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Spencer Benson教授于1978年获芝加哥大学遗传学博士。自2003年开始先后担任马里兰大学教学卓越中心主任、澳门大学教与学能力提升中心主任,获得过美国教育提升与支持委员会和卡耐基教育提升基金会颁发的马里兰州年度教授奖、卡耐基教与学学术奖(CASTL)、美国微生物协会Carski教学奖等多项教学奖。他从事教师教学发展方面的工作超过20年,专长和兴趣领域包括教师教学发展、成果导向的教学、教学评估、科学大课教学法、学生学习评价、科学通识教育、以学生为中心的教育技术应用等。他发表过50多篇关于教与学的论文,并在十几个国家做过教与学方面的大会报告和工作坊。2017年,应聘为南京大学教师教学发展中心顾问。


Prof. Benson received his B.A. in Zoology from the University of Vermont and his Ph.D. in Genetics from the University of Chicago. He has been working in the areas of faculty development and learning enhancement for more than 20 years. He is the 2002 US CASE-Carnegie Maryland Professor of the Year and recipient of the 2011 American Society for Microbiology Carski Teaching Award. He is past chair of the American Society for Microbiology International Education Committee and in 2008-09 was a Fulbright Fellow to Hong Kong working on general education.  In 2014 he retired from the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP).  From 2003 to 2013 he was Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at UMCP.  His expertise and research interests include: faculty development, outcomes-based education (OBE), teaching evaluation, pedagogies for teaching science for all students, assessment of student learning, secondary science education and the use of technologies for learner-centered 21st century education.  Prof. Benson has organized local, national and international meetings on science education, E-learning, scholarship in teaching and learning (SoTL) and faculty development. He has published more than 50 articles on teaching and learning and has given talks and workshops on teaching and learning in more than a dozen countries around the world. In 2017, he was appointed as the honorary advisor of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Nanjing University.