Home > By Name > Associate Professor > LIU Qiang
LIU Qiang
LIU Qiang

Associate Professor

Department: Innovation and Strategy



  • Doctor of Management, Tongji University
  • Master of Philosophy, East China Normal University
  • Bachelor, Henan University

Teaching Positions

  • 1996.7-now: Tongji University
  • 1994.7-1996.7: Shanghai Building Materials College
  • 1989.8-1991.8: Kaifeng City Experimental Middle School

Consulting and Management Activities

  • Experts of Shanghai Yangpu District State-owned Assets Management Committee
  • Lecturer for Hua Chang Chemical Corporation, Shanghai Pret Composites Co.
  • Jiangsu Huachang Chemic CO., China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong(CELAP)

International Experience

  • 2012.03-09, Spatial center for economic research in business school, Redlands University,, California,visiting scholar
  • 2011, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, visiting scholar


  • Technology Innovation and Management of Science & Technology
  • Urban Development
  • Creative Industry Cluster


  • Innovation and Management of Technology
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Management in China

Sponsored Research Projects

  • Project of “A new round of research on mechanism of development and environment of Tongji knowledge economic area“ , 2015
  • Project of “the Engineering of Technological achievement” funded by Shanghai Research Institute of Association”, 2014
  • Project of “Related policy research report on staffing in Tongji University affiliated industry” ,funded by Tongji University asset management company, 2014
  • Project of “Research on the development of the design industry cluster in Yangpu District” funded by Yangpu district Party School, 2013-2014
  • Project of “International creative city construction and development strategy of China's urban development strategy”,funded by International Natural Science Foundation ,2012
  • Project of drawing-up of “The 12th Plan of National Economy and Social Development of Junlian County, Sichuan Province” funded by the Development and Reform Bureau of Junlian County of Sichuan Province, 2010
  • Key research project of “The Role of Applied-Science Associations during the Process of   Technological Innovation of Shanghai Industry” funded by Shanghai Association of Science and Technology, 2010
  • “The Twelfth Plan of Knowledge Economy Circle around Tongji University” funded by Development and Reform Bureau of Yangpu District of Shanghai, 2009
  • Project of “All-around Cooperation between Tongji University and Putuo District and the General Plan of Building the Science & Technology Park at the West-Shanghai Campus” funded by Science and Technology Committee of Putuo District of Shanghai, 2009
  • “Yangpu Creative Knowledge District and Its Cooperative Development with Yangtze River Delta”, Party School of Yangpu District, 2008
  • “The Integrative and Cooperative Development of University, Science & Technology Park and Community” funded by Shanghai Science and Technology Association and Yangpu Science Committee, 2008
  • “Outsourcing Service of R&D of Technological Small and Medium Companies of Shanghai”, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, 2006
  • “The Cluster Development of Creative Industry Surrounding University during City Renew with the Case of Creative Industry Cluster around Tongji University” funded by Shanghai Science and Technology Development Fund of Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, 2006
  • “The Performance Evaluation and Orientation of Technical Development Institutions’ Reform” funded by Shanghai Academy of Science, 2004

Selected Publications


  • There is much to learn from manufacturing industry in Su Xi Chang, Oriental Morning Post Shanghai economic review column, January 7, 2014
  • Bio Industry Cluster in Santiago, the Oriental Morning Post Shanghai economic review column, January 24, 2013
  • Frontier Explorasion of sustainable development and green economy, academic journal, October 2013
  • "Big Design" of Tongji knowledge economic area, the Oriental Morning Post Shanghai economic review column, June 5, 2012
  • Study on Dynamic Competitiveness of Listed Medicine Manufacturing Company in the Yangtze River Delta, Industrial Technology & Economy, 2011,30 (7)


  • Report of " Research on Shanghai University campus, technology parks, public community ‘three zone integration, interactive development’ ", The award of consulting for decisions in Shanghai, Third Prize, 2015
  • Report of " Research on Shanghai University campus, technology parks, public community ‘three zone integration, interactive development’ ", The award of consulting for decisions in Shanghai, Third Prize, 2011
  • Paper of “Research on the Technology Innovation Policy of China’s Company” won the First Prize of Social Science of Tongji University in 1997
  • Report of “Major Challenges to Technology Innovation of China’s Company and its Policy ” won Excellent Youth Prize of China’s Natural Dialectics Association in 1996
  • Paper of “Research on Tourism Strategy of Kaifeng City” won the Prize of Applied Social Science of Kaifeng City in 1992
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