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国家杰青 董汉松


1960年出生,山东省莒南县人;中国共产党党员,农学博士,教授,博士生导师。 2001年度教育部跨世纪优秀才,2006年度国家杰出青年基金获得者。1982年本科毕业于山东农学院植物保护学系,1988年从南京农业大学植物保护学系博士研究生毕业,分配到山东农业大学植物保护学系工作,1993年破格晋升教授。19972010年先后五次共约六年在康乃尔大学留学,任访问学者、客座教授; 2000年在南京农业大学植物保护学院工作,任教授、博士研究生导师,20162018年受聘为钟山学者首席教授。从事植物免疫教学和科研工作,现已发表学术论文191篇,主编出版学术专著两部、教材一本,副主编出版教材一本,先后获得中国青年科技奖、政府特殊津贴、部级科技进步一等奖和二等奖、省级新长征突击手和青年优秀教师等奖励、荣誉18项;自2015Elsevier出版社发布中国高被引学者榜单以来,连续三年入榜。业余研读文史哲、作诗、写散文,青年时期有诗文发表并获奖,诗文集《腊梅还在门口》2016年出版,2018年再版。志言:对自己有升华,对别人有帮助,对社会有贡献。








1) Ping Li, Xiaochen Chen, Fengli Sun, Hansong Dong*.Tobacco TTG2 and ARF8 function concomitantly to control flower colorization by regulating anthocyanin synthesis genes,Plant Biology (Stuttg), 2017.3.1, doi: 10.1111/plb.12560

2) 王欢, 田沂民, 董汉松*, 水稻水通道蛋白OsPIP1;3与白叶枯病菌harpin蛋白 Hpa1互作关系研究, 植物生理学报, 2016.8.10, 52(8): 1223-1230

3) Jun Ge, Dan Shen, Junyi Xie, Juying Long, Hansong Dong*, Tobacco TTG2 regulates vegetative growth and seed production via the predominant role of ARF8 in cooperation with ARF17 and ARF19, BMC Plant Biology, 2016.9.15, 16(126): 1-17

4) Shan Tian, Xiaobing Wang, Hao Wang, Hongtao Ji, Junyi Xie, Qinlei Qiu, Dan Shen, Hansong Dong*, Plant aquaporin AtPIP1;4 links apoplastic H2O2 induction to disease immunity pathways, Plant Physiology, 2016.7.16, 171(7): 1635-1650

5) Defu Wang, Xiaobing Wang, Yu Mei, Hansong Dong*, The wheat homolog of putative nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat resistance gene TaRGA contributes to resistance against powdery mildew, Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2016.2.25, 16(2): 115-126

6) Liang Li, Hao Wang, et al, Hansong Dong*, Harpin Hpa1 interacts with aquaporin PIP1;4 topromote the substrate transport and photosynthesis in Arabidopsis, Scientific Reports, 2015.11.26, 5: 17208

7) Hongtao Ji, Hansong Dong*, Key steps in type III secretion system (T3SS) towards translocon assembly with potential sensor at plant plasma membrane, Molecular Plant Pathology, 2015.7.14, 16(7): 762-773

8) Hongtao Ji, Hansong Dong*, Biological significance and topological basis of aquaporin-partnering protein-protein interactions, Plant Signaling & Behavors, 2015.12.21, 10(12): e1011947-4

9) Hongtao Ji, Yueyue Zhu, Shan Tian, Manyu Xu, Yimin Tian, Liang Li, Huan Wang, Li Hu, Yu Ji, Jun Ge, Weigang Wen, Hansong Dong*, Downregulation of leaf flavin content induces early flowering and photoperiod gene expression in Arabidopsis, BMC Plant Biology, 2014.9.16, 14: 237, doi: 10.1186/s12870-014-0237-z

10) Xiaojie Li, Bing Han, Manyu Xu, Liping Han, Yanying Zaho, Zhilan Liu, Hansong Dong*, Chunling Zhang, Plant growth enhancement and associated physiological responses are coregulated by ethylene and gibberellin in response to harpin protein Hpa1, Planta, 2014.4.15, 239(4): 831-846

11) Chandlai Liu, Wenchao Du, Hongsheng Cai, Zhenhua Jia, Hansong Dong*, Trivalent chromium pretreatment alleviates the toxicity of oxidative damage in wheat plants exposed to hexavalent chromium, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2014.3.11, 36(3): 787-794

12) Yanying Zhao, Cheng Li, Jun Ge, Manyu Xu, Qian Zhu, Tingquan Wu, An Guo, Junyi Xie, Hansong Dong*, Recessive mutation identifies auxin-repressed protein ARP1, which regulates growth and disease resistance in tobacco, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2014.7.12, 27(7): 638-654

13) Benliang Deng, Hansong Dong*, Ectopic expression of riboflavin-binding protein gene TsRfBP paradoxically enhances both plant growth and drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2013.1.16, 32(1): 170-181

14) 韩冰, 朱茜, 葛军, 徐曼宇, 董汉松*, 烟草TTG2蛋白质对NPR1介导的抗病防卫反应与ARF8影响的生长发育进行交叉调控的机制, 植物生理学报, 2013.12.15, 49(12): 1291-1300

15) 尤真真, 高蓉, 田珊, 董汉松*, 植物水通道蛋白结构与功能及其识别与转导水稻黄单胞菌Hpa1信号的机制, 植物病理学报, 2013.3.17, 43(3): 232-248

16) Qian Zhu, Baoyan Li, Shuyuan Mu, Bing Han, Ruizhi Cui, Manyu Xu, Zhenzhen You, Hansong Dong*, TTG2-regulated development is related to expression of putative AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR genes in tobacco, BMC Genomics, 2013.10.18, 14(806): 1-15

17) Baohong Zou, Zhenhua Jia, Shuangmei Tian, Xiaomeng Wang, Zhenhua Gou, Beibei Lü, Hansong Dong*, AtMYB44 positively modulates disease resistance to Pseudomonas syringae through the salicylic acid signalling pathway in Arabidopsis, Functional Plant Biology, 2013.3.20, 40(3): 304-313

18) Hansong Cai, Shan Tian, Hansong Dong*, Large scale in silico identification of MYB family genes from wheat expressed sequence tags, Molecular Biotechnolgy, 2012.2.12, 52(2): 184-192

19) Benliang Deng, Wenchao Du, Weiwei Sun, Shan Tian, Hansong Dong*, Antioxidant response to drought, cold and nutrient stress in two ploidy levels of tobacco plants: low resource requirement confers polytolerance in polyploids? Plant Growth Regulation, 2012.1.25, 66(1): 37-47

20) Baoyan Li, Rong Gao, Runzhi Cui, Beibei Lü Lv, Xiaojie Li, Yanying Zhao, Zhenzhen You, Shuangmei Tian, Hansong Dong*, Tobacco TTG2 suppresses resistance to pathogens by sequestering NPR1 from the nucleus, Journal of Cell Science, 2012.10.15, 125(20): 4913-4922

21) Peiqing Liu, Feng Sun, Rong Gao, Hansong Dong*, RAP2.6L overexpression delays waterlogging induced premature senescence by increasing stomatal closure more than antioxidant enzyme activity, Plant Molecular Biology, 2012.6.16, 79(6): 609-622

22) Suling Sang, Xiaojie Li, Rong Gao, Zhenzhen You, Beibei Lü, Peiqing Liu, Qixiang Ma, Hansong Dong*, Apoplastic and cytoplasmic location of harpin protein Hpa1Xoo plays different roles in H2O2 generation and pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis, Plant Molecular Biology, 2012.7.18, 79(4-5): 375-391

23) 张春玲, 付茂强, 徐衡, 董汉松*, 拟南芥韧皮部防卫反应转录调控与小麦抗蚜虫机制, 南京农业大学学报, 2012.5.18, 35(5): 113-124

24) Hongsheng Cai, Shan Tian, Changlai Liu, Hansong Dong*, Identification of a MYB3R gene involved in drought, salt and cold stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Gene, 2011.2.10, 485(2): 146-152

25) Benliang Deng, Sheng Deng, Feng Sun, Shujian Zhang, Hansong Dong*, Down-regulation of free riboflavin content induces hydrogen peroxide and a pathogen defense in Arabidopsis, Plant Molecular Biology, 2011.2.20, 77(1-2): 185-201

26) Ruoxue Liu, Lei Chen, Zhenhua Jia, Beibei Lü Lv, Haojie Shi, Weilan Shao, Hansong Dong*, Transcription factor AtMYB44 regulates induced expression of the ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 Gene in Arabidopsis responding to a harpin protein, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2011.3.16, 24(3): 377-389

27) Beibei Lü, Weiwei Sun, Shuping Zhang, Chunling Zhang, Jun Qian, Xiaomeng Wang, Rong Gao, Hansong Dong*, HrpNEa-induced deterrent effect on phloem feeding of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae requires AtGSL5 and AtMYB44 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, Journal of Biosciences, 2011.1.15, 36(1): 123-137

28) Haojie Shi, Runzhi Cui, Baishi Hu, Xiaomeng Wang, Shuping Zhang, Ruoxue Liu, Hansong Dong*, Overexpression of transcription factor AtMYB44 facilitates Botrytis infection in Arabidopsis, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2011.2.15, 76(2): 90-95

29) 吕贝贝, 孙伟伟, 李亮, 董汉松* 植物核质转运与抗病防卫反应信号传导交叉调控, 南京农业大学学报, 2011.6.17, 34(6): 129-137

30) 俞咪娜, 邓晟, 王颖, 董汉松*, 寄生疫霉ParA1蛋白在毕赤酵母中的表达, 江苏农业科学, 2011.1.15, 1(1): 48-51

31) Chunling Zhang, Haojie Shi, Lei Chen, Xiaomeng Wang, Beibei Lü, Shuping Zhang, Yuan Liang, Ruoxue Liu, Jun Qian, Weiwei Sun, Zhenzhen You, Hansong Dong*, Harpin-induced expression and transgenic overexpression of the phloem protein gene AtPP2-A1 in Arabidopsis repress phloem feeding of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae, BMC Plant Biology, 2011.11.15, 11(11)

32) 刘会敏, 孙力军, 任海英, 董汉松*, 烟草硫氧还蛋白NtTRXh功能域研究, 江苏农业学报, 2010.2.15, 26(2): 254-257

33) Benliang Deng, Mina Yu, Ying Wang, Qin Jia, Ling Lin, Hansong Dong*, The antagonistic effect of hydroxyl radical on the development of a hypersensitive response in tobacco, FEBS Journal, 2010.12.6, 277(24): 5097-5111

34) Zhenhua Jia, Baohong Zuo, Xiaomeng Wang, Jian Qiu, Hong Ma, Zhenhua Gou, Shuishan Song, Hansong Dong*, Quercetin-induced H2O2 mediates the pathogen resistance against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010.2.16, 396(2): 522-527

35) Ruoxue Liu, Beibei Lü, Xiaomeng Wang, Chunling Zhang, Shuping Zhang, Jun Qian, Lei Chen, Haojie Shi, Hansong Dong*, Thirty-seven transcription factor genes differentially respond to a harpin protein and affect resistance to the green peach aphid in Arabidopsis, Journal of Biosciences, 2010.3.17, 35(3): 435-450

36) Feng Sun, Peiqing Liu, Jue Xu, Hansong Dong*, Mutation in RAP2.6L, a transactivator of the ERF transcription factor family, enhances Arabidopsis resistance to Pseudomonas syringae, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2010.9.15, 74(5-6): 295-302

37) 孙枫, 刘裴清, 董汉松*, 昼夜节律调控拟南芥核黄素信号传导, 江苏农业科学, 2010.2.11, 2010(2): 17-20

38) 孙力军, 刘会敏, 董汉松*, 核孔蛋白Atnup98-like降低拟南芥对细菌和干旱的抗性, 南京农业大学学报, 2010.4.6, 33(4): 37-41

39) Lijun Sun, Xiaomeng Wang, Shuping Qu, Zhenhua Jia, Hansong Dong*, HrpNEa induces Chinese cabbage resistance to bacterial soft rot by inhibiting the bacterial attachment to root surfaces, Plant Disease, 2010.12.15, 94(12): 1441-1447

40) 王元琮, 李宝燕, 王云鹏, 董汉松*, 烟草基因NtTTG1-like全长cDNA的克隆与序列分析, 江苏农业科学, 2010.1.19, 2010(1): 23-26

41) Tingquan Wu, An Guo, Yanying Zhao, Xiaomeng Wang, Ying Wang, Dan Zhao, Xiaojie Li, Haiying Ren, Hansong Dong*, Ectopic expression of the rice lumazine synthase gene contributes to defense responses in transgenic tobacco, Phytopathology, 2010.6.16, 100(6): 573-581

42) Lijun Sun, Haiying Ren, Ruoxue Liu, Baoyan Li, Tingquan Wu, Feng Sun, Huimin Liu, Xiaomeng Wang, Hansong Dong*, An h-type thioredoxin functions in tobacco defense responses to two species of viruses and an abiotic oxidative stress, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2010.11.15, 23(11): 1470-1485

43) 孙力军, 刘会敏, 任海英, 吴廷全, 宋韬, 董汉松*, 水稻核黄素合酶基因的克隆、表达及多克隆抗体的制备, 江苏农业学报, 2010.2.13, 26(2): 232-235

44) 苟振华, 张书萍, 董汉松*, HrpNEa诱导甜瓜对蚜虫趋避作用的研究, 华北农学报, 2009.4.8, 24(4): 188-192

45) Ling Lin, Yongshe Qiao, Zhengying Ju, Changwen Ma, Yinghao Liu, Yijun Zhou, Hansong Dong*, Isolation and characterization of endophytic Bacillius subtilis Jaas ed1 antagonist of eggplant Verticillium wilt, Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2009.7.11, 73(7): 1489-1493

46) 王晓莉, 于海芹, 钱君, 王云鹏, 李成云, 董汉松*, 烟草抗赤星病突变体ces2-1的产生和鉴定, 云南农业大学学报, 2009.4.15, 24(4): 497-507

47) Yunpeng Wang, Ruoxue Liu, Yuancong Wang, Yuancun Liang, Xiaojing Wu, Baoyan Li, Jiandong Wu, Yuan Liang, Xiaomeng Wang, Chunling Zhang, Qiuxia Wang, Xiaoyue Hong, Hansong Dong*, Nicotiana tabacum TTG1 contributes to ParA1-induced signalling and cell death in leaf trichomes, Journal of Cell Science, 2009.8.5, 122(2): 2673-2685

48) 杨飞飞, 董汉松*, 核黄素诱导番茄抗病性与Pti蛋白激酶基因表达, 鲁东大学学报(自然科学版), 2009.1.15, 25(1): 59-64

49) 孙枫, 杨雪, 王晓莉, 董汉松*, 拟南芥长链脂肪醇氧化酶(AtFAO3)在抗病防卫反应中的作用分析, 华北农学报, 2009.6.15, 24(6): 1-5

50) Shujian Zhang, Xue Yang, Maowu Sun, Feng Sun, Sheng Deng, Hansong Dong*, Riboflavin-induced priming for pathogen defense in Arabidopsis thaliana, Journal of Integrative Biology, 2009.2.26, 51(2): 167-174

51) 张书萍, 张春玲, 王秋霞, 董汉松*, EIN因子在HrpNEa诱导拟南芥蚜虫抗性机制中的调节作用, 江苏农业科学, 2009.5.16, 2009(5): 30-33

52) Lei Chen, Jun Qian, Juying Long, Qian Yin, Chunling Zhang, Xiaojing Wu, Feng Sun, Tingquan Wu, Marshall Hayes, Steven V. Beer, Hansong Dong*, Identification of specific fragments of HpaGXooc, a harpin protein from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, that induces disease resistance and enhanced growth in rice, Phtopathology, 2008.7.15, 98(7): 781-791

53) Lei Chen, Shujian Zhang, Shaosong Zhang, Shuping Qu, Xiuyan Ren, Juying Long, Qian Yin, Jun Qian, Feng Sun, Chunling Zhang, Lingxian Wang, Xiaojing Wu, Tingquan Wu, Zhongkai Zhang, Zaiquan Chen, Marshall Hayes, Steven V. Beer, Hansong Dong*, A fragment of the Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola harpin HpaGXooc reduces disease and increases yield of rice in extensive grower plantings, Phytopathology, 2008.7.15, 98(7): 792-802

