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News:The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

发布时间:2019-12-25 浏览次数:34

The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium started after the final keynote presentation. Prof. Xiao-Lei Wang gave announcements on details of two suggested special volumes of the 9th Hutton Symposium that will be organized in Lithos and Journal of Earth Science, respectively. Dr. Gang Zeng gave a summary of the financial revenue and expenditure about the 9th Hutton Symposium. Then, Jean-Françios Moyen, William Collins and Santosh Kumar, on behalf of Europe, Australia and India, respectively, each gave 10-min presentations about their proposal for holding the 10th Hutton Symposium in 2023. The atmosphere of closing ceremony peaked during the vote for the holding place for the next Hutton Symposium. Based on the voting outcome of over 150 attendees, the winner is Europe. The co-chair Fu-Yuan Wu of academic committee of the Ninth Hutton Symposium announced the voting results. The 10th Hutton Symposium will be held in Ascona, which is located at the border of France, Italy and Switzerland with beautiful scenery and profound cultural background.


The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

Next, Prof. Peter Cawood gave a warm speech on behalf of the attendees. He expressed great appreciations to the organizers, the volunteers, the students, and the speakers. In particular, he highly praised the outstanding execution of organizers for the 9th Hutton Symposium.

The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

Then, after brief introductions on the post-conference field trips presented by Dr. Peng Gao and Prof. Zhen-Yu He, Prof. Xi-Sheng Xu gave an emotional closing speech.


The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

He briefly summarized the 9th Hutton Symposium, including the field trips, oral and poster presentations, and young researcher forum. He thanked the co-organizing universities/institutions, all the attendees for their attendance and discussions, the volunteers, students, and members of organizing committee for their great contributions to the 9th Hutton Symposium. He also expected the stronger international collaborations between the scientists and looked forward to meeting the new and old friends in the 10th Hutton Symposium.

The closing ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

The 9th Hutton Symposium came to a successful conclusion.