School of Earth System Science
Associate professor
Rm 314, Building No.16
My name is Shaobo Sun. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Northwest University, a Master’s degree from the Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Ph.D. from the State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information Systems at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2017, I joined the School of Earth System Science at Tianjin University, focusing on research and teaching in areas including land ecosystem modeling and analysis, remote sensing big data of ecological environments, ecosystem carbon sequestration and carbon storage and their responses to climate change. I has hosted several research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s Youth and General Programs, the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, and the Tianjin University Peiyang Young Scholars Program. I has published more than 50 papers, with over 20 as the first or corresponding author in journals such as AFM, JGR, JHM, and Acta Ecologica Sinica, accumulating over 900 citations. I serve as a member of the Wetland Ecology Conservation and Function Development Committee of the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, a youth editorial board member of the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation and Journal of Meteorology and Environment, and as a peer reviewer for more than 20 journals, including AFM, JGR, and Acta Ecologica Sinica.
- Doctoral degree| Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS| 2017
- Master’s Degree| Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineerin| 2014
- Bachelor’s Degree| Northwest University (China)| 2011
- Terrestrial ecosystem model, environmental remote sensing
- GIS technology and application
- data and intelligent geography
- Introduction to Cartography and Geographical Information System
- Future Earth
No content
地球系统科学学院 | 天津大学  -
School of Earth System Science | Tianjin University 
- Papers
- [1] Shaobo Sun, Baozhang Chen, Jianwu Yan, et al., 2024. Potential impacts of land use and land cover change (LUCC) and climate change on evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity in the Haihe River Basin, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 476, 143729.
- [2] Gang Li, Shaobo Sun*, Nan Lu, et al., 2023. Changes in soil organic carbon stocks of forestlands and grasslands on the Loess Plateau, 1980–2015. Journal of Cleaner Production 428, 139463.
- [3] Liang Yang, Linan Liu, Shaobo Sun*. 2023. The dominated environmental factors of vegetation change on the Qinghai¯Tibet Plateau from 1982 to 2015. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 3, 744-755.
- [4] Shaobo Sun, Zhaoliang Song, Baozhang Chen, et al., 2023. Current and future potential soil organic carbon stocks of vegetated coastal ecosystems and their controls in the Bohai Rim Region, China. Catena, 225, 107023.
- [5] Shaobo Sun, et al., 2021. Modelling Aboveground Biomass Carbon Stock of the Bohai Rim Coastal Wetlands by Integrating Remote Sensing, Terrain, and Climate Data. Remote Sensing.
- [6] Shaobo Sun, Wenli Du, Zhaoliang Song, et al., 2021. Response of Gross Primary Productivity to Drought Time-Scales Across China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences.
- [7] Shaobo Sun, Tao Che, Gentine Pierre, et al. 2021. Shallow groundwater inhibits soil respiration and favors carbon uptake in a wet alpine meadow ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
- [8] Shaobo Sun, Yonggen Zhang, Zhaoliang Song, et al. 2020. Mapping Coastal Wetlands of the Bohai Rim at a Spatial Resolution of 10 m Using Multiple Open- Access Satellite Data and Terrain Indices. Remote Sensing.
- [9] Shaobo Sun, Zhaoliang Song, Xi Chen, et al. 2020. Multimodel-based analyses of evapotranspiration and its controls in China over the last three decades. Ecohydrology.
- [10] Dongbo Zhang, Shaobo Sun*, Zhaoliang Song* et al. 2020. Vegetation dynamics and their drivers in the Haihe river basin, Northern China, 1982–2012. Geocarto Inteernational.
- [11] Shaobo Sun, Tao Che, Hongyi Li et al. 2019. Water and carbon dioxide exchange of an alpine meadow ecosystem in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau is energy-limited. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
- [12] Gang Li, Shaobo Sun*, Jichang Han et al. 2019. Impacts of Chinese Grain for Green program and climate change on vegetation in the Loess Plateau during 1982–2015. Science of The Total Environment.
- [13] Shaobo Sun, Zhaoliang Song, Xiuchen Wu et al. 2018. Spatio-temporal variations in water use efficiency and its drivers in China over the last three decades. Ecological Indicators.
- [14] Shaobo Sun, Baozhang Chen, Quanqin Shao et al. 2017. Modeling evapotranspiration over China’s landmass from 1979-2012 using multi-land surface models: Evaluations and analyses. Journal of Hydrometeorology.
- [15] 孙少波, 陈报章, 车涛 等. 2017. 青藏高原季节性冻土湿度模拟及参数优化-以黑河上游为例. 高原气象.
- [16] Shaobo Sun, Baozhang Chen, Mengyu Ge et al. 2016. Improving soil organic carbon parameterization of land surface modelfor cold regions in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Ecological Modelling.
- [17] Shaobo Sun, Baozhang Chen, Jing Chen et al. 2016. Comparison of remotely-sensed and modeled soil moisture using CLM4.0 with in situ measurements in the central Tibetan Plateau area. Cold Regions Science and Technology.
- [18] Shaobo Sun, Tao Che, Jian Wang et al. 2015. Estimation and analysis of snow water equivalents based on C-band SAR data and field measurements. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research.
- [19] 孙少波, 车涛, 王树果 等. 2013. C波段SAR山区积雪面积提取研究. 遥感技术与应用
- [20] 孙少波, 车涛. 2013. 基于合成孔径雷达(SAR)的积雪监测研究进展. 冰川冻土.
- Books
- [1] A software for automatically mapping wetland with open access and high spatial resolution satellite data
- [2] Boosted regression trees algorithm-based geographical data analysis software
- Patents
- No content
- Teaching
- No content
- [1] The effect of shallow groundwater on soil respiration and its mechanism in alpine swamp meadows on the Tibetan Plateau, NSFC, 2022-2025, host.
- [2] Modelling the impacts of land-use /land-cover change on evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity in Hai River basin, NSFC, 2019-2021, host.
- [3] Estimating the carbon stock of Bohai rim coastal wetlands based on Google Earth Engine and multi-remote sensing data, NSF-Tianjin, 2020-2022, host.
- [4] Peiyang Young Scholar Program, 2020-2021, host.
- [5] Silicon biogeochemical cycle and its carbon sink effects in coastal wetlands around the Bohai Rim Region, China, NSFC, 2020-2024,Key member
- [6] Carbon sink pattern, process and potential of China's coastal ecosystems, NSFC, 2022-2025, Key member