54) Xiuyan Ren, Fang Liu, Zhilong Bao, Chunling Zhang, Xiaojing Wu, Lei Chen, Ruoxue Liu, Hansong Dong*, Root Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana is regulated by ethylene and abscisic acid signaling interaction in response to HrpNEa, a bacterial protein of harpin group, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2008.3.18, 26(3): 225-240

55) Hongping Dong#, Haiqin Yu#, Zhilong Bao, Xiaojing Guo, Jianling Peng, Shuping Qu, Hansong Dong*, The induction of abscisic-acid-mediated drought tolerance is independent of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis plants responding to a harpin protein, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2007.11.21, 25(11): 98-114

56) Xiaojing Wu, Tingquan Wu, Juying Long, Qian Yin, Yong Zhang, Lei Chen, Ruoxue Liu, Tongchun Gao, Hansong Dong*, Productivity and biochemical properties of green tea in response to a bacterial type-III effector protein and its variants, Journal of Biosciences, 2007.6.16, 32(6): 1119-1131

57) Chunling Zhang, Jun Qian, Zhilong Bao, Xiaoyue Hong, Hansong Dong*, The induction of abscisic-acid-mediated drought tolerance is independent of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis plants responding to a harpin protein, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2007.12.8, 25(3-4): 98-114

58) Fengquan Liu, Hongxia Liu, Qin Jia, Xiaojing Wu, Xiaojing Guo, Shujian Zhang, Feng Sun, Hansong Dong*, The internal glycine-rich motif and cysteine suppress several effects of the HpaGXooc protein in plants, Phytopathology, 2006.10.15, 96(10): 1052-1059

59) Haiying Ren, Tingquan Wu, Lijun Sun, Yongxing Liu, Feifei Yang, Zhiyi Chen, Hansong Dong*, Effects of a biocontrol bacterium on growth and defence of transgenic rice plants expressing a bacterial type-III effector, Annals of Microbiology, 2006.4.17, 56(4): 281-287

60) Haiyin Ren, Zhiyi Chen, Hansong Dong*, Combinative effects of a bacterial type-III effector and a biocontrol bacterium on rice growth and disease resistance, Journal of Biosciences, 2006.5.16, 31(5): 617-627

61) Hongping Dong, Haiqin Yu, Zhilong Bao, Xiaojing Guo, Jianling Peng, Zhen Yao, Gongyou Chen, Shuping Qu, Hansong Dong*, The ABI2-dependent abscisic acid signalling controls HrpN-induced drought tolerance in Arabidopsis, Planta, 2005.3.16, 221(3): 313-327


1) 谢联辉, 周雪平, 康振生, 董汉松, 胡方平, 普通植物病理学(教材), 北京: 科学出版社, 622000, 2006.8.16

2) 董汉松, 植病研究法(教材), 中国农业出版社, 496000, 2012.3.6

3) 董汉松, 植物诱导抗病性(专著), 北京: 科学出版社, 689000, 1995.5.01


1) 董汉松, 李宝燕, 蔡洪生, 崔润芝, 徐衡, 一种烟草表皮毛发育相关蛋白基因NtTTG2及其重组表达载体和应用, 2013.4.10, 中国, ZL 2011 1 0264672.X

2) 董汉松, 刘昌来, 王颖, 龙菊英, 陈蕾, 钱君, 邹宝红, 蔡洪生, 李小杰, 水稻细条斑病菌hpaGxooc基因片段hpaG28-126的应用, 2012.3.14, 中国, ZL 2010 1 0528319.3


1) 师德先进个人(南京农业大学,2012

2) 政府特殊津贴(国务院授,2002

3) 教育部跨世纪优秀人才(教育部选,2002

4) 江苏省“青蓝工程”培养对象(江苏省教育厅选,2000

5) 第五届中国青年科技奖(中共中央组织部、国家人事部、中国科协授,1996

6) 国家教委科技进步二等奖(植物诱导抗性研究,1996,排名1/6

7) 国家科委科技进步一等奖(烟草病害调查研究,1996,排名4/9

8) 山东省新长征突击手(共青团山东省委授,1993

9) 山东省优秀青年教师(中共山东省高教工委授,1992

10) 第二届山东省青年科技奖(山东省科协授,1992

11) 山东省省优秀青年知识分子(山东省人民政府所属四个部门授1992




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