- 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- 电子邮箱:
- 职务:复杂网络系统安全保障技术教育部工程研究中心主任
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:yaoyu@mail.neu.edu.cn
- 学位:博士
- 毕业院校:东北大学
- 所属院系:计算机科学与工程学院
- 学科:
- NeuPot: A Neural Network-Based Honeypot for Detecting Cyber Threats in Industrial Control Systems.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics..[JCR 一区].
- Unknown Attack Traffic Classification in SCADA Network Using Heuristic Clustering Technique.IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management..[JCR 二区].
- Scanner-Hunter: An Effective ICS Scanning Group Identification System.IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security..[JCR 一区].
- A Cyber-Physical Model for SCADA System and Its Intrusion Detection.Computer Networks..[JCR 一区].
- Precise Defense Approach Against Small-Scale Backdoor Attacks in Industrial Internet of Things.IEEE Internet of Things Journal.[JCR 一区].
- CFL-IDS: An Effective Clustered Federated Learning Framework for Industrial Internet of Things Intrusion Detection.IEEE Internet of Things Journal..[JCR 一区].
- ALOC: Attack-Aware by Utilizing the Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for SCADA System.IEEE Internet of Things Journal.[JCR 一区].
- A feature selection based on genetic algorithