赵露平,,佟佳蓉(s),崔琳琳(s),王姝.Fault Diagnosis Method for Power Plant Generator Set Based on HPCA-PPA.
,冯婉珺(S),王姝.Soft Measurement Modeling of Process Industrial Process with Uncertain Information.
赵露平,,徐爽(S),黄欣(S).Multiphase Relationship Analysis Based Quality Prediction for Batch Processes.
赵露平,,徐爽(S),黄欣(S).Multiphase Relationship Analysis Based Quality Prediction for Batch Processes.
赵露平,,李汉奇(S),贾明兴,毛志忠.Modular simulation for thickness and tension of five-stand cold rolling.
赵露平,,梁宸(S).2017 2nd International Conference on Electronic and Information Technology (ICEIT2017).
赵露平,,高振鹏(S),贾明兴,毛志忠.Statistical modeling and monitoring for the between-mode transition of multimode processes.