题目:Generalized quasi-cyclic codes over finite chain rings
主讲人: 高健
摘要:Linear codes over finite rings form an important research topic in coding theory, due to their applications in lattices, combinatorics and cryptography. Generalized quasi-cyclic (GQC) codes are important linear codes. They not only have good algebraic structures for coding and decoding, but also contain a lot of optimal linear codes. In this talk, we mainly focus on GQC codes over a class of finite chain rings, including their algebraic structures, weight distributions and their applications in some other fields.
个人简介:高健,山东理工大学副教授,博士生导师,主要从事代数编码理论及其应用方面的研究,担任期刊《电子与信息学报》第八届、第九届编委,美国数学会《Mathematical Reviews》评论员。目前,主持(或主持完成)山东省自然科学基金优青、国家自然科学基金青年基金等项目4项,在IEEE Transactions on Information Theory、Finite Fields and Their Applications、Designs, Codes and Cryptography等国际知名期刊发表论文80余篇。入选爱思唯尔2024年度“全球前2%顶尖科学家”年度榜单。