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News:The opening ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

发布时间:2019-12-23 浏览次数:37

The 9th Hutton Symposium opened at 8:30 AM, on October 14, 2019, in the Sanjiang Hall of the convention center at Nanjing University International Conference Center. Prof. Xu Xi-sheng, Director of the State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposit Research, Nanjing University, hosted the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium


Prof. Xu Xi-sheng welcomes everyone


Prof. Lyu Jian, president of Nanjing University, gave the first opening speech. He introduced the history and development of Nanjing university and updated the progresses and achievements that have been made by the School of Earth Sciences and Engineering of Nanjing University. “My major is computer sciences, but I have heard a lot about granites” he said in his opening speech to over 250 delegates from all over the world. He highlighted that, Nanjing University is “striving to strengthen communication and cooperation with universities and research institutions overseas” He gave his best wishes to the participants of the symposium.

The opening ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

President of Nanjing University, Prof Lyu Jian, is giving his opening speech


Prof. Guo Zheng-tang, director of Department of Earth Sciences of National Science Foundation of China, gave the second opening speech. He remarked that “Over the past two decades, the National Natural Science Foundation of China has paid great attention to studies on granites, and related rocks and mineralization”. On behalf of the National Science Foundation of China, he wished the symposium a great success.

The opening ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium


Prof. Guo Zheng-tang, director of Department of Earth Sciences of NSFC, gave the second opening speech makes a speech

Prof. Chen Jun, the former present of Nanjing University, and now a professor at the School of Earth Sciences and Engineering of Nanjing University, delivered the final speech of for the opening ceremony. In his speech, he recalled that 37 years ago, Nanjing University hosted the first international conference in China for the geology field after China started to open to the world, and by that time he was an undergraduate student studying at Nanjing University. As the chair of Academic Committee for the 9th Hutton Symposium, academician Chen reviewed the history of granite research and summarized the current trends in granite research, He highlighted that granite provides metals that are critical for modern society and remarked that, “this symposium provides a platform for scientists all over the world to communicate our latest understanding of granites and related rocks and mineralization, and illuminates the path to the future of granite research.”

The opening ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium


Prof. Chen is delivering his opening speech


At the end of the opening ceremony all of the participant took a group photo.

The opening ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

Group photo of all participants taken at the opening ceremony of the 9th Hutton Symposium

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