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发布时间:2016-01-28 浏览次数:413

性      别: 职      称: 教授
研究方向 构造地质 电      话 025-83592734(O)
电子邮件 Lsshu@nju.edu.cn 传      真
办公地点 南京大学仙林校区朱共山楼420 邮政编码 210046
通讯地址 南京市栖霞区仙林大道161号 南京大学朱共山楼 地球科学与工程学院420室









Fax: 025-83686016; Email: Lsshu@nju.edu.cn





1国家85科技攻关项目: 东天山大型推复构造与成矿关系,20万,1992.6-1995.6,第二负责,已完成

2地质矿产部项目: 1/5万夹沟幅-桃山集幅地质填图,44万,1991.8-1995.8,技术负责,已完成

3地矿部华东石油地质局项目: 九岭基底结构特征及断裂带时空演化,3万,1992.6-1994.6,主持,已完成



6 国家95科技攻关项目:觉罗塔格古生代构造演化与成矿关系(95-915-05-01)60万,1996.6-2000.10,第二负责,已完成

7 国家自然科学基金重点项目(主要参加者):中国东南部晚中生代花岗质火山-侵入杂岩成因及地壳演化(49632080)90万(8万),1997.1-2000.12,主要骨干,已完成

8 国家自然科学基金:天山造山带东段下地壳岩片及碰撞变形运动学研(49772151)19.5(国际合作3.5) 1998.1-2000.12,主持,已完成




12教育部博士点: 赣中南侏罗纪-白垩纪陆相盆地沉积特征、成因机制及其地球动力学演化5万;2002-2004;批准号:20010284005主持,已完成

13中国地质调查局综合研究项目名称:中国东部大陆边缘重大地质构造问题研究,10万, 2001-2003,批准号:200113000053主持,已完成

14中石化新星公司石油物探所(南京) 研究项目名称:塔里木盆地北缘及邻区构造演化动力学与油气地质,25万; 2001.1-2002.12主持,已完成


16中石油塔里木油田研究项目:塔东地区库鲁克塔格隆起带断裂构造87万(个人支配13万),2005 .8-2006.8,主要参加,已完成

17南京大学重大基础预研究项目: 华南东段加里东期构造作用和演化,5万,2006年,批准号:020622420101,主持,已完成

18 国家自然科学基金华南武夷山中、深层次韧性变形及其运动学、年代学与超镁铁质-镁铁质岩类研究,41万,2006.1-2008.12,批准号:40572118,主持,已完成


20 中国石油化工总公司项目中国东南部海相盆地差异演化与油气潜力研究,2600;课题名称:中国东南部晚古生代以来盆地演化与沉积作用, 500万,2007.01-2011.12主持,已完成

21 中国地质调查局项目:中国与亚洲地区关键地质问题对比研究, 35万,2006.1-2008.12批准号:1212010611806主持,已完成



24《国家重点基础研究发展规划》“973”项目:中亚造山带大陆动力学过程与成矿作用, 3000万;课题名称:古陆块解体与成矿物质堆积,330万,批准号:2007CB411301, 2007.720011.12;主持,已完成

25 国家自然科学基金:华南东段晚古生代-早中生代构造特征、变形运动学与年代学研究59万,2010.1-2012.12,批准号:40972132,主持,已完成

26. 中国地质科学院地质研究所:浙赣地区扬子古陆和华夏古陆陆缘拼合特征及其构造演化研,45万,编号:1212011121064-012011-1-12013-12-30,主持,执行中

27. 国家自然科学基金:扬子陆块和华夏陆块拼合带的几何学、运动学、年代学特征及其构造演化研究102万,2013.1-2016.12,批准号:41272226,主持,执行中

28. 教育部博士点江绍古拼合带的几何学、运动学、年代学特征及其构造演化研究. 12万,批准号:201200911100242013.1-2015.12, 主持,执行中

29《国家重点基础研究发展规划》“973”项目:华夏地块中生代陆壳再造与巨量金属成矿, 3000万;课题名称:中生代陆壳再造的背景与过程,500批准号:2012CB416701, 2012.12016.12;主要骨干(个人支配120万),执行中

30 国防科工委:纳米比亚中部欢乐谷罗星铀矿应力场分析,30万,02061513822013.52014.3;主持,执行中

31. 中国地质科学院地质研究所:华南造山带造山类型和造山机制的对比研究80万,编号: 201211093-12012-1-12014-12-30,主持,执行中

32. 国家自然科学基金重点:华南西部扬子与华夏地块分界线和造山作用新研究批准号:41330208300万,14-1-118-12-31,

33. 国家自然科学基金: 江南西段新元古代板块运动机制及其地球动力学演化研究, 批准号:4157220090+17.32万,16-1-119-12-31





联合培养博士8名;和法国Charvet Jacques教授、Faure Michel教授联合培养了2名博士(Laurent-Charvet Sebastien王博)。

其中1996-2001年联合指导的法国籍Laurent-Charvet Sebastien博士2003年至今在巴黎11大任教。

培养硕士生Training Master degree students :

1 Zhang Xihui (张喜慧1993-1995), Wang Juefu (王觉富1995-1997), Yue Huanyin (岳焕印1996-1998), Yin Donghao (印栋豪1998-2000), Li Juan (李娟1999-2002), Mu Yufu (慕玉福1999-2002), Wang Bo (王博2000.9-2003.6)Wang Bin (王彬2001.9-2003), Zu Fuping (祖辅平2001.9-2004), Yang Fan (杨帆2002.9-present)11 Wang Renhou (王仁厚2003.9-2006.5), Guo Ping(郭平2003.9-2006.5), Ma Qian (马前2004-2007.5), Wang Miao (王淼2004-2007.5),Liu Hao(刘浩2006.9-2008.6), Huang Xianhui(黄显辉, 2006.9-2009.6) Ao Dekui(敖德逵, 2006.9-2009.6) Fu Weili (付卫丽, 2006.9-2009.6), Xiang Lei(向磊,2007.9-2009.9), Wang Yan(王艳,2007.9-2010.6), 21 Wang Enhui(王恩辉,2007.9-2010.6), Li Weiyi (李维祎,2007.09-2010.06), Chen Xijie (陈希节,2008.9-20010.9), Zhang Yuan (张苑, 2008.9-2011.06),Wang Fei (王飞, 2008.9-2011.06), Ma Xuxuan(马绪宣, 2009.09-2011.09, Ye Liangwen(叶良文, 2009.09-2012.12), Yao Jinlong (姚金龙, 2010-9-2012.9), Xiong Changlin(熊长林, 2010.09-2013.8), Luo Hao (罗皓, 2010.09-2013.8); 31 Chen Xiaoyong (陈小勇,2011.9-2013.09)Chen Guohua(陈国华, 2010.09-2013.09)Dong Changchun (董长春2010.09-)Wang Jingqiang ( 王静强,2012.9-2014.6), Song Meijia(宋美佳,2013.9-), Yan Chaolei(颜朝磊,2013.9-)


合作培养博士生Co-training Ph.D degree students:

92.2 - 95.6, 崔可锐 (与施央申教授) 94.9 - 97.11,郭震宇 (与郭令智教授) 95.9 – 99.10, 刘海龄 (与郭令智教授) 1998.9 – 2001.6, 邱爱金 (与郭令智教授)1996.9-2002.5 Laurent-Charvet Sebastien (Charvet Jacques教授) 1999.9-2005.6,钟康惠(与施央申教授)2001.9-2005.10,楼法生(与王德滋教授); 2006.9-2011.11,张芳荣(与王德滋教授)

培养博士生Training Ph.D degree students:

