发表论文: 代表性论文如下: Zhang Jingwen, Zhang Shuolin, Lu Chengbo, Wang Xiaole, Du Zhongkun, Wang Jinhua, Li Bing, Wang Jun, Zhu Lusheng*. Comparison of the combined toxicity of PFOA and emerging alternatives: a comprehensive evaluation of oxidative damage, apoptosis and immunotoxicity in zebrafish embryo and adult, Water Research, 2025, 273, 123028. Zhou Tongtong, Wang Jinhua, Zhang Cheng, Zhang Jun, Zhu Lusheng*, Wang Jun, Determination of residual concentration of ionic liquids with different anions and alkyl-chain lengths in water and soil samples, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89: 10520–10528. Song Yan, Zhu Lusheng*, Wang Jun, Wang Jinhua, Liu Wei, Xie Hui, DNA damage and effects on antioxidative enzymes in earthworm (Eisenia fetida) induced by atrazine, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2009, 41(5): 905–909. Wu Ruolina1, Wang Xiaolea1, Zhang Jingwena, Lu Chengboa, Li Binga, Du Zhongkuna, Wang Juna, Wang Jinhuaa, Yang Yueb,*, Zhu Lushenga,*. Lower toxicity of HFPO-DA compared to its predecessor PFOA to the earthworm Eisenia fetida: Evidence from oxidative stress and transcriptomic analysis, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 484, 136718. Wang Xiaolea, Yang Xiaoa, Lu Chengboa, Zhang Jingwena, Li Binga, Du Zhongkuna, Wang Juna, Wang Jinhuaa, Albert Juhaszb, Yang Yuec,*, Zhu Lushenga,*. Are HFPO-TA and HFPO-DA safe substitutes for PFOA? A comprehensive toxicity study using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos and adults, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 484, 136718. Zhang Jingwena, Li Dengtana, Lu Chengboa, Wang Xiaolea, Wang Juna, Wang Jinhuaa, Li Binga, Du Zhongkuna, Yang Yueb*, Zhu Lushenga*. Negative effects of polyvinyl chloride microplastics and the plasticizer DnOP on earthworms: co-exposure enhances oxidative stress and immune system damage in earthworms, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 480, 136338. Wang Xiaole, Zhang Jingwen, Liu Yu, Lu Chengbo, Hou Kaixuan, Huang Yunchen, Juhasz Albert, Zhu Lusheng*, Du Zhongkun, Li Bing, Effect of florasulam on oxidative damage and apoptosis in larvae and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 446, 130682. Zhang Jingwen, Xiao Zongyuan, Li Dengtan, Wang Xiaole, Lu Chengbo, Du Zhongkun, Li Bing, Wang Jinhua, Wang Jun, Zhu Lusheng*. Effect of flumetsulam alone and coexistence with polyethylene microplastics on soil microbial carbon and nitrogen cycles: Elucidation of bacterial community structure, functional gene expression, and enzyme activity, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 460, 132367. Hou Kaixuan, Shi Baihui, Liu Yu, Lu Chengbo, Li Dengtan, Du Zhongkun, Li Bing, Zhu Lusheng*, Toxicity evaluation of pyraclostrobin exposure in farmland soils and co-exposure with nZnO to Eisenia fetida, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 433: 128794. Zhang Yuanqing, Zhang Jingwen, Shi Baihui, Li Bing, Du Zhongkun, Wang Jun, Zhu Lusheng*, Wang Jinhua*, Effects of cloransulam-methyl and diclosulam on soil nitrogen and carbon cycle-related microorganisms, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 418: 126395. Hou Kaixuan, Lu Chengbo, Shi Baihui, Xiao Zongyuan, Wang Xiaole, Zhang Jingwen, Cheng Chao, Ma Junchao, Du Zhongkun, Li Bing, Zhu Lusheng*, Evaluation of Agricultural Soil Health After Applying Pyraclostrobin in Wheat/maize Rotation Field Based on the Response of Soil Microbes, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2022, 340: 108186. Li Dengtan, Sun Shujuan, Zhou Tongtong, Du Zhongkun, Wang Jun, Li Bing, Wang Jinhua, Zhu Lusheng*, Effects of pyroxsulam on soil enzyme activity, nitrogen and carbon cycle-related gene expression, and bacterial community structure, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 355: 131821. Li Dengtan1, Zhang Jingwen1, Liu Xiaowen, Wang Xiaole, Li Bing, Du Zhongkun, Juhasz Albert, Wang Jinhua, Wang Jun, Zhu Lusheng*. Are PFBS, PFHxS, and 6:2FTSA more friendly to the soil environment compared to PFOS? A new insight based on ecotoxicity study in soil invertebrates (Eisenia fetida), Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 904, 166689. Zhang Jingwen, Lu Chengbo, Li Bing, Juhasz Albert, Du Zhongkun*, Zhu Lusheng*, Wang Jun, Wang Jinhua, Persistence and Ecological Impact of Ionic Liquids in Soil, Current Pollution Reports, 2022, 8: 556-568. 李登昙, 张静文, 卢成波, 王晓乐, 杜仲坤, 李冰, 王金花, 王军, 朱鲁生*, PFOS及其三种替代品对蚯蚓的毒性效应及比较[J].中国环境科学,2024,44(03):1630-1637.