第一条 根据中国国家留学基金管理委员会关于外国留学生奖学金年度评审办法的相关规定,东北大学作为接受中国政府奖学金生的高等院校和年度评审的执行单位,特制定本实施细则。
第二条 年度评审的目的是为了规范中国政府奖学金留学生的管理,发挥奖学金的激励作用,提高外国留学生努力学习、遵纪守法、团结友好的自觉性,培养品学兼优的人才。
第三条 年度评审的对象为所有享受中国政府全额奖学金和部分奖学金的在读人员(以下简称奖学金生,含本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生、普通进修生、高级进修生等)。
第四条 年度评审内容:
第五条 年度评审程序:
第六条 有下列情形之一,不能通过奖学金年度评审,中止其享受中国政府奖学金资格一年:
第七条 有下列情形之一者,取消其享受中国政府奖学金的资格:
Measures for the Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status in Northeastern University
Article One. In accordance with the relevant regulations on the management of Chinese Government Scholarship, to reinforce the management of Chinese Government Scholarship and to bring its benefits and effects into full play, the following measures are formulated specifically to carry out Annual Review of the Chinese Government Scholarship Status. (hereinafter referred to as Annual Review)
Article Two. Annual Review refers to the comprehensive assessment system which the international students studying in China under Chinese Government Scholarship Programs should go through annually. It will decide whether they are qualified to continue enjoying or to renew the scholarship.
Article Three. All the full scholarship and partial scholarship students who are studying in China must participate in the annual review, (hereinafter referred to as the scholarship students), including undergraduates, postgraduates, general scholars and senior scholars.
1. The scholarship students who have been studying in China for more than one year should participate in the annual review.
2. The scholarship students who will finish their planned study programs and wish to continue study under Chinese Government Scholarship Program should go through the Annual Review in the last year of his planned study.
3. The scholarship students who suspend school for illness and then get permission to resume school should also go through the Review. The assessment is made according to their performance before and after the suspension. The suspension time is not included in the study period.
Article Four. Annual Review Contents:
1. Academic record: The final examination grades and assessment results of all courses in the first semester, the performance of the second semester (mid-term examination and assessment results included).
2.Study attitude: Attend classes on time and attendance rate should be above 85%; industrious in study; the comments from teachers or instructive teachers is above good.
3. Performance: Abide by Chinese laws as well as the rules and regulations of Northeastern University; respect teachers; participate in campus activities actively; treasure public properties.
4. Rewards and punishments from university.
Article Five The Procedures of the Annual Review:
1.Annual Review time: April 20th to May 30th every year.
2.The International Students Office is in charge of distributing annual assessment forms and materials and giving details to the scholarship students who participate in Annual Review.
3.The students who apply for next year’s scholarship should fill in the first side of Form for Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status (hereinafter referred to as the Form) and submit it to the office.
4.Chinese language students should submit academic records and teacher comments. The students’ performance of the year will be assessed according to the requirements of the Annual Review.
5.Scholarship students studying in every department should submit their academic records and teacher comments. The students’ performance of the year will be assessed according to the requirements of the Annual Review.
6.Scholarship students who have started the degree-related courses should submit academic records and teacher comments. The students’ performance of the year will be assessed according to the requirements of the Annual Review.
7.Scholarship students who have started the writing of dissertation should submit their tutors’ annual comments.
8. The International Students Office will integrate the recommendations of teachers and tutors, and according to the requirements of Chinese Ministry of Education, the office will fill in the second side of the Form and later formally submit it to the CSC before May 31st every year.
9. CSC will notify the university the final results of Annual Review before June 30th every year, and the university will inform the students and the embassy of the designated country in China or the organization, if necessary.
Article Six. The Scholarship will be suspended for one year if:
1.Undergraduates fail four courses or three main courses and can not pass make-up examinations in one semester.
2. Master students fail two degree-related courses, or fail one degree-related course as well as its make-up examination in one semester.
3.Doctor students fail one degree-related course.
4.Postgraduates who are considered as unqualified or incompetent for further study or research.
5.Disobey the rules in examinations.
6.Students get severe warnings from the school or get two written warnings in total.
Students whose scholarship is suspended can apply to the school for self support or tuition wavier in further study.
Students whose scholarship is suspended can apply for scholarship resumption. Written application should be submit to the office and then go through the reassessing procedures.
Students who leave school after their scholarship is suspended can not apply for resumption.
Article Seven. The Scholarship will be terminated if:
1. The students are compelled to flunk out or dismissed from the school,
2. The students fail twice in Annual Review during the studies in China,
3. The students refuse to take Annual Review without persuasive reasons.
Those who have their scholarship terminated will not enjoy the scholarship from the day of proclamation and cannot renew their scholarship any more.