1 Deng Ping (邓平2000.9-2003.10), Yu Jianguo (于建国1999-2003.12), Yu Xinqi (余心起2001.9-2004.6), Guo Jian (郭建2000.9-2005.5), Chen Haiyun (陈海云2002.9-2006.6), Wang Baichang (王伯长2002.9-2007.10), Sun Shuwen (孙树文03.9-2008.11 ), Wang Bo(王博2003.9-2006.9), Min Bin (闵斌2004.9-2007.6),Deng Xinliang (邓兴梁2006.9-2010.10)11 Zu Fuping (祖辅平,2007.9-2012.8), Chen Xijie (陈希节,2010.9-2013.8), Xiang Lei(向磊,2009.9-), Ma Xuxuan(马绪宣, 2011.09-, Yao Jinlong (姚金龙, 2012-9-),Zhao Lifang (赵理芳, 2012-9-) Chen Xiaoyong (陈小勇,2013.9-) Wang Jingqiang ( 王静强,2014.9-), Song Meijia(宋美佳,2015.9-), Yan Chaolei(颜朝磊,2015.9-)



通过长期对华南地区以及中亚造山带重大科学问题的研究,在地球早期板块构造、大陆内部构造、前寒武纪块体演化和板块俯冲-增生构造等研究领域取得重要成果,发表主要学术论文200多篇(其中第一和第二(通讯作者)SCI论文65篇)、科研专著3部。经Web of Science网站检索,其91SCI论文被SCI期刊ScienceGeologyEPSLJGRTectonics等他引2517篇次,CSCD期刊地质学报等他引972篇次;41CSCD论文被SCI他引285篇次。在2014年底美国的ISI Web of Knowledge检索名单上,他87SCI论文的篇均引用率为25.71,排名在全球地质科学学者的第533位。





全国百篇优秀博士学位论文 导师奖:2010年(西天山伊犁地块古生代地球动力学演化)

教育部自然科学奖二等奖: 2012年,排名第一(华南早古生代陆内构造-岩浆作用与大陆动力学演化)

教育部自然科学奖二等奖: 2005年,排名第一(天山造山带东段碰撞变形与运动学研究)

教育部科技进步奖二等奖: 1999年,排名第一(江南中段新元古代碰撞造山运动学及高压变质带研究)




教育部科技进步二等奖:  1992年,排名第六(地体构造研究)

中国地质学会优秀论文:2002, 排名第一 A large-scale Palaeozoic dextral ductile strike-slip zone




技部,“中华优秀专利技术1998, 排名第(中深构造位倾滑断裂带的固态流变机制)







南京大学赵世良教学大奖, 20149(10万税后奖金)





20年一直和法国同行合作研究华南和天山地质等。合作的法方负责人为Charvet Jacques教授,联合国地质科学联合会副主席、法国地质学科委员会主任、地质学会理事长。曾任Orleans大学副校长。1999年被江苏省人民政府授予江苏省外国专家友谊奖20029月被中国政府授予外国专家友谊奖






发表的学术论著 (*为通讯作者)


1. SCI检索88 Shu Liangshu, Wang Bo, Cawood P.A., Santosh M.and Xu Zhiqin. 2015. Early Paleozoic and early Mesozoic intraplate tectonic and magmatic events in the Cathaysia Block, South China. Tectonics, 34, Doi.org/10.1002/2015TC003835

2. SCI检索89 Yan Chaolei, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M., Yao Jinlong, Li Jinyi and Li Cheng. 2015. The Precambrian tectonic evolution of the western Jiangnan Orogen and western Cathaysia Block: Evidence from detrital zircon age spectra and geochemistry of clastic rocks. Precambrian Research, 268: 33-60. doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2015.07.002  

3. SCI检索90 Song Meijia, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M., Li Jinyi. 2015. Late Early Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic intracontinental orogeny in the South China Craton: Geochronological and geochemical evidence. Lithos, 232:360-374. doi.org/10.1016/ j.lithos.2015.06.019.

4. SCI检索91 Wang J.Q., Shu L.S.*, Santosh M., Xu Z.Q.. 2015. The Pre-Mesozoic crustal evolution of the Cathaysia Block, South China: insights from zircon U–Pb geochronology, Hf isotope and REE geochemistry from the Wugongshan complex. Gondwana Research, 28: 225-245.

5. SCI检索92 Yao Jinlong, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M and Li Jinyi. 2015. Neoproterozoic arc-related andesite and orogeny-related unconformity in the eastern Jiangnan orogenic belt: constraints on the assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks in South China. Precambrian Research, 262: 84-100.

6. SCI检索93 Ma Xuxuan, Shu Liangshu*, Meert Joseph G.. 2015. Early Permian slab breakoff in the Chinese Tianshan belt inferred from the post-collisional granitoids. Gondwana Research, 27 (1), 228-243. doi.org/10.1016/ j.gr.2013.09.018



7. SCI检索79 Yao Jinlong, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M., Xu Zhiqin. 2014. Palaeozoic metamorphism of the Neoproterozoic basement in NE Cathaysia: Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotope and whole rock geochemistry from the Chencai Group. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 171:281-297. doi.org/10.1144/ jgs2013-36

8. SCI检索80  Shu LS, Jahn BM, Charvet J, Santosh M, Wang B, Xu XS and Jiang SY.  2014. Early Paleozoic depositional environment and intracontinental orogeny in the Cathaysia Block (South China): implications from stratigraphic, structural, geochemical and geochronologic evidence. American Journal of Science, 314, , 154-186. Doi: 10.2475/01.2014.00.

9. SCI检索81 Yao Jinlong, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M. 2014. Neoproterozoic arc-trench system and breakup of the South ChinaCraton: Constraints from N-MORB type and arc-related mafic rocks,and anorogenic granite in the Jiangnan orogenic belt. Precambrian Research, 247: 187-207.

10. SCI检索82 Yao Jinlong, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M. and Zhao Guochun. 2014. Neoproterozoic arc-related mafic–ultramafic rocks and syn-collision granite from the western segment of the Jiangnan Orogen, South China: constraints on the Neoproterozoic assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks. Precambrian Research, 243: 39-62.

11. SCI检索83 Ma Xuxuan, Shu Liangshu*, Meert Joseph G, Li Jinyi. 2014. The Paleozoic evolution of Central Tianshan: Geochemical and geochronological evidence. Gondwana Research, 25, 797-819.

12. SCI检索84 Chen Xijie, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M., Xu Zhiqin. 2014. The provenance and tectonic affinity of the Paleozoic meta-sedimentary rocks in the Chinese Tianshan belt: New insights from detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf–isotope analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 94: 12–27.

13. SCI检索85 Ma Xuxuan, Shu Liangshu*, Meert Joseph G and Xu Zhiqin. 2014. The fingerprint of Precambrian basement in the Chinese Central Tianshan: evidence from inherited/xenocrystic zircons of magmatic rocks. Geological Magazine, doi.10.1017/S00167568 14000314.

14. SCI检索86 Wang Bo, Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel, Jahn Bor-ming, Lo Ching-hua, Charvet Jacques and Liu Hongsheng. 2014. Phanerozoic multistage tectonic rejuvenation of the continental crust of the cathaysia block: insights from structural investigations and combined zirconU-Pb and mica 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the granitoids in southern Jiangxi province. The Journal of Geology, 122: 309–328. DOI: 10.1086/675664

15. SCI检索87 Wang Bo, Liu Hongsheng, Shu Liangshu, Jahn Bor-ming, Chung Sun-lin, Zhai Yazhong, Liu Dunyi. 2014. Early Neoproterozoic crustal evolution in northern Yili Block: Insightsfrom migmatite, orthogneiss and leucogranite of the Wenquanmetamorphic complex in the NW Chinese Tianshan. Precambrian Research, 242: 58-81.

16. 董长春,舒良树*,顾连兴. 2014. 云南东川播卡金(铜)矿区辉绿(辉长)-钠长岩系岩相学及其成矿意义. 地质学刊, 384):583-593.



17. SCI检索78 Ma Xuxuan, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M, Li Jinyi. 2013. Paleoproterozoic collisional orogeny in Central Tianshan: Assembling the Tarim Block within the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 228, 1-19.

18. SCI检索77 Chen Xijie, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M., Zhao Xixi. 2013. Island arc-type bimodal magmatism in the eastern Tianshan Belt, Northwest China: Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and implications for the Paleozoic crustal evolution in Central Asia. Lithos168-16948-66 10.1016/j.lithos.2012.10.006

19. SCI检索76 Ma Xuxuan, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M.and Li Jinyi. 2013 Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of an early Palaeozoic mafic-intermediate suite of rocks from the Central Tianshan, northwest China. International Geology Review, 55(5): 548-573. Doi:10.1080/00206814.2012.727575

20. SCI检索75 Yao Jinlong, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M., Li Jinyi. 2013.Geochronology and Hf isotope of detrital zircons from Precambrian sequences in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen: Constraining the assembly of Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks in South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,74225-243.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.08.010 IF: 2.215

21. SCI检索74 Li Yong-Xiang, Shu Liangshu, Wen Bin, Yang Zhenyu and Ali Jason R. 2013. Magnetic inclination shallowing problem and the issue of Eurasia’s rigidity: insights following a palaeomagnetic study of upper Cretaceous basalts and redbeds from SE China. Geophysical Journal International (Geophys. J. Int.), 194(3)1374-1389 doi:10.1093/gji/ggt181  Sept.

22. 舒良树. 2013. 郭令智. 见:钱伟长主编,20世纪中国知名科学家学术成就概览(地学篇),北京:科学出版社,73-80.

23. 舒良树,朱文斌,王博,吴昌志,马东升,马绪宣,丁海峰. 2013. 新疆古块体的形成与演化. 中国地质401):43-60.

24. 罗皓,陈国华,舒立旻,舒良树*.2013.华南早中生代板内沉积-构造特征及其对邻区碰撞事件的响应.地层学杂志37(2):193-205.

25. 熊长林, 徐晓星, 高应荣, 舒良树*. 2013.江西井冈山鹅岭隧道的工程地质调查与涌水量预测. 高校地质学报, 19(1): 78-85.



26. 专著:邓平,舒良树.2012. 南岭东段中-新生代盆山动力学及其铀成矿作用.北京:地质出版社1-247.

27. SCI检索69 Yao Jinlong, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M., Li Jinyi. 2012. Precambrian crustal evolution of the South China Block and its relation to supercontinent history: constraints from U-Pb ages, Lu-Hf isotopes and REE geochemistry of zircons from sandstones and granodiorite. Precambrian Research, 208-211: 19-48. IF: 4.116*为通讯作者

28. SCI检索70 Ma Xuxuan, Shu Liangshu*, Santosh M, Li Jinyi. 2012. Detrital zircon UPb geochronology and Hf isotope data from Central Tianshan suggesting a link with the Tarim Block: Implications on Proterozoic supercontinent history. Precambrian Research, 206-207: 1-16. 10.1016/j.precamres.2012.02.015 IF: 4.116*为通讯作者

29. SCI检索71 Ma Xuxuan, ShuLiangshu*, Jahn Bor-Ming, Wenbin Zhu, Faure Michel. 2012. Precambrian tectonic evolution of Central Tianshan, NW China: constraints from U-Pb dating and in-situ Hf isotopic analysis of detrital zircons. Precambrian Research, 222-223: 450-473. Doi:10.1016/j.precam res.2011.06.004 SCI, IF:4.116*为通讯作者

30. SCI检索72 Wang Xiao-Lei, Shu Liang-Shu, Xing Guang-Fu, Zhou Jin-Cheng, Tang Ming, Shu Xu-Jie, Qi Liang, Hu Yan-Hua. 2012. Post-orogenic extension in the eastern part of the Jiangnan orogen: Evidence from ca 800–760 Ma volcanic rocks. Precambrian Research, 222-223404-423. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2011.07.003

31. SCI检索73 Wang Shengli, Shu Liangshu, Zhu Wenbin, Xu Mingjie, Lu Huafu, Xiao Zhongyao, Luo Juncheng, Zhu Changjian. 2012. Mesozoic faults in the NE Tarim (western China) and the implications on collisions in the southern Eurasian margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 56: 191-199.  dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.05.012 IF: 2.215

32. SCIE检索26 Wang Dezi and Shu Liangshu. 2012. Late Mesozoic basin and range tectonics and related igneous rock assemblages of Southeast China. Geoscience Frontiers, 3(2):109-124.

33. 舒良树. 2012.华南构造演化基本特征. 地质通报31(7): 1035-1053.

34. 祖辅平,舒良树*,李成. 2012. 永安盆地晚古生代—中—新生代沉积构造环境演化特征.地质论评58(1)126-148. *为通讯作者

35. 陈希节;舒良树*;马绪宣. 2012. 新疆尾亚蛇绿混杂岩与镁铁质麻粒岩地球化学特征及构造意义. 高校地质学报184):661-675. *为通讯作者

36. SCIE检索27陈国华,万浩章,舒良树*,张诚,康川.2012.江西景德镇朱溪铜钨多金属矿床地质特征与控矿条件分析.岩石学报, 28(12): 3901-3914.

37. 舒良树,解国爱,王博,胡文宣,徐仕进. 2012. 新形势下普通地质学教学内容和课程体系建设的思考.高等理科教育1044):143-147.



38. SCI检索56 Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel, Yu Jinhai, Jahn Borming. 2011. Geochronological and geochemical features of the Cathaysia block (South China): new evidence for the Neoproterozoic breakup of Rodinia. Precambrian Research, 187:263-276. 10.1016/j.precamres.2011.03.003

39. SCI检索57 Shu LS, Wang B, Zhu WB, Guo ZJ, Charvet J and Zhang Y. 2011. Timing of initiation of extension in the Tianshan, based on structural, geochemical and geochronological analyses of bimodal volcanism and olistostrome in the Bogda Shan (NW China). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 100(7): 1647-1663. DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0575-5

40. SCI检索58 Shu L S, Deng X L, Zhu W B, Ma D S and Xiao W J. 2011. Precambrian tectonic evolution of the Tarim Block, NW China: new geochronological insights from the Quruqtagh domain. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42: 774-790  DOI 10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.08.018 

41. SCI检索59 Yao JinlongShu Liangshu*Santosh M. 2011. Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf-isotopes and geochemistry—New clues for the Precambrian crustal evolution of Cathaysia Block, South China. Gondwana Research, 20553–567  doi:10.1016/j.gr.2011.01.005   *为通讯作者

42. SCI检索60 Chen Xijie , Liangshu Shu*, Santosh M.. 2011. Late Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism in the Eastern Tianshan Belt, Northwest China: new insights from geochemistry, geochronology and petrology of bimodal volcanic rocks. Lithos, 127 581–598. 10.1016/j.lithos.2011.06.008SCI, IF:3.12*为通讯作者

43. SCI检索61 Wang B, Shu LS, Faure M, Jahn BM. Cluzel D, Charvet J, Chung SL and Meffre S. 2011. Paleozoic tectonics of the southern Tianshan: New insights from structural, chronological and geochemical studies of the Heiyingshan ophiolitic mélange (NW China), Tectonophysics, 497: 85-104

44. SCI检索62Charvet J, Shu L S, Laurent-Charvet S, Wang B, Faure M, Cluzel D, Chen Y & de Jong K. 2011. Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the Tianshan belt, NW China. Science in China (Earth Sciences), 54: 166-184 doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-4138-1

45. SCI检索63 Zhang YuanShu Liangshu*, Chen Xiangyun. 2011. Study of geochemistry, geochronology and petro-genesis of the Early Paleozoic granitic plutons in the central-southern Jiangxi Province. Science in China (Earth Sciences), 54(10): 1492-1510.   张苑, 舒良树*,陈祥云. 2011. 华南早古生代花岗岩的地球化学、年代学及其成因研究-以赣中南为例. 中国科学(地球科学), 41(8):1061-1079. *为通讯作者

46. SCI检索64 Xu Xianbing, Zhang Yueqiao, Shu Liangshu, Jia Dong. 2011. La-ICP-MS U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the sheared metamorphic rocks in the WuyishanConstraints on the timing of Early Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic tectono-thermal events in SE China. Tectonophysics, 501(1-4):71-86. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.01.014.  

47. SCI检索65 Zhu Wenbin, Zheng Bihai, Shu Liangshu, Ma Dongsheng, Wu Hailin, Li Yongxiang, Huang Wentao, Yu Junjie. 2011. Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Precambrian Aksu blueschist terrane, northwestern Tarim, China: Insights from LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb ages and geochemical data. Precambrian Research185215–230.

48. SCI检索66 Zhu WB, Zheng BH, Shu LS, Ma DS. 2011. Geochemistry and SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology of the Korla mafic dykes: Constrains on the Neoproterozoic continental breakup in the Tarim Block, northwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42: 791-804. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.11.018 SCI, IF: 2.215

49. SCI检索67 Zhang Zhiyong, Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Wan Jinglin, Yang Wei, Zheng Bihai Su Jinbao. 2011. Multi-stage exhumation of the NE Tarim Precambrian bedrock, NW China: constraints from apatite fission track thermochronology in the Kuluketage area. Terra Nova, 23324-332. SCI, IF:2.163

50. 舒良树,王艳,沙金庚。 2011.中国东南部侏罗纪沉积特征与形成环境研究. 地质学刊,, 35(4):337-348.

51. 祖辅平,舒良树*,沈骥千,李成. 2011. 金衢盆地的原型及其含油气前景. 沉积学报294):644-657. *为通讯作者

52. 祖辅平,舒良树*,李成. 2011. 永安盆地有机碳同位素特征与古环境意义. 地层学杂志353):268-277. *为通讯作者



53. 教材 舒良树主编. 2010. 普通地质学. 北京:地质出版社,1-292

54. SCI检索51 Charvet Jacques, Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel, Choulet Flavien, Wang Bo, Lu Huafu, Le Breton Nicole. 2010. Structural development of the Lower Paleozoic belt of South China: Genesis of an intracontinental orogen. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 39: 309–330  doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.03.006

55. SCI检索52 Xiang LeiShu Liang-shu*. 2010. Predevonian tectonic evolution of the eastern South China block: geochronological evidence from detrital zircons. Science in China (Earth Sciences), 53(10): 1427-1444. DOI 10.1007/s11430-010-4061-5 向磊,舒良树*. 2010. 华南东段前泥盆纪构造演化:来自碎屑锆石的证据. 中国科学(地球科学), 4010):1377-1388. *通讯作者

56. SCI检索53 Wang Qingchen, Shu Liangshu, Charvet Jacques, Faure Michel, Ma Huadong, Natal’in Boris, Gao Jun, Kroner Alfred, Xiao Wenjiao, Li Jinyi, Windley Brian, Chen Yan, Glen Richard, Jian Ping, Zhang Wei, Seltmann Reimar, Wilde Simon, Choulet Flavien, Wan Bo, Quinn Cameron, Rojas-Agramonte Yamirka, Wang Bo, Lin Wei. 2010. Understanding and study perspectives on tectonic evolution and crustal structure of the Paleozoic Chinese Tianshan: Report on the International Excursion and Workshop, Urumqi, China. Episodes, 33(4):242-265

57. SCI检索54 Wang BoFaure Michel, Shu Liangshu, de Jong Koen, Charvet Jacques, Cluzel Dominique, Jahn Bor-ming, Chen Yan and Gilles Ruffet. 2010. Structural and geochronological study of high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Kekesu section (Northwestern China): Implications for the Late Paleozoic tectonics of the southern Tianshan. Journal of Geology, 118: 59–77. DOI: 10.1086/648531 (国际SCI论文)

58. SCI检索55 Zhu WB, Zhang ZY, Shu LS, Wan JL, Lu HF, Wang SL, Yang W and Su JB. 2010. Thermotectonic evolution of Precambrian basement rocks in the Kuruktag uplift, NE Tarim craton, NW China: evidence from apatite fission-track data. International Geology Review, 52(9): 941-954Doi: 10.1080/00206810903211062. SCI,IF: 1.288

59. SCI-E检索23 陈希节, 舒良树*. 2010. 新疆哈尔里克山后碰撞期构造-岩浆活动特征及年代学证据. 岩石学报, 26(10):3057-3064. *通讯作者

60. 张苑,舒良树. 2010. 21世纪实验岩石学的重大突破核幔边界D"层研究. 地质学刊, 342):113-11640634022,40972132

61. 舒良树. 2010. 盆山耦合. 地球科学编委会:“10000个科学难题”(地质学篇) . 北京: 科学出版社, 240~243.

62. 张芳荣,舒良树*,王德滋,沈渭洲,于津海,谢磊. 2010. 江西付坊花岗岩体的年代学、地球化学特征及其成因研究. 高校地质学报162):161-176 *通讯作者



63. SCI检索39 Shu L.S., Zhou X.M., Deng P., Wang B., Jiang S.Y., Yu J.H., Zhao X.X.. 2009. Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the southeast china block: New insights from basin analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34376-391.  doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2008.06.004

64. SCI检索40 Shu LiangShu, Wang Yan,, Sha Jingeng, Jiang Shaoyong and Yu Jinhai. 2009. Jurassic sedimentary features and tectonic settings of southeast China. Science in China (D): 52(12): 1969-1978. doi: 10.1007/s11430-009-0159-z

65. SCI检索41 Faure M., Shu Liangshu, Wang Bo, Charvet J., Choulet1 F. and Monie P. 2009.Intracontinental subduction: a possible mechanism for the Early Palaeozoic Orogen of SE China. Terra Nova, 21360-368. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00888.x

66. SCI检索42 Shen Weizhou, Linhongfei, Shu Liangshu, Zhang Fangrong and Xiang Lei. 2009. Sm—Nd isotopic compositions of Cambrian-Ordovician strata at the Jinggangshan area in Jiangxi Province:tectonic implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(10): 1750-1758, doi: 10.1007/s11434-009-0214-3沈渭洲, 凌洪飞, 舒良树, 张芳荣, 向磊. 江西井冈山地区寒武-奥陶纪地层的Sm-Nd同位素组成及其构造意义. 科学通报,54(10): 1750-1758.

67. SCI-E检索21 沈渭洲, 舒良树, 向磊, 张芳荣, 王博.2009. 江西井冈山地区早古生代沉积岩的地球化学特征及其对沉积环境的制约. 岩石学报,2510):2442-2458   Shen WZ, Shu LS, Xiang L, Zhang FR and Wang B. 2009. Geochemical characteristics of Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Jinggangshan area, Jiangxi Province and the constraining to the sedimentary environment. Acta Petrologica Sinica2510):2442-2458

68. SCI检索43 Wang BoCluzel DominiqueShu LiangshuFaure MichelCharvet JacquesChen YanMeffre Sebastien and de Jong Koen. 2009. Evolution of calc-alkaline to alkaline magmatism through Carboniferous convergence to Permian transcurrent tectonics, western Chinese Tianshan. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch), 98:1275–1298, DOI 10.1007/s00531-008-0408-y

69. SCI检索44 Wang BoFaure Michel, Shu Liangshu, de Jong Koen, Charvet Jacques, Cluzel Dominique, Jahn Bor-ming, Chen Yan and Gilles Ruffet. 2010. Structural and geochronological study of high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Kekesu section (Northwestern China): Implications for the Late Paleozoic tectonics of the southern Tianshan. Journal of Geology, 118: 59–77. DOI: 10.1086/648531

70. SCI检索45 Zhu WB; Zhang ZY; Shu LS. 2009. Unravelling the exhumation history of the Precambrian bssement rocks in the northern Tarim through apatite fission track theomochronology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73: A1532-A1532

71. SCI检索46 Zhang Zhiyong, Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Wan Jinglin, Yang Wei, Su Jinbao, Zheng Bihai. 2009. Thermo-tectonic evolution of Precambrian blueschists in Aksu, Xinjiang, NW China. Gondwana Research, 16182-188

72. SCI检索47 Zhang Zhiyong, Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Su Jinbao, Zheng Bihai. 2009. Neoproterozoic ages of the Kuluketage diabase dyke swarm in Tarim of northwest China and its relationship to the breakup of Rodinia. Geological Magazine, 146(1): 150-154.

73. SCI检索48  de Jong. Koen, Wang Bo, Faure Michel, Shu Liangshu, Cluzel Dominique,Charvet Jacques, Ruffet Gilles, Chen Yan. 2009. New 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the Late Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the western Tianshan (Xinjiang, northwestern China), with emphasis on Permian fluid ingress. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98:1239–1258.

74. SCI-E检索22于津海,王丽娟, O’Reilly S Y, 舒良树, 孙涛. 2009. 赣南存在古元古代基底:来自上犹陡水煌斑岩中捕虏锆石的U-Pb-Hf同位素证据. 科学通报 54(7)898-905. Yu Jinhai, Wang Lijuan, O’Reilly S Y, Shu Liangshu and Sun Tao. 2009. Paleoproterozoic basement beneath the southern Jiangxi Province: Evidence from U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopes of zircons in the Doushui lamprophyre. Chin. Sci. Bull., 54(7)1555-1563.

75. SCI检索49 Zhang Zhiyong, Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Wan Jinglin, Yang Wei, Su Jinbao, Zheng Bihai. 2009. Thermo-tectonic evolution of Precambrian blueschists in Aksu, Xinjiang, NW China. Gondwana Research, 16182-188 SCI,IF: 5.503

76. SCI检索50 Ding Haifeng, Ma Dongsheng, Yao Chunyan and Shu Liangshu. 2009. Sedimentary environment of Edicaran glacigenic diamictite in Guozigou of Xinjiang, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 543283-3294.

77. 张芳荣,舒良树*,王德滋,于津海,沈渭洲. 2009. 华南东段加里东期花岗岩类形成构造背景探讨. 地学前缘161):248-260. *通讯作者

78. 杨帆,舒良树张富生. 2009. 南天山基性麻粒岩中变形石英和石榴子石的TEM研究. 大地构造与成矿学,334):481-487

79. 刘浩, 孙岩, 舒良树, 陆现彩. 2009. 华南武功山地区韧性剪切带的纳米尺度量测研究. 地质学报83(5): 609-616.



80. SCI检索34 Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel, Wang Bo, Zhou Xinmin, Song Biao. 2008. Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic Geological Features of South China: Response to the Indosinian Collision Event in Southeast Asia, Comptes rendus Geoscience (C R Geosci), 340(2-3): 151—165. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2007.10.010

81. SCI检索35 Shu Liangshu, Deng Ping, Yu Jinhai, Wang Yanbin and Jiang Shaoyong. 2008. The age and tectonic environment of the rhyolitic rocks on the western side of Wuyi Mountain, South China. Science in China (D): 51(8): 1053-1063. 舒良树, , 于津海,王彦斌,蒋少涌. 2008. 武夷山西缘流纹岩的形成时代及其地球化学特征. 中国科学(D)38(8): 950-959.

82. 舒良树,于津海,贾东,王博,沈渭洲,张岳桥. 2008. 华南东段早古生代造山带研究. 地质通报, 2710):1581-1593

83. SCI-E检索15 Sun Yan, Shu Liangshu, Lu Xiancai, Liu Hao, Zhang Xihui, Lin Aiming, Kosaka Kazuo.2008. Recent progress in studies on the nano-sized particle layer in rock shear planes. Progress in Natural Science, 18 : 367–373 孙岩,舒良树,陆现彩,刘浩.2007.岩石剪切面纳米粒子层的近期研究进展.自然科学进展17(10):1331-1337.  

84. SCI检索36 Sun Yan, Shu Liangshu, Lu Xiancai, Liu Hao, Zhang Xihui, Kosaka Kazuo, Lin Aiming.2008. A comparative study of natural and experimental nano-sized grainding grain textures in rocks. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(8): 1217-1221

85. SCI检索37  Zhu Wenbin, Zhang Zhiyong, Shu Liangshu, Lu Huafu, Su Jinbao & Yang Wei. 2008.  SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology of Neoproterozoic Korla mafic dykes in the northern Tarim Block, NW China: implications for the longlasting breakup process of Rodinia. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 165: 887–890

86. SCI-E检索16 朱文斌,万景林,舒良树,张志勇,苏金宝,孙岩. 2008. 天山东段觉罗塔格山晚中生代构造热演化:来自磷灰石裂变径迹的证据. 岩石学报, 82(2)348-357.  Zhu WB, Wan JL, Shu LS, Zhang ZY, Su JB, Sun Y.  2008. Late Mesozoic thermotectonic evolution of the Jueluotage Range, Eastern Xinjiang , Northwest China: Evidence from apatite fission track data. Acta Geologica Sinica, 82(2) : 348-357   

87. SCI检索38 Wang Bo, Faure Michel, Shu Liangshu, Cluzel Dominique, Charvet Jacques, De Jong  Koen and Chen Yan. 2008. Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Yili Block, Western Chinese Tianshan. Bulletin de la Societé Géologique de France, 179(5) : 483-490

88. SCI-E检索17 沈渭洲, 张芳荣, 舒良树, 王丽娟, 向磊. 2008. 江西宁冈岩体的形成时代、地球化学特征及其构造意义. 岩石学报, 24(10) : 2244-2254 

89. SCI-E检索18 邓兴梁,舒良树*,朱文斌,马东升. 2008. 王博新疆兴地断裂带前寒武纪构造-岩浆-变形作用特征及其年龄. 岩石学报, 2411):2000-2808  *通讯作者

90. SCI-E检索19  张志勇,朱文斌,舒良树,万景林,杨伟,苏金宝. 2008. 新疆阿克苏地区前寒武纪蓝片岩构造-热演化史. 岩石学报,2411):2849-2856.

91. SCI-E检索20 郑碧海,朱文斌,舒良树,张志勇,于俊杰,黄文涛. 2008.阿克苏前寒武纪蓝片岩原岩产出的大地构造背景. 岩石学报2411):2839-2848.



92. SCI-E检索11  Shu LiangshuZhou Xinmin, Deng Ping and Zhu Wenbin. 2007. Mesozoic–Cenozoic Basin Features and Evolution of Southeast China Acta Geol. Sinica, 81 (4): 573–586.

93. 舒良树 ,王博,朱文斌. 2007. 南天山蛇绿混杂岩中放射虫化石的时代及其构造意义. 地质学报, 81(6)1161-1168

94. 舒良树. 2007. 南岭地区地质背景.周新民主编:南岭地区晚中生代花岗岩成因与岩石圈动力学演化. 北京:科学出版社,3-22.

95. 舒良树.邓平,余心起,王彬,祖辅平.2007. 华南中生代盆地分布.周新民主编:南岭地区晚中生代花岗岩成因与岩石圈动力学演化. 北京:科学出版社,161-178.

96. SCI检索29 Charvet Jacques, Shu Liangshu and Laurent-Charvet Sébastien. 2007. Paleozoic structural and geodynamic evolution of eastern Tianshan (NW China): welding of the Tarim and Junggar plates. Episodes, 30 (3): 162-186.

