ESI 热点论文+高被引论文
[1] Yu He, Kechen Song, Qinggang Meng and Yunhui Yan. An End-to-end Steel Surface Defect Detection Approach via Fusing Multiple Hierarchical Features [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020,69(4),1493-1504. (IF:5.332) (paper) (NEU-DET) (Popular Articles, 12/2020-1/2023) (ESI highly cited, 12/2020-1/2023)(ESI Hot Paper,5/2022)
[2] Hongwen Dong, Kechen Song, Yu He, Jing Xu, Yunhui Yan, Qinggang Meng. PGA-Net: Pyramid Feature Fusion and Global Context Attention Network for Automated Surface Defect Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020,16(12),7448-7458. (IF:11.648) (paper) (NEU-Seg) (ESI highly cited, 7/2021-1/2023)
[3] Menghui Niu, Kechen Song, Liming Huang, Qi Wang, Yunhui Yan, Qinggang Meng. Unsupervised Saliency Detection of Rail Surface Defects using Stereoscopic Images [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021,17(3),2271-2281. (IF:11.648) (paper) (code)(RSDDS-113 dataset) (ESI highly cited, 7/2021-1/2023) Reported by 《Imaging & Machine Vision Europe》
[4] Yanqi Bao, Kechen Song, Jie Liu, Yanyan Wang, Yunhui Yan, Han Yu, Xingjie Li. Triplet- Graph Reasoning Network for Few-shot Metal Generic Surface Defect Segmentation [J].IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70, 5011111(IF:5.332) (paper) (code) (dataset)(ESI highly cited, 5/2022)
[5] Jie Wang, Kechen Song, Yanqi Bao, Liming Huang, Yunhui Yan. CGFNet: Cross-Guided Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022, 32(5),2949-2961.(IF:5.859) (paper) (code)(ESI highly cited, 11/2022-1/2023)
[6] Hongwen Dong, Kechen Song, Qi Wang, Yunhui Yan, Peng Jiang . Deep metric learning-based for multi-target few-shot pavement distress classification [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022,18(3),1801-1810. (IF:11.648) (paper) (code) (ESI highly cited, 7/2022-1/2023)
[7] Liming Huang, Kechen Song, Jie Wang, Menghui Niu, Yunhui Yan. Multi-graph Fusion and Learning for RGBT Image Saliency Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022,32(3),1366-1377. (IF:5.859) (paper) (code) (ESI highly cited, 1/2023)
[1] Hongkun Tian, Kechen Song, Song Li, Shuai Ma, Jing Xu and Yunhui Yan. Data-driven Robotic Visual Grasping Detection for Unknown Objects A Problem-oriented Review [J]. Expert Systems With Applications, 2023, 211, 118624.
[2] Kuan Wang, Jing Xu, Kechen Song, Yunhui Yan, Yihang Peng. Informed Anytime Bi-directional Fast Marching Tree for Optimal Motion Planning in Complex Cluttered Environments [J]. Expert Systems With Applications, 2023.
[3] Shuai Ma, Kechen Song, Menghui Niu, Hongkun Tian, Yunhui Yan. Cross-scale Fusion and Domain Adversarial Network for Generalizable Rail Surface Defect Segmentation on Unseen Datasets [J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023
[4] Kechen Song, Jie Wang, Yanqi Bao, Liming Huang,Yunhui Yan. A Novel Visible-Depth-Thermal Image Dataset of Salient Object Detection for Robotic Visual Perception [J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2023
[5] Han Wang, Kechen Song, Liming Huang, Hongwei Wen, Yunhui Yan. Thermal Images-Aware Guided Early Fusion Network for Cross-Illumination RGB-T Salient Object Detection [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
[6] Shuai Ma, Kechen Song, Hongwen Dong, Hongkun Tian, Yunhui Yan. Modal Complementary Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection [J]. Applied Intelligence, 2023
[7] Kechen Song, Liming Huang, Aojun Gong, Yunhui Yan. Multiple Graph Affinity Interactive Network and A Variable Illumination Dataset for RGBT Image Salient Object Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2023
[8] Kechen Song, Yanqi Bao, Han Wang, Liming Huang,Yunhui Yan. A Potential Vision-Based Measurements Technology: Information Flow Fusion Detection Method Using RGB-Thermal Infrared Images [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2023
[9] Shuai Ma, Kechen Song, Menghui Niu, Hongkun Tian, Yanyan Wang, Yunhui Yan. Shape Consistent One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Rail Surface Defect Segmentation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023
[10] Yanyan Wang, Menghui Niu, Kechen Song, Peng Jang, Yunhui Yan. Normal-knowledge-based Pavement Defect Segmentation Using Relevance-aware and Cross-reasoning Mechanisms [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
[11] Wenli Zhao, Kechen Song, Yanyan Wang, Shubo Liang, Yunhui Yan. FaNet: Feature-aware Network for Few Shot Classification of Strip Steel Surface Defects [J]. Measurement, 2023
[12] Hongkun Tian, Kechen Song, Song Li, Shuai Ma, Yunhui Yan. Rotation Adaptive Grasping Estimation Network Oriented to Unknown Objects Based on Novel RGB-D Fusion Strategy [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023
[13] Hongwei Wen, Kechen Song, Liming Huang, Han Wang, Yunhui Yan. Cross-Modality Salient Object Detection Network with Universality and Anti-interference [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023
[14] Kechen Song, Ying Zhao, Liming Huang, Yunhui Yan, Qinggang Meng. RGB-T Image Analysis Technology and Application: A Survey [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023
[15] Hu Feng, Kechen Song, Wenqi Cui, Yiming Zhang, Yunhui Yan. Cross Position Aggregation Network for Few-shot Strip Steel Surface Defect Segmentation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremente, 2023
[1] Hongwen Dong, Kechen Song, Qi Wang, Yunhui Yan, Peng Jiang. Deep metric learning-based for multi-target few-shot pavement distress classification [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022,18(3),1801-1810. (中科院一区TOP)
[2] Hongwen Dong, Kechen Song, Yanyan Wang, Yunhui Yan, Peng Jiang. Automatic Inspection and Evaluation System for Pavement Distress [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(8),12377-12387. (中科院一区TOP)
[3] Jie Wang, Kechen Song, Yanqi Bao, Liming Huang, Yunhui Yan. CGFNet: Cross-Guided Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022, 32(5),2949-2961.(中科院一区TOP)
[4] Liming Huang, Kechen Song, Jie Wang, Menghui Niu, Yunhui Yan. Multi-graph Fusion and Learning for RGBT Image Saliency Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022,32(3),1366-1377.(中科院一区TOP)
[5] Defu Zhang, Kechen Song, Jing Xu, Hongwen Dong, Yunhui Yan. An image-level weakly supervised segmentation method for No-service rail surface defect with size prior [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 165, 108334. (中科院一区TOP)
[6] Yanyan Wang, Kechen Song, Menghui Niu, Yanqi Bao, Hongwen Dong, Yunhui Yan. Unsupervised defect detection with patch-aware mutual reasoning network in image data [J]. Automation in Construction, 2022, 142, 104472. (中科院一区TOP)
[7] Jie Wang, Kechen Song, Yanqi Bao, Yunhui Yan, Yahong Han. Unidirectional RGB-T salient object detection with intertwined driving of encoding and fusion [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 114, 105162. (JCR 一区TOP)
[8] Weiwei Xiao, Kechen Song, Jie Liu and Yunhui Yan.Graph Embedding and Optimal Transport for Few-Shot Classification of Metal Surface Defect [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71,5010310.(JCR 一区)
[9] Hongkun Tian, Kechen Song, Song Li, Shuai Ma and Yunhui Yan. Light-weight Pixel-wise Generative Robot Grasping Detection Based on RGB-D Dense Fusion [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022,71, 5017912. (JCR 一区)
[10] Chongyan Sun, Kechen Song, Jianyu Su,Yunhui Yan, Tianle Zhang. A Multi-Exposure Fusion Method for Reflection Suppression of Curved Workpieces [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022,71,5021104. (JCR 一区)
[11] Jingpeng Wang, Kechen Song, Defu Zhang, Menghui Niu, Yunhui Yan. Collaborative Learning Attention Network Based on RGB Image and Depth Image for Surface Defect Inspection of No-Service Rail [J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022, 27(6),4874-4884.
[12] Zhipeng Dong, Zhihao Li, Yunhui Yan, Sylvain Calinon, Fei Chen. Passive Bimanual Skills Learning From Demonstration With Motion Graph Attention Networks[J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, 7(2): 4917-4923. (JCR 二区)
[13] Chi Wan, Shuai Ma, Kechen Song. TSSTNet A Two-Stream Swin Transformer Network for Salient Object Detection of No-Service Rail Surface Defects [J]. Coatings, 2022, 12(11): 1730. (JCR 二区)
[14] Han Yu, Erfeng Shang, Xingjie Li, Huasheng Xie, Zhi Zhu, Zhaowei Song, Xiao Liang, Kechen Song, Yunhui Yan, Xinyue Li , and Wenwu Ren. Center Guided and Connectivity-Preserving Network for Grain Size Measurement [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022,71,5000810. (JCR 一区)
[1] Menghui Niu, Kechen Song, Liming Huang, Qi Wang, Yunhui Yan, Qinggang Meng. Unsupervised Saliency Detection of Rail Surface Defects using Stereoscopic Images [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021,17(3),2271-2281. (高被引论文,中科院一区TOP)
[2] Defu Zhang, Kechen Song, Qi Wang, Yu He, Xin Wen, Yunhui Yan. Two Deep Learning Networks for Rail Surface Defect Inspection of Limited Samples with Line-Level Label [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021,17(10),6731-6741. (中科院一区TOP)
[3] Jing Xu, Kechen Song, Defu Zhang, Hongwen Dong, Yunhui Yan, Qinggang Meng. Informed Anytime Fast Marching Tree for Asymptotically-Optimal Motion Planning [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021,68(6),5068-5077. (中科院一区TOP)
[4] Yanqi Bao, Kechen Song, Jie Liu, Yanyan Wang, Yunhui Yan, Han Yu, Xingjie Li. Triplet- Graph Reasoning Network for Few-shot Metal Generic Surface Defect Segmentation [J].IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremente, 2021, 70, 5011111 (Q1区)
[5] Defu Zhang, Kechen Song, Jing Xu, Yu He, Menghui Niu, Yunhui Yan. MCnet: Multiple Context Information Segmentation Network of No-service Rail Surface Defects [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremente, 2021, 70,5004309(Q1区)
[6] Huiyu Liu, Yunhui Yan, Kechen Song and Han Yu. SPS-Net:Self-attention Photometric Stereo Network [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremente, 2021, 70, 5006213. (Q1区)
[7] Huiyu Liu, Yunhui Yan, Kechen Song, Hao Chen and Han Yu. Efficient Optical Measurement of Welding Studs with Normal Maps and Convolutional Neural Network [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremente, 2021, 70,5000614. (Q1区)
[8] Yanyan Wang, Kechen Song, Jie Liu, Hongwen Dong, Yunhui Yan, Peng Jiang. RENet: Rectangular Convolution Pyramid and Edge Enhancement Network for Salient Object Detection of Pavement Cracks [J]. Measurement, 2021, 170, 108698. (Q1区)
[9] Jie Liu, Kechen Song, Mingzheng Feng, Yunhui Yan, Zhibiao Tu, Liu Zhu. Semi-supervised anomaly detection with dual prototypes autoencoder for industrial surface inspection [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 136, 106324. (Q1区)
[10] Menghui Niu, Yanyan Wang, Kechen Song, Qi Wang, Yongjie Zhao, Yunhui Yan. An Adaptive Pyramid Graph and Variation Residual-Based Anomaly Detection Network for Rail Surface Defects [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremente, 2021. (Q1区)
[11] Dong Z, Tian H, Bao X, et al. GraspVDN: scene-oriented grasp estimation by learning vector representations of grasps[J]. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2021: 1-12. (Q2区)
[12] Yanqi Bao, Kechen Song, Jie Wang, Liming Huang, Hongwen Dong, Yunhui Yan. Visible and Thermal Images Fusion Architecture for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation [J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021, 80, 103306. (Q2区)
[13] 张德富, 宋克臣, 牛孟辉, 颜云辉. 基于一维卷积的生产线冷态重轨表面缺陷快速检测[J]. 东北大学学报 (自然科学版), 42(2): 276-281.
[14] 何彧, 宋克臣, 张德富, 颜云辉. 融合多层级特征的弱监督钢板表面缺陷检测算法[J]. 东北大学学报 (自然科学版), 42(5): 687-692.
1. Hongwen Dong, Kechen Song, Yu He, Jing Xu, Yunhui Yan, Qinggang Meng. PGA-Net: Pyramid Feature Fusion and Global Context Attention Network for Automated Surface Defect Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020,16(12),7448-7458.
2. Yu He, Kechen Song, Qinggang Meng and Yunhui Yan. An End-to-end Steel Surface Defect Detection Approach via Fusing Multiple Hierarchical Features [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremente, 2020,69(4),1493-1504.
3. Liming Huang, Kechen Song, Aojun Gong, Chuang Liu, Yunhui Yan. RGB-T Saliency Detection via Low-rank Tensor Learning and Unified Collaborative Ranking [J]. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020, 27,1585-1589.
4. Jie Liu, Kechen Song, Yu He, Hongwen Dong, Yunhui Yan, Qinggang Meng. Learning object-centric complementary features for zero-shot learning [J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2020, 89, 115974.
5. Han Yu, Xingjie Li, Kechen Song, Erfeng Shang, Huiyu Liu, Yunhui Yan. Adaptive depth and receptive field selection network for defect semantic segmentation on castings X-rays [J]. NDT & E International, 2020, 116, 102345.
6. Mingzheng Feng, Kechen Song, Yanyan Wang, Jie Liu, Yunhui Yan. Learning Discriminative Update Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Regularized Correlation Filter for RGB-T Tracking [J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2020, 72, 102881.
7. Bingyang Guo, Kechen Song, Hongwen Dong, Yunhui Yan, Zhibiao Tu, Liu Zhu. NERNet: Noise estimation and removal network for image denoising [J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2020, 71, 102851.
8. Guorong Song, Kechen Song and Yunhui Yan. EDRNet: Encoder-Decoder Residual Network for Salient Object Detection of Strip Steel Surface Defects [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremente, 2020, 69(12), 9709-9719.
9. Guorong Song, Kechen Song and Yunhui Yan. Saliency detection for strip steel surface defects using multiple constraints and improved texture features [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 128, 106000. 26.
10. Jing Xu, Kechen Song, Hongwen Dong, Yunhui Yan. A batch informed sampling-based algorithm for fast anytime asymptotically-optimal motion planning in cluttered environments [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2020, 144, 113124.
11. Defu Zhang, Kechen Song, Jing Xu, Yu He and Yunhui Yan. Unified Detection Method of Aluminium Profile Surface Defects: Common and Rare Defect Categories [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 126, 105936.
1.Yu He, Kechen Song, Hongwen Dong and Yunhui Yan. Semi-supervised Defect Classification of Steel Surface Based on Multi-training and Generative Adversarial Network [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019, 122: 294-302. (SCI源,JCR1区)
2.Xin Wen, Kechen Song, Liming Huang, Menghui Niu and Yunhui Yan. Complex surface ROI detection for steel plate fusing the gray image and 3D depth information[J]. Optik, 2019, 198: 163313. (SCI源,JCR3区)
3.Yongjie Zhao, Dongtai Liang, Kechen Song, Yunhui Yan, and Haonan Li. Automatic measurement of grinding-induced white layer in titanium alloys based on image processing technique[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 105: 1483-1496. (SCI源,JCR2区)
4.Wenjie Zhu, Yunhui Yan, and Yishu Peng. Topological structure regularized nonnegative matrix factorization for image clustering[J]. Neural Computing and Applications,2019,31(11): 7381-7399. (SCI源,JCR1区)
5.Zhipeng Dong, Yi Gao, Qinyuan Ren, Yunhui Yan, Fei Chen. Depth Generation Network: Estimating Real World Depth from Stereo and Depth Images[C]//2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2019: 7201-7206. (EI源)
6.刘闯, 刘齐, 颜云辉. 人工腰椎间盘置换术与椎间融合术的生物力学仿真[J]. 东北大学学报 (自然科学版),2019, 40(10): 1517-1520. (EI源)
7.刘闯, 刘齐, 颜云辉. 人微动椎弓根螺钉的生物力学仿真评测[J]. 东北大学学报 (自然科学版),2019, 40(07): 986-990. (EI源)
1. Yongjie Zhao, Yunhui Yan, and Kechen Song, and Haonan Li. Intelligent assessment of subsurface cracks in optical glass generated in mechanical grinding process [J].Advances in Engineering Software, 2018, 115: 17-25. (SCI源,IF: 3.198)
2. Yongjie Zhao, Yunhui Yan, andKechen Song, and Haonan Li. Robust and automatic measurement of grinding-induced subsurface damage in optical glass K9 based on digital image processing [J].Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 18: 320-330. (SCI源,IF: 2.763).
3.Wenjie Zhu, Yunhui Yan, Label and orthogonality regularized non-negative matrix factorization for image classification, Signal Processing Image Communication, 2018, 62:139-148. (SCI源,IF:2.073)
4. Menghui Niu, Kechen Song, Xin Wen, Defu Zhang, Yunhui Yan. The line scan camera calibration based on space rings group [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 23711-23721. (SCI源,IF:3.557)
5. Kechen Song, Bin Hou, Menghui Niu, Xin Wen, and Yunhui Yan. Flexible line-scan camera calibration method using a coded eight trigrams pattern [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 110: 296–307. (SCI源,IF:3.388)
6. Chuang Liu, Kamara Allieu, and Yunhui Yan. Investigation into the biomechanics of lumbar spine micro-dynamic pedicle screw[J]. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,2018, 19: 231. (SCI源,IF:1.998)
7. Wenjie Zhu, and Yunhui Yan. Non-Negative Matrix Factorization via Discriminative Label Embedding for Pattern Classification[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation ,2018, 55: 477-488. (SCI源,IF:1.836)
8. Wenjie Zhu, and Yunhui Yan. Joint Linear Regression and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization based on Self-Organized Graph for Image Clustering and Classification [J]. IEEE Access, 2018,6: 38820-38834. (SCI源,IF:3.557)
9. Wenjie Zhu, Yunhui Yan, and Yishu Peng. Topological structure regularized nonnegative matrix factorization for image clustering[J]. Neural Computing and Applications,2018,1-19. (SCI源,IF:4.213)
10. Huiyu Liu, Yunhui Yan, Kechen Song, Howard Chen. Optical challenging feature inline measurement system based on photometric stereo and HON feature extractor[C]. Optical Micro-and Nanometrology VII. Vol. 10678. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.
11. Jing Xu, Kechen Song, Yu He, Zhipeng Dong, Yunhui Yan. Inverse Kinematics for 6-DOF Serial Manipulators with Offset or Reduced Wrists via a Hierarchical Iterative Algorithm [J]. IEEE Access, 2018,6: 52899-52910. (SCI源,IF:3.557)
12. Zhipeng Dong, Yi Gao, Jinfeng Zhang, Yunhui Yan, Xin Wang and Fei Chen. HoPE Horizontal Plane Extractor for Cluttered 3D Scenes [J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(10), 3214: 1-15 . (SCI源,IF:2.475)
13. Jiuliang Zhao, Yishu Peng, and Yunhui Yan. Steel Surface Defect Classification based on Discriminant Manifold Regularized Local Descriptor [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 71719-71731. (SCI源,IF:3.557)
14. Chuang Liu and Yunhui Yan. Anatomic and Biomechanical Study to Guide in the Choice of Atlantoaxial Fixation Pattern. International Conference on Theoretical, Applied and Experimental Mechanics. Springer, Cham, 2018: 317-318.
1. Xin Wen, Kechen Song, Menghui Niu, Zhipeng Dong and Yunhui Yan. A three-dimensional inspection system for high temperature steel product surface sample height using stereo vision and blue encoded patterns[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2017, 130: 131-148.( SCI源, IF: 0.835, WOS: 000391777400018)
2. Yongjie Zhao, Yunhui Yan, and Kechen Song. Vision-based automatic detection of steel surface defects in the cold rolling process: considering the influence of industrial liquids and surface textures [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 90(5): 1665-1678. (SCI源, IF: 2.209, WOS: 000400608200036)
3. Xin Wen, Kechen Song, Menghui Niu, Zhipeng Dong and Yunhui Yan. 3D inspection technology combining passive stereo matching and active structured light for steel plate surface sample [J]. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 2017, 11(4): 299-319.( SCI源, IF: 0.507, WOS: 000415109100002)
4. Yongjie Zhao, Haonan Li,Kechen Song, and Yunhui Yan. In-situ and in-process monitoring of optical glass grinding process based on image processing technique [J].The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 93(9-12): 3017-3031. (SCI源,IF:2.209, WOS: 000416179700003)
5. Wenjie Zhu, Yunhui Yan, Yishu Peng. Pair of projections based on sparse consistence with applications to efficient face recognition[J]. Signal Processing Image Communication, 2017, 55:32-40. (SCI源,IF:2.244, WOS: 000402351000004)
6. 颜云辉,徐靖,陆志国,宋克臣等. 仿人服务机器人发展与研究现状[J]. 机器人,2017,39(4):551-564. (EI:20173604116307).
7. Yongjie Zhao, Haonan Li, Lida Zhu, and Yunhui Yan . Machined brittle material surface in grinding: modeling, experimental validation, and image-processing-based surface analysis [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 93(5-8): 2875-2894. (SCI源,IF:2.209)
1. Wenjie Zhu, Yun Hui Yan, Yishu Peng. Dictionary Learning based on Discriminative Energy Contribution for Image Classification[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016, 113:116-124. ( SCI源, IF: 3.325)
2. Yishu Peng, Yun Hui Yan, Jiuliang Zhao. Detail Enhancement for Infrared Images Based on Propagated Image Filter. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, id: 9410368. (SCI源, 2016 IF: 0.644, WOS:000371066400001)
3. Kechen Song, Shaopeng Hu, Xin Wen, Yun Hui Yan. Fast 3D shape measurement using Fourier transform profilometry without phase unwrapping[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2016, 84: 74-81 . (SCI源, 2016 IF: 2.237, WOS: 000376713300008)
4. Kechen Song, Xin Wen, Yongjie Zhao, Zhipeng Dong and Yun Hui Yan. Noise robust stereo matching using adjacent evaluation census transform and wavelet edge joint bilateral filter[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2016, 38: 487-503. (SCI源, 2016 IF: 1.218, WOS: 000377149100042)
5. Zhang Z Q, Yun Hui Yan, Yang H L. A simplified model of maximum cross-section flattening in continuous rotary straightening process of thin-walled circular steel tubes[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, 238:305-314.(SCI源, 2016 IF: 2.359)
6. Zi-qian, ZHANG. Prediction of Maximum Section Flattening of Thin-walled Circular Steel Tube in Continuous Rotary Straightening Process[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2016, 23(8):745-755.(SCI源, 2016 IF: 0.784)
7. Xin Wen, Kechen Song, Zhipeng Dong and Yun Hui Yan. Three-Dimensional Complex Shape Measurement Using Heterodyne Principle with Binocular Stereo Vision [C]. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Control Automation (ICMECA), Wuhan, China, 2016, 573-579.( CPCI检索, WOS: 000390841600093).
1.Kechen Song, Yun Hui Yan, Yongjie Zhao, Changsheng Liu. Adjacent evaluation of local binary pattern for texture classification[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2015, 33:323-339. (SCI源, 2015 IF: 1.361, WOS: 000364982700029)
2.Kechen Song, Yun Hui Yan, Menghui Niu, Changsheng Liu. Effective stereo matching method with equicrural triangle census tansform [J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 8(21):7769-7780. (EI: 20155101706642)
3.彭怡书, 颜云辉, 赵久梁,等. 基于非局部稀疏特征的行人检测方法[J]. 东北大学学报:自然科学版, 2015, 36(4):465-468.(EI:20151800810014)
4.张子骞, 颜云辉, 杨会林. 基于Bazier效应的薄壁管材连续矫直截面变形研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(10):62-68. (EI: 20152701003188)
5.张子骞, 颜云辉, 杨会林. 薄壁管材连续矫直压扁量力学模型研究[J]. 工程力学, 2015(7):197-203. (EI: 20153201119707)
6.张子骞,颜云辉,杨会林. 薄壁管材等曲率矫直临界曲率半径力学建模[J]. 工程力学, 2015(02):207-213. (EI: 20151100646726)
7.张子骞, 颜云辉, 杨会林,等. 平面应力下薄壁管材连续矫直压弯量力学模型与数值解法[J]. 计算力学学报, 2015(2):212-219.
8.张子骞, 颜云辉, 杨会林,等. 薄壁管材等曲率矫直极限弯曲半径建模与分析[J]. 机械强度, 2015(4).
1.Kechen Song, Shao Peng Hu, Yun Hui Yan and Jun Li. Surface defect detection method using saliency linear scanning morphology for silicon steel strip under oil pollution interference [J]. ISIJ International, 2014, 54(11):2598-2607. (SCI源, 2014 IF: 1.069, WOS: 000345485100023)
2.Kechen Song, Shaopeng Hu and Yunhui Yan. Automatic Recognition of Surface Defects on Hot-Rolled Steel Strip Using Scattering Convolution Network [J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10(7):3049-3055. (EI:20142417813370)
3.Mingquan GAO, Shaopeng HU, Kechen SONG and Yunhui YAN. Research on Pedestrian Detection Method in View of Natural Environment Interference[J].Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10 (14), 5995-6006(EI:201442103514)
4.Liu W, Yan Y. Automated surface defect detection for cold–rolled steel strip based on wavelet anisotropic diffusion method[J]. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2014, 17(2): 224-239. (EI: 20142417816140)
5.王展,颜云辉,宋克臣. 基于像素自适应邻域的纹理合成方法[J]. 东北大学学报, 2014, 35(9): 1257-1260. (EI: 201447222031)
6.张子骞, 颜云辉, 杨会林, 等. 单向应力状态下薄壁管材连续矫直压弯量模型[J]. 东北大学学报 (自然科学版), 2014, 35(5): 735-738. (EI: 20142517852243)
7.张子骞, 颜云辉, 杨会林. 圆柱壳纯弯曲时塑性失稳临界曲率半径模型[J]. 固体力学学报, 2014, 35(4): 347-356.
8.张子骞, 颜云辉, 杨会林, 等. 薄壁管材连续矫直拉伸失稳极限弯曲半径模型[J]. 钢铁, 2014, 49(6): 53-58.
1. 王展,颜云辉,陈祥安. 融合均值漂移与最小生成树算法的迷彩伪装设计[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2013,02:280-283. (EI:20131116114487)
2. 董德威,颜云辉. 缺陷板材非规则件优化排样[J]. 图学学报,2013,02:31-37.
3. 宋克臣,颜云辉,陈文辉,张旭. 局部二值模式方法研究与展望[J]. 自动化学报,2013,06:730-744. (EI:20132816497034)
4. 张英杰,颜云辉,李永强,李洁. 四边简支双曲率蜂窝夹层薄壳自由振动分析[J]. 振动与冲击,2013,14:11-15+22. (EI:20133416646799)
5. 董德威,颜云辉,张尧,李骏. 矩形件优化排样的自适应遗传模拟退火算法[J]. 中国机械工程,2013,18:2499-2504.
6.王展,颜云辉,焦学勇. 基于灰色理论的迷彩伪装多指标综合评价[J]. 兵工学报,2013,10:1250-1257. (EI:20135017075226)
7. 张子骞,颜云辉,杨会林. 薄壁管材矫直曲率半径数学模型及其验证[J]. 机械工程学报,2013,21:160-167. (EI:20135217144161)
8. Zhang Z Q, Yan Y H, Yang H L. A New Stress Mathematical Model of Deformation Zone while Straightening Thin-Walled Tube[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 652: 1488-1493. (EI:20130916069755)
9. Kechen Song, Yunhui Yan. Neighborhood Estimated Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification[C]. 2013 International Conference on Advances in Industrial Control, Electronics and Computer Engineering (AICECE2013). Volume2:346-349. (EI源,待检)
10. Kechen Song, Yunhui Yan. A noise robust method based on completed local binary patterns for hot-rolled steel strip surface defects [J]. Applied Surface Science,2013,285:858-864.(SCI源, 2013 IF:2.112, WOS:000326579400106)
11. Kechen Song, Yunhui Yan. Micro surface defect detection method for silicon steel strip based on saliency convex active contour model [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 429094 (SCI源, 2013 IF: 1.383, WOS:000329653500001)
1. 王展,颜云辉,董德威. 军事伪装技术的发展现状与趋势[J].中国机械工程,2012,23(17):2136-2141
2. 张子骞,杨会林,颜云辉,董德威. 薄壁管矫直过程中性层位移解析[J].冶金设备,2012,196:1-6
3. 董德威,颜云辉,宋克臣,彭怡书. 带钢质量属性识别理论评价模型及应用[J].中国机械工程,2012,23(15):1844-1847
4. 董德威,颜云辉. 带钢质量评价的属性权重灵敏度分析[J].组合机床与自动化加工技术,2012,7:11-13
5. 董德威,颜云辉,王展. 存在表面缺陷原材料的矩形件优化排样问题研究[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版),2012,33(9):1323-1326 (EI)
6. 张尧,刘伟嵬,邢芝涛,颜云辉. 采用多分类器集成方法的带钢表面缺陷图像识别[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2012,33(2):267-270 (EI)
7. 张子骞,张柏森,杨会林,颜云辉. 管棒材等曲率矫直力模型可视化设计[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2012,33(3):409-413 (EI)
8. 董德威,颜云辉,李骏,张尧. 基于客户应用的带钢表面质量评价[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2012,33(6): 875-878 (EI)
9. 张英杰,颜云辉,李永强,何永亮. 基于振型数据的蜂窝夹芯板损伤检测[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2012,33(3):418-421 (EI)
10. 张英杰,肖绪洋,李永强,颜云辉. 分子动力学模拟Cu(010)基体对负载Co-Cu双金属团簇熔化过程的影响[J].物理学报, 2012,61(9):1-6 (SCI)
11. 张英杰,颜云辉,李永强,李锋. Al质蜂窝夹芯板非线性动力学分析[J].金属学报, 2012,48(8):995-1004 (SCI)
12. 宋克臣,颜云辉,彭怡书,董德威. 引入局部信息的带钢缺陷图像凸优化活动轮廓分割模型[J].机械工程学报,2012,48(20):1-7. (EI)
13. 宋克臣,颜云辉,王展,胡昌发. 基于结构张量和活动轮廓的硅钢表面缺陷分割[J].计算机工程与应用,2012,48(32):224-228
14. Li Jian, Yan Yun-Hui, Guo Xing-Hui, Wang Yan-Qing. Research on vibration control method of steel strip for a continuous hot-dip galvanizing line[J].ISIJ International,2012,52(6):1072-1079. (SCI源,WOS:000305593800016)
15. Zhan Wang, Yun-hui Yan, De-wei Dong, Ke-chen Song. Texture Segmentation of Natural Images Based on active contour Model[C]. Advanced Materials Research. Volume546:553-558(EI)
16. Xu Zhang,Yun-hui Yan,Wen-hui Chen,Jun-jun Chen. Image Fusion Method for Strip Steel Surface Detect Based on Bandelet-PCNN[C]. Advanced Materials Research. Volume546:806-810(EI)
17. Zhang Y, Li Y, Xiao X, Yan Yun-Hui. EFFECT OF Cu ATOMIC SEGREGATION ON THE FROZEN STRUCTURES OF Co–Cu BIMETALLIC CLUSTERS[J]. Nano, 2012, 7(06). (SCI源,WOS: 000314241400006)
1. Dewei Dong, Yunhui Yan, Zhan Wang.Application of Gray Correlative Model for Surface Quality Evaluation of Strip Steel Based on the Variation Coefficient Method[C].Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology. (EMEIT 2011). 2011, Volume3: 1534-1537 (EI: 20114014403347)
2. Yan Yunhui , Song Kechen , Xing Zhitao , Feng Xuehui. The strip steel surface defects classification method based on weak classifier adaptive enhancement[C].3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, (ICMTMA 2011).Volume3:958-961. (EI:20111313853784)
3. 李健,郭星辉,杨坤,颜云辉.轴向运动复合材料圆柱壳的非线性振动研究[J].固体力学学报2011,32(2):176-183 (EI:20112714112219)
4. 李健,颜云辉,郭星辉等.基于薄板固有特性的连续热镀锌带钢表面质量在线控制[J].机械工程学报.2011,47(9):60-65 (EI:20112314043658)
5. 丛家慧,颜云辉. 视觉注意机制在带钢表面缺陷检测中的应用[J]. 中国机械工程. 2011,22(10):1189-1292
6. 董德威,颜云辉,陈立武,丛家慧.带钢表面缺陷严重程度的模糊综合评判研究[J],计算机工程与设计. 2011,32(4):1484-1487)
7. 魏玉兰,颜云辉,李兵等. 邻域灰度与空间特征相结合的互信息配准方法[J].中国机械工程. 2011,22(4):439-443)
8. 颜云辉,宋克臣,彭怡书,李骏. 带钢缺陷图像局域方差相异度的融合规则研究.东北大学学报(自然科学版). 2011,32(1):121-124(EI:20111013723641)
1. 颜云辉,彭怡书,宋克臣,刘伟嵬.基于阈值法的带钢表面缺陷图像脉冲噪声去除.东北大学学报(自然科学版). 2010,31(5):717-720
2. 赵久梁,颜云辉,刘伟嵬,仝健.板带钢表面缺陷检测系统的多尺度边缘检测算法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版). 2010,31(3):432-435
3. 魏玉兰,颜枫,颜云辉,李兵. 自适应带钢表面缺陷图像边缘增强方法.中国机械工程. 2010,21(5):571-574
4. 丛家慧,颜云辉,董德威.Gabor滤波器在带钢表面缺陷检测中的应用.东北大学学报(自然科学版). 2010,31(2):257-260
5. 魏玉兰,颜云辉,李兵,董德威. 结合邻域信息的带钢表面明暗域缺陷图像配准. 东北大学学报(自然科学版). 2010,31(11):1619-1622
6. 王永慧,颜云辉,赵大兴,赵久梁.版图分类法在带钢表面缺陷识别中的应用研究.中国机械工程,2010,21(5):562-566
7. 丛家慧,颜云辉. 应用多方向光源分割带钢表面缺陷.计算机工程与应用. 2010,46(20): 9-11
8. 李健,颜云辉,郭星辉,刘静.基于平均法的旋转薄壁圆柱壳非线性行波振动研究.应用力学学报. 2010,27(2): 373-379
9. 丛家慧,颜云辉,张子骞. 序列滤波器在缺陷边缘检测中的应用.计算机工程与应用. 2010,46(36): 178-183
10. 张子骞,杨会林,颜云辉,陈开义,沈国强. 连铸拉矫机动态等负荷分配控制系统的开发与参数优化.冶金自动化. 2010,34(5): 35-40
11. 张子骞,颜云辉,杨会林,赵新军,蔡宝华,王卓. 转炉水冷移动烟罩流场数值模拟与应用.炼钢. 2010,26(6): 61-63
12. 张子骞,颜云辉,杨会林,胡智勇,王卓. 流场分析在转炉移动烟罩失效研究中的应用.冶金设备. 2010,179: 16-20
13. SUN H W, Michel DESVIGNES,YAN Y H. Motion Blurred Images Restoration Applied on the Surface Inspection Systems of Cold Rolled Steel Strips. IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2010, 17-21 January 2010, California, USA
14. Wei Y L, YAN Y H,Li B,Cong J H. Development of a Surface Defect Inspection System for Cold Rolled Strip Based on Bright-dark Filed Mode. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Product Development and Reliability, 2010, July, Shenyang, China. pp. 762-765
15. Yu-Lan Wei, Yun-Hui Yan,Jia-qi Zhang, Bing Li. Strip Steel Surface Defect Image Mosaic Method Based on Area CCD. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering. 4-6December, 2010, Hangzhou, China. pp.5412-5415
1. 刘伟嵬,颜云辉,李骏等. 带钢表面缺陷在线检测系统的图像滤波算法[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2009, 30(3):430–433(EI:10654156)
2. 王永慧,颜云辉, 吴艳萍,梁惠升. 带钢表面缺陷图像小波融合方法研究[J],东北大学学报,2009,30(5):744-748.
3. 魏玉兰,颜云辉,颜枫,李兵.带钢缺陷检测系统中的噪声滤除方法研究.组合机床与自动化加工技术,2009,(8):45-48
4. Wang Yong-hui, Yan Yun-hui, Wu Yan-ping. Strip Surface Defect Recognition Using Marking Winner in Self-organizing Neural Network Based on Image Information. ICCISS’ 2008 (The Second International Conference on Information & Systems Sciences )
5. Wu Yan-ping, Yan Yun-hui, Wang Yong-hui. Research on Determining Weights Method for Evaluation. ICCISS’ 2008 (The Second International Conference on Information & Systems Sciences )
6. Liu Weiwei, Yan Yunhui, Li Jun, et al. Automated On-line Fast Detection for Surface Defect of Steel Strip Based on Multivariate Discriminant Function. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application 2008 (IITA'2008), IEEE Computer Society.
7. LIU W W, ZHAO J L, YAN F, YAN Y H. An Effective Filter Algorithm Approach to Steel Strip Surface Image. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, August 2009, 1(3): 204-207
8. SUN H W, Michel DESVIGNES, YAN Y H, LIU W W. Motion Blur Parameters Identification from Radon Transform Image Gradients. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 2 November 2009, Portugal, Porto. pp. 2098-2103
9. SUN H W, Michel DESVIGNES, YAN Y H. Motion Blur Adaptive Identification from Natural Image Model. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 7-10 November 2009, Egypt, Cairo. pp.137-140
10. CONG J H, YAN Y H, ANAND ASUNDI. The Segmentation of Texture Surface under Varying Illuminant Direction. ICEM 2009·4th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics,18-20 November 2009, Singapore. Vol.(7522):75224F
1. 吴艳萍,颜云辉, 王永慧.非线性多级带钢质量模糊评价模型研究[J].冶金自动化,2008,32(6):7-12
2. 张子骞,杨会林,颜云辉,赵新军,陈开义.连铸拉矫机动态等负荷分配模型的研究与应用[J].冶金自动化,2008,32(6):22-26
3. 刘伟嵬,颜云辉,孙宏伟,张尧,吴艳萍.基于邻域评价法的带钢表面缺陷图像脉冲噪声去除[J]. 仪器仪表学报,2008, 29(9): 1846-1850.(EI检索.No.084311655774)
4. 李骏,颜云辉,张尧,板带钢表面质量实时监测体系研究[J] ,计算机工程与设计,2008,29(20):5368-5371
5. 吴艳萍,颜云辉,王永慧,丛家慧. 基于不同偏好信息集成的带钢质量评价方法[J]. 系统管理学报,2008,17(4):444-447
6. 吴艳萍,颜云辉,王永慧,张尧.模糊互补矩阵法在带钢表面质量评价中的应用[J].钢铁研究学报,2008,20(8):28-30
7. 赵大兴,王璜,朱锦雷,颜云辉.高精度自适应阈值分割算子的设计[J],计算机应用,2008,28(7):1742-1746
8. 刘伟嵬,颜云辉,孙宏伟,等. 一种基于邻域噪声评价法的图像去噪算法[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2008,29(7): 1033-1036.
