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发布时间:2019-11-26     作者:   分享到:

段克勤  教授

Dr. Keqin Duan

Tel: +86-18717325791








Education and Work Experiences:

B.Sc., Lanzhou University, (PRC), (1994)

Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Sciences,(PRC), (2000)

Postdoctoral fellow, Ohio state university,(USA),(2005-2006)

Visiting Scholar, University of Ottawa, (CAN), (2013-2014)



Research Interests:

Global change


[1] 祁连山内陆河流域山地冰川的数值模拟与预测(2016.1-2019.12),负责人,经费:70万。

[2] 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)子课题“极高海拔大气降水中氧同位素比率与温度的物理关系研究(2011-2015)”,负责人,经费120万。

[3] 基金重大项目子课题“青藏高原山地冰川变化的数值模拟研究(2012-2016)”,负责人,经费65万。

[4] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2017M613048, 再生水入渗条件下抗生素单一及复合污染物的迁移规律, 2017/01-2018/12,5万元,主持

[5] 国家自然基金项目“塔里木盆地车尔臣河流域气候、冰川变化及对水资源的影响(2010-2012)”,负责人,经费50万。

[6] 973项目“青藏高原气候系统变化及其对东亚区域的影响与机制研究”(2009-2014)专题“青藏高原气候系统对东亚区域气候变化影响及其机理”负责人,经费100万。

代表性成果(Representative Publications)


[1] Juanhua Yang , Zhenming Ji ,Deliang Chen ,Keqin Duan, et al. Improved Land Use and Leaf Area Index Enhances WRF-3DVAR Satellite Radiance Assimilation: A Case Study Focusing on Rainfall Simulation in the Shule River Basin during July 2013[J]. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2018, 35(6):628-644. onto Willow Residues. International Journal Environmental Research Public Health, 2018, 15(8): 1-11.

[2] Juanhua Yang , Keqin Duan , Shichang Kang , et al. Potential feedback between aerosols and meteorological conditions in a heavy pollution event over the Tibetan Plateau and Indo-Gangetic Plain[J]. Climate Dynamics, 2017, 48(9-10):2901-2917.

[3] Keqin Duan , Bin Wang , Hong Chang . The Tectonic Uplift and Its Environmental Effects of the Qinling Mountains During the Cenozoic Era: Progress and Problems[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2017, 32(7).

[4] Bin Wang , Zeng Lin , Wancang Zhao , Keqin Duan, et al. New Research Progress of the Transport Dynamics and the Accumulation Factor of the Aeolian Dust in Chinese Loess Plateau[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2017.

[5] Peihong Shi , Keqin Duan , Huancai Liu , et al. Response of Xiao Dongkemadi Glacier in the central Tibetan Plateau to the current climate change and future scenarios by 2050[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13(1):13-28.

[6] Huancai Liu, Keqin Duan, Man Li, et al. Impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the Dipole Oscillation of summer precipitation over the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, doi: 10.1002/joc.4304.

[7] 位晶, 段克勤. 基于卫星资料的秦岭南北云系及其垂直结构特征[J]. 高原气象, 2018, 37(3).

[8] 高文兰, 李双双, 段克勤, et al. 基于均一化资料的西安极端气温变化特征研究[J]. 地理科学, 2018.

[9] 段克勤, 姚檀栋, 石培宏, et al. 青藏高原东部冰川平衡线高度的模拟及预测[J]. 中国科学:地球科学, 2017(01):108-117.

[10] 张晓, 段克勤, 石培宏. 基于CloudSat卫星资料分析青藏高原东部夏季云的垂直结构[J]. 大气科学, 2015, v.39(06):18-25.