97. SCI检索30 Sun Shuwen, Shu Liangshu, Zeng Yanwei,  Cao Jian and Feng Zhiqiang. 2007. Porositypermeability and textural heterogeneity of reservoir sandstones from the Lower Cretaceous Putaohua Member Of Yaojia Formation, Weixing Oilfield, Songliao Basin, Northeast China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 24 (2): 109–127 (孙树文是舒指导的博士生)

98. SCI检索31 Min Bin, Shu Liangshu, Yin Huibin, Xin Weijiang and  Dirong Zhang. 2007. Conglomerate reservoir characterization in the Caiyu field of the Langgu Sag, North China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 24: 579–590 doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2007.04.004 (闵斌是舒指导的博士生) 

99. SCI检索32 Wang B, Shu L S, Cluzel D, Faure M and Charvet J. 2007. Geochemical Constraints on Carboniferous Volcanic rocks of Yili Block (Xinjiang, NW China): implication for the tectonic evolution of Western Tianshan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 29:148-159 (Wang B0是舒指导的博士生)    

100. SCI检索33 Wang Bo, Chen Yan, Zhan Sheng, Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel, Cluzel Dominique, Charvet Jacques, Laurent-Charvet Sébastien. 2007. Primary Carboniferous and Permian paleomagnetic results from the Yili Block (NW China) and their implications on the geodynamic evolution of Chinese Tianshan Belt. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 263: 288-308  doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.08.037 (Wang B0是舒指导的博士生)  

101. SCI-E检索12  王博, 舒良树, Faure M, Cluzel D, Charvet J.2007. 科克苏穹库什太古生代构造岩浆作用及其对西南天山造山时代的约束. 岩石学报236):1354-1368.

102. SCI-E检索13 王博, 舒良树, Cluzel D, Faure M, Charvet J.2007. 伊犁北部博罗霍努岩体年代学和地球化学研究及其大地构造意义. 岩石学报238):1885-11900.

103. SCI-E检索14 朱文斌,张志勇,舒良树,万景林,卢华复, 王胜利, 杨伟,苏金宝. 2007. 塔里木北缘前寒武基底隆升剥露史:来自磷灰石裂变径迹的证据. 岩石学报, 23 (7): 1671-1682

104. 王淼, 舒良树. 2007. 武夷山新元古代蛇绿混杂岩岩石地球化学特征. 中国地质34(4):572-583. (王淼是舒指导的硕士生)



105. 专著:郭召杰,陈正乐,舒良树,李胜祥等. 2006. 中国西部中亚型造山带中新生代陆内造山过程与砂岩型铀矿成矿作用.北京:地质出版社,1-393(舒执笔22-41194-204212-229

106. SCI检索25 Shu Liangshu, Faure Michel, Jiang Shaoyong, Yang Qun, and Wang Yujing. 2006. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age, litho- and biostratigraphic analyses of the Huaiyu Domain in South China— Evidence for a Neoproterozoic orogen, not Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic collision. Episodes, 29(4): 244-252

107. SCI检索26 Zhu Wenbin, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan,Wang Feng and Zhan Zhongyan. 2006. Mesozoic-Cenozoic deformation of the central structural belt in the Turpan-Hami basin, Northwest China: tectonic evolution of an intracontinental basin, Central Asia. International Geology Review. 48(3): 271-285

108. SCI检索27 Zhou Xinmin, Sun Tao, Shen Weizhou, Shu Liangshu and Niu Yaoling.2006. Petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids and volcanicrocks in South China: A response to tectonicevolution. Episodes, 29(1): 26-33

109. SCI检索28 Wang B0, Faure M, Cluzel D, Shu Liangshu and Charvet J. 2006. Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of West Chinese Tianshan belt. Geodinamica Acta19(3-4): 227-237 (Wang B0是舒指导的博士生)

110. 舒良树,周新民,邓平,余心起.2006. 南岭构造带的基本地质特征.地质论评, 52(2): 251-265

111. 舒良树王德滋. 2006.北美西部与中国东南部盆岭构造对比研究.高校地质学报, 12(1):1-13.

112. 舒良树.2006. 华南前泥盆纪构造演化:从华夏地块到加里东期造山带.高校地质学报, 12(4): 418- 431

113. 王彬,舒良树,杨振宇. 2006. 赣闽粤地区早、中侏罗世构造地层研究. 地层学杂志,301): 42-49.(舒为通讯作者)

114. 王博,舒良树Cluzel D, Faure M, Charvet J. 2006. 新疆伊犁北部石炭纪火山岩地球化学特征及其地质意义.中国地质,333:498-508 (舒为通讯作者)

115. 马前,舒良树,朱文斌. 2006. 天山乌-库公路剖面中、新生代埋藏、隆升及剥露史研究. 新疆地质,24(2): 99-104(舒为通讯作者)

116. 余心起,吴淦国,舒良树,颜铁增,张达,狄永军. 2006. 白垩纪时期赣杭构造带的伸展作用. 地学前缘,13331-43



117. SCI-E检索7  舒良树, 朱文斌, 王博, 福赫 M, 夏飞 J, 克利莱尔 D. 2005. 新疆博格达南缘后碰撞期陆内裂谷和水下滑塌构造. 岩石学报, 21 (1):25-36

118. SCI检索22  L. SHU, W. ZHU, Y. SUN AND X. ZHOU.2005. Tectonic Basement of South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(10s): A306 (论文摘要)

119. SCI检索23 W. ZHU, L. SHU, Y. Sun, F. Wang and Z. Zhao. 2005. Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumation history of North Tianshan, Northwest China: Constrains from fission track analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(10s):A310 (论文摘要)

120. 舒良树,王博,王良书,何光玉. 2005. 苏北盆地晚白垩世-新近纪原型盆地分析. 高校地质学报, 11(4):534-543

121. 舒良树. 2005. 为人师表,执着进取郭令智院士教学科研轨迹. 中国地质教育,(2):1-4

122. 余心起,舒良树,颜铁增,祖辅平.2005. 赣杭构造带红层盆地原型及其沉积作用. 沉积学报23(1):12-20(舒为通讯作者)              

123. 余心起,舒良树,邓国辉,王彬,祖辅平. 2005. 江西吉泰盆地碱性玄武岩的地球化学特征及其构造意义. 现代地质 191):133-140 (舒为通讯作者)

124. 王仁厚,舒良树,邢志贵,魏喜,宋柏荣. 2005. 辽河断陷大民屯凹陷静北灰岩古潜山地层时代研究.地层学杂志293):295-302(舒为通讯作者)

125. 陈海云,舒良树于建国,侯方英,吴龙丽.2005.济阳坳陷构造样式及其与油气关系. 高校地质学报, 11(4):67-76 (舒为通讯作者)

126. 楼法生,舒良树王德滋. 2005. 变质核杂岩研究进展.高校地质学报, 11(1):67-76

127. SCI-E检索8 Zhu Wenbin, Wan Jinglin, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan, Guo Jichun, Wang Feng. 2005. Mesozoic-Cenozoic thermal history of Turpan-Hami basin: apatite fission track constraints. Progress in Natural Science, 15(4): 331-336    朱文斌,万景林,舒良树,孙岩,王锋. 2004. 吐鲁番哈密盆地中新生代热历史:磷灰石裂变径迹证据. 自然科学进展,1410):1194-1198

128. SCI-E检索9 Sun Yan, Lu Xiancai, Shu Liangshu, Gu Lianxing, Zhu Wenbin, Guo Jichun and Lin Aiming. 2005. Observation of ultra-microtexture of fault rocks in shearing-sliding zones. Progress in Natural Science, 15(5): 430-434. 孙岩,陆现彩,舒良树,顾连兴,朱文斌,郭继春. 2005. 剪切滑动带断层岩中超微结构的实例观测和研究展望. 自然科学进展,151):15-20

129. SCI检索24  Lu Xiancai, Sun Yan, Shu Liangshu, Gu Lianxing, Guo Jichun and Zhu Wenbin. 2005. Cataclastic rheology of carbonate rocks. Science in China (D), 48(8):1227-1233. 孙岩,陆现彩,舒良树,顾连兴,郭继春,朱文斌. 2004. 碳酸盐岩的碎裂流变研究. 中国科学(D)3412):1111-1117.