9. 刘伟嵬,颜云辉,孙宏伟. 冷轧带钢表面缺陷在线检测软件体系结构设计[J]. 计算机工程与设计,2008,29(5): 1276-1278
10. 田永利,颜云辉.多领域系统可视化建模仿真平台集成开发[J],计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2008,20(4):526-531
11. J.H.Cong, Y.H.Yan,Inspection Method for Directional Texture Defects on Steel Strip Surface[C]. Ninth International Symposium on Laser Metrology, Singapore. Proc. of SPIE Vol.7155, (2008)
12. Yan Yunhui, Liu Weiwei, Yang Huilin, et al. Impulse Noise Suppression Algorithm for Automatic Detection of Steel Strip Defects. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on mechanical design and production (MDP-9). Egypt, 2008: 620-629.
13. SUN Hongwei, YAN Yunhui, YANG Huilin, LIU Weiwei, ZHANG Yao, LI Jun. An Adaptive Pre-warning Technique for Real-time Surface Inspection System of Steel Strips. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on mechanical design and production (MDP-9). Cairo, Egypt, 2008: 638-646.
1. 吴艳萍,颜云辉,王永慧,李骏.冷轧带钢表面质量评价模型构造方法[J].东北大学学报, 2007, 28(11):1624-1627. (EI检索.No.9818182)
2. 王成明,颜云辉,李骏,张尧. 模糊神经网络法及其在缺陷模式识别中的应用[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2007,13(9):1774-1779.(EI检索.No. 074510909629)
3. 王永慧,颜云辉,吴艳萍,刘伟嵬.基于缺陷信息群决策的带钢表面质量评价方法[J].冶金自动化,2007,(5):30-33
4. 赵久梁,颜云辉,陈连运.设备检修的流程设计[J]企业管理,2007,(8):101-102
5. 李骏,颜云辉,王成明,魏天宇,张尧.基于组合特征降维聚类算法的板带材表面缺陷检测[J] .机械制造,2007,45(6):65-67
6. 李骏,颜云辉,王成明,魏天宇.板带材缺陷检测中的多特征优化组合方法研究 [J]. 计算机工程与应用,2007,43 (22):197-200.
7. 王成明,颜云辉,李骏,付海燕,孙岗存. 基于BP神经网络的冷轧带钢表面质量检测研究[J].机械设计与制造,2007,06:106 -108.
8. 韩英莉,颜云辉,韩英慧.基于Mallab的RBF网络的带钢表面缺陷的识别与分类研究[J].机械制造,2007,45(3):24-26
9. 韩英莉,颜云辉.一种带钢表面缺陷识别与分类的研究—基于混合加权特征和RBF网络的方法,计算机工程与应用,2007,43(14):207-210
10. 王成明,颜云辉,韩英莉,李骏,吴艳萍. 一种新的冷轧带钢表面缺陷图像模式识别方法[J]. 计算机工程与应用,2007,43(13):207 -209.
11. 韩英莉,颜云辉,李骏,苏卫星.基于DSP的带钢表面缺陷实时检测系统的研究[J].东北大学学报,2007,28 (4):561 -565.
12. 王成明,颜云辉,陈世礼,韩英莉. 基于改进支持向量机的冷轧带钢表面缺陷分类识别[J].东北大学学报,2007,28(3):410-413
13. CONG Jia-hui, YAN Yun-hui, ZHANG Hai-an, LI Jun. Real-time Surface Defects Inspection of Steel Strip Based on Difference Image[C]. International Symposium on Photo- electronic Detection and Imaging (ISPDI 2007), Beijing, China(EI检索.No. 081411181227)
1. 韩英莉,颜云辉. 基于BP神经网络的带钢表面缺陷的识别与分类[J]. 仪器仪表学报,2006,27(12):1693-1694 (EI检索.No. 070610416005)
2. 王成明,颜云辉,韩英莉,李骏,王永慧,张尧. 神经网络方法在冷轧带钢表面质量检测中的应用研究[J]. 机械制造,2006,12:71-72
3. 王成明,颜云辉,李骏,焦志刚. 一种新的冷轧带钢典型表面缺陷特征提取方法[J]. 计算机工程与应用,2006,42(27):184-186.
1. 隋春平,颜云辉,赵明扬.压电智能结构中驱动器布片方式和数目的确定[J],机械设计与制造,2004,12(6):19-20
2. 杨会林,颜云辉,宗振奇,张海燕.基于模糊神经网络的产品可装配性评判[J],东北大学学报(自然科学版),2004,25(11):1099-1102
3. 颜云辉,杨会林,王成明.金属断口图像的非线性模式识别方法[J],东北大学学报(自然科学版),2004,25(9):884-886
4. 杜世民.颜云辉.压电智能结构中压电驱动器最优厚度的研究[J],机械设计与制造,2004(1):96-98
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