, Prof. Li is now a project leader for a Society & Science Major Program of MOE. And now he is taking charge of a key project of National Natural Science Foundation(NNSF) and a project of Community of Innovation Fund Project of NNSF, China.