130. SCI-E检索10  Yang Qun, Wang Yujing, Yin Leiming, Shu Liangshu, Lou Fasheng, Wang Bo. 2005. On the age of the ophiolitic complexes in northeastern Jiangxi: a micropaleontological analysis. Acta Geologica Sinica, 79(3): 308-312

131. 楼法生, 沈渭洲, 王德滋, 舒良树, 吴富江, 张芳荣, 于津海. 2005. 江西武功山穹隆复式花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年代学研究. 地质学报, 79 (5): 636-644



132. SCI检索17  Shu Liangshu, Deng Ping,Wang Bin,Tan Zhengzhong,Yu Xinqi, Sun Yan. 2004. Lithology, Kinematics and Geochronology Related to Late Mesozoic Basin-Mountain Evolution in the Nanxiong-Zhuguang Area, South China. Science in China (D), 478):673-688  舒良树,邓平, 王彬,谭正中,余心起,孙岩.2004.南雄-诸广地区晚中生代盆山演化的岩石化学、运动学与年代学制约.中国科学(D)341):1-13.

133. SCI-E检索6  邓平,舒良树,余心起,王彬,谭正中,孙岩. 2004.闽西-赣南早-中侏罗世盆地及其火山岩特征.岩石学报, 203):521-532(舒为通讯作者)

134. SCI检索18 Yu Xinqi, Shu Liangshu*, 2004. Late Mesozoic crustal evolution of the Ganhang belt, South China: constraints from geochemistry of volcanic rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,68(11s): A723 (舒为通讯作者)(论文摘要)

135. SCI检索19  Zhu Wen-Bin, Shu Liang-Shu, Zhao Min, Sun Yan. 2004. Geochemical characteristics and genesis of the Late Paleozoic metamorphic rocks in eastern Tianshan, Northwest China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,68(11s):A622 (论文摘要)

136. 舒良树,周新民,邓平,余心起,王彬,祖辅平. 2004. 中国东南部中、新生代盆地特征与构造演化. 地质通报239-10):876-884

137. 舒良树, 郭召杰, 朱文斌, 卢华复, 王博. 2004. 天山地区碰撞后构造与盆山演化. 高校地质学报, 10(3):393-404

138. SCI检索20  Zhu Wen-Bin, Shu Liang-Shu, Ma Rui-Shi, Sun Yan.2004. Comment on “ Characteristics and dynamic origin of the large-scale Jiaoluotage ductile compressional zone in the eastern Tianshan Mountains, China” by X.W.Xu, T.L.Ma, L.Q.Sun and X.P. Cai. Journal of Structural Geology, 26:2331-2335

139. 余心起,舒良树,颜铁增,俞云文,祖辅平,王 彬,2004.江山-广丰地区早白垩世晚期玄武岩的岩石地球化学及其构造意义.地球化学33(5):465-476(舒为通讯作者)

140. 陈海云,舒良树, 张云银,林春明,刘国宏,赵彦彦. 2004. 合肥盆地中、新生代构造演化. 高校地质学报, 10(2):250-256

141. 钟康惠,刘肇昌,舒良树,李凡友,施央申. 澜沧江断裂带的新生代走滑运动学特点. 地质论评 50(1):1-8

142. 钟康惠,梁兴中,刘肇昌,舒良树,李凡友,施央申,唐菊兴. 2004. 藏东三江构造带云南段α石英热活化ESR定年与新生代构造事件. 地质通报,2312):1231-1237

143. 钟康惠,刘肇昌, 施央申,李凡友,舒良树. 2004. 源盐-丽江构造带是新生代陆内造山带. 地质学报,781):36-43

144. SCI检索21  SHU Liangshu, YU Jinhai, CHARVET J, Laurent-Charvet S, Zhang Rengu, Sang Haiqing. 2004. Isotopic dating and geochemical constraint: granulite features in the eastern part of the Tianshan belt, NW-China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences241): 25 – 41



145. SCI-E检索4  Shu Liangshu, Wang Bo, Yang Fan, Lu Huafu, Charvet J and Laurent C S. 2003.  Polyphase Tectonic Events and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin-Range Coupling in the Chinese Tianshan belt. Acta Geol. Sinica, 77(4): 457-467

146. SCI-E检索5  Sun Yan, Shu Liangshu, Guo Jichun, Zhu Wenbin, Zhang Xihui, Chen Xiangyun, Wang Feng and Faure M. 2003.  Tectono-geochemistry analyses of fault rocks in shear zone of metamorphic core complex in north Jiangxi, China. Progress in natural science, 13(5):367-373

147. SCI检索15  Laurent-Charvet S, Monié P, Charvet J, Shu Liangshu and Ma Ruishi. 2003. Late-Paleozoic strike-slip shear zones in northeastern Xinjiang (NW China): new structural and geochronological data. Tectonics, 222):1009-1032

148. SCI检索16  Faure M, Lin Wei, Schärer U, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan . 2003. Continental subduction and exhumation of UHP rocks. Structural and geochronological insights from the Dabieshan (East China). Lithos, 70, 213-241

149. 舒良树,王玉净. 2003. 新疆卡拉麦里蛇绿岩带中硅质岩的放射虫化石. 地质论评49(4): 408-412

150. 舒良树,慕玉福,王伯长. 2003. 松辽盆地含油气地层及其构造特征. 地层学杂志274):340-347

151. 舒良树,卢华复,印栋豪,王博. 2003.中、南天山古生代增生-碰撞事件和变形运动学研究.南京大学学报(自然科学版)39(1):17-30

152. 舒良树, 马瑞士, 王赐银, 卢华复. 2003. 天山东段尾亚和榆树沟麻粒岩及其韧性变形. 何国琦,徐新主编:中国新疆天山地质与矿产论文集. 北京:地质出版社, 66-79

153. 邓平,舒良树,郭英杰,杨明桂.2003. 赣江断裂带地质特征及其动力学研究. 地质论评49(2):113-122(邓为舒的博士)

154. 邓平,舒良树, 谭正中. 2003. 诸广-贵东大型铀矿聚集区富铀矿成矿地质条件. 地质论评495):486-494

155. 余心起,舒良树, , ,祖辅平. 2003. 中国东南部侏罗纪第三纪陆相地层沉积特征.地层学杂志,273):254-263 舒为通讯作者

156. 余心起,舒良树,邓 平,王德恩,支利赓,2003.皖南晚震旦世中、浅海沉积环境. 沉积学报213):398403.



157. 专著:邱爱金,郭令智,郑大瑜, 舒良树. 2002. 大陆构造作用对相山富大铀矿形成的制约. 北京: 地质出版社,  1-103.

158. 专著: 刘海龄,郭令智,孙岩,周蒂, 舒良树,杨树康,张毅祥,张佰友. 2002. 南沙地块断裂构造系统与岩石圈动力学研究. 北京:科学出版社1-123

159. SCI-E检索3  Shu Liangshu, J. Charvet, H.F. Lu , S.C. Laurent. 2002. Paleozoic accretion-collision events and kinematics of ductile deformation in the central-southern Tianshan Belt, China. Acta Geol. Sinica, 763: 308-323.

160. 舒良树,周新民. 2002. 中国东南部晚中生代构造作用. 地质论评48(3): 249-260

161. 舒良树,徐鸣洁. 2002.中国东南部地质背景。王德滋,周新民等著:中国东南部晚中生代花岗质火山-侵入杂岩成因与地壳演化。北京:科学出版社1-21

162. 楼法生,舒良树,于津海,王德滋. 2002.江西武功山穹隆花岗岩岩石地球化学特征与成因. 地质论评48(1): 80-88. (楼为舒协助指导的博士生)

163. 楼法生,舒良树,王德滋. 2002.武功山中生代变质核杂岩构造运动学及岩石地球化学特征研究. 地质通报(原中国区域地质),21(4-5):264-269

164. 舒良树,施央申.2002.南大杰出校友许靖华博士荣获2001年美国地质学会最高荣誉奖彭罗斯奖 高校地质学报8(1):120

165. EI检索6  Guo Jian, Shu Liangshu, Charvet Jaques, Laurent C Sebastien, Sun Shuwen. 2002. Geochemical features of the two Early Paleozoic ophiolitic zones and the volcanic rocks in the Central-Southern Tianshan region, Xinjiang. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 21(4): 308-321(舒为通讯作者)

166. 李娟, 舒良树.  2002. 松辽盆地中、新生代构造特及其演化. 南京大学学报(自然科学), 38(4): 525-531(舒为通讯作者)

167.   ,舒良树,谭正中,吴烈勤.2002. 南岭中段中生代构造-岩浆活动与铀成矿系列. 铀矿地质18(5):257-263

168.   ,舒良树,肖旦红.2002. 中国东南部前中生代基底构造探讨. 高校地质学报8(2):169-179 (舒为通讯作者)

169. SCI检索14  Laurent Charvet Sebastien, Charvet Jacques, Shu Liangshu, Ma Ruishi and Lu Huafu. 2002. Palaeozoic late collisional strike-slip deformations in Tianshan and Altay, Eastern Xinjiang, NW China. Terra Nova, 14(4):249-256.



170. SCI检索9  Wang Dezi, Shu Liangshu, Faure M, Sheng Weizhou. 2001. Mesozoic Magmatism and Granitic Dome in the Wugongshan Massif, Jiangxi Province and Their Genetical Relationship to the Tectonic Events in Southeast China. Tectonophysics, 339:259-277.

171. 舒良树,卢华复,印栋浩,夏飞,卢汉. 2001. 新疆北部古生代大陆增生构造. 新疆地质19(1):59-63 

172. 王博,舒良树. 2001.对赣东北晚古生代放射虫的初步认识. 地质论评474):337-344. (王为舒指导的硕士生)

173. SCI检索10, EI检索5  Li Benliang, Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan, Faure M, Charvet J.. 2001. Experimental analysis of ductile-slip rheology in shallow structural level faults. Science in China (Series D), 44(6):481-489

174. SCI检索11  Sun Yan, Shu Liangshu, Zhu WenbinGuo Jichun, et al.. 2001. Three evolutionary stages of the collision orogenic deformation in the Middle Yangzi region. Science in China (Series D)4411):990-1001.

175. 孙岩,舒良树,朱文斌,郭继春等. 2001. 中扬子区碰撞造山形变作用的三个演化阶段. 中国科学(D,316):455-463

176. SCI检索12  Charvet J, Laurent-Charvet S, Shu L ans Ma R. 2001. Paleizoic continental accretions in Central Asia around Junggar block : new structural and geochronological data. Gondwana Research, 4(4): 590-592

177. SCI检索13   Lin Wei, Faure M, Sun Yan and Shu Lianmgshu. 2001. Compression to extension switch during the Middle Triassic orogeny of Eastern China: The case study of the Jiulingshan massif in the southern foreland of the Dabieshan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences20(1):31-43.



178. Shu Liangshu, Chen Yuntang, Lu Huafu, Charvet J., Laurent C. S., Yin Donghao. 2000. Paleozoic accretionary terranes in Northern Tianshan, NW China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 193):193-202

179. 舒良树, 卢华复, Charvet J., Laurent C. S. 印栋浩. 2000.天山东部麻粒岩定年与地球化学研究. 南京大学学报(自然科学),36(6)718-727

180. 舒良树, 王德滋, 沈渭洲. 2000. 江西武功山中生代变质核杂岩的花岗岩类Nd-Sr同位素研究. 南京大学学报(自然科学),36(3):306-311

181. 舒良树,于津海,王德滋. 2000. 长乐-南澳断裂带晚中生代岩浆活动与变质-变形特征. 高校地质学报, 63):368-378



182. SCI-E检索1 SHU Liangshu, Charvet Jacques, Guo Lingzhi, Lu Huafu, Laurent-Charvet Sebastien. 1999. A large-scale Palaeozoic dextral ductile strike-slip zone: the Aqqikkudug-Weiya zone along the northern margin of the Central Tianshan belt, Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Geol. Sinica, 73(2):148-162. 

183. 舒良树,卢华复,贾东,J. Charvet, M. Faure. 1999.华南武夷山早古生代构造事件的40Ar\39Ar同位素年代研究. 南京大学学报(自然科学),35(6):668-674

184. SCI检索8 Faure M, Lin Wei, Shu LiangshuSun Yan and Scharer U. 1999. Tectonics of the Dabieshan (eastern China) and possible exhumation mechanism of ultra high-pressure rocks. Terra Nova, 11(6): 251-258.  

185. ISTP检索2 Charvet J., Cluzel D., Faure M., Carigroit M., SHU Liangshu & Lu Huafu. 1999. Some tectonic aspects of the pre-Jurassic accretionary evolution of East Asia. In: Metcalfe I., Ren J., Charvet, J., Hada, S. Eds., Gondwana dispersion and Asian accretion, A.A. Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, pp37-65.

186. SCI-E检索2 Liu Hailing, Sun Yan, Guo Lingzhi, Shu Liangshu, Yang Shukang, Zhou Di, Zhang Yixiang. 1999. On the kinematic characteristics and dynamic process of boundary faults of the Nansha ultra-ctruct layering-block. Acta Geologica Sinica,73(4): 452-463.



187. SCI检索7EI检索4 Shu Liangshu, Sun Yan, Wang Dezi, et al.. 1998. Mesozoic extensional tectonics in the Wugongshan area, South China. Science in China (Series D), 41(6): 601-608.

188. 舒良树,孙岩,王德兹.1998.华南武功山中生代伸展构造. 中国科学(D), 28(5):431-438.

189. 舒良树,王赐银,马瑞士.1998.对榆树沟麻粒岩问题的补充说明. 地质科学,33(4):505-508.

190. 舒良树,雅克夏飞,马瑞士.1998. 中天山北缘大型右旋走滑韧剪带研究.新疆地质, 16(4):326-336.

191. 舒良树,郭令智.1998.碰撞大地构造学. 陈述彭主编<<地球系统科学>>,中国技术科学出版社,297-299.

192. 郭令智,舒良树,施央申等.1998.板块构造. 陈述彭主编<<地球系统科学>>,中国科学技术出版社,291-294.



193. 专著: 马瑞士,舒良树,孙家齐.1997. 东天山构造演化与成矿. 北京:地质出版社,1-202. 舒执笔12万字

194. 舒良树,马瑞士,郭令智,孙家齐.1997.天山东段推复构造研究.地质科学,32(3):337-350.

195. 舒良树,卢华复,J. Charvet, M. Faure.1997.武夷山北缘断裂带运动学研究.高校地质学报,3(3):282-292.

196. 王觉富,舒良树. 1997. 东天山地区韧性剪切带石英超微组构分析. 南京大学学报(自然科学),33(3):464-470.(王为舒的硕士)

197. Sun Yan, Shu Liangshu, Faure M., Charvet J.. 1997. Tectonic development of the metamorphic core complex. Journal of Nanjing University, 33(3): 447-449.



198. SCI检索3EI检索1  Shu Liangshu and Charvet Jacques.1996. Kinematic and geochronology of the Proterozoic Dongxiang-Shexian ductile shear zone (Jiangnan region, South China). Tectonophysics, 267(1-4): 291-302.

199. SCI检索4EI检索2 Shu Liangshu and Sun Yan. 1996. A study of simulating experiments for the deformation and microstructures of granite in the central part of Jiangnan belt, South China. Science in China (Series D), 39(1): 82-92.

200. 舒良树,王赐银,马瑞士.1996.南天山北缘麻粒岩残迹与辉石相韧性变形特征. 地质科学,31(4):375-383.

201. 舒良树,吴俊奇,Brewer,R.C..1996.徐宿地区平衡剖面研究.中国区域地质,(4):373-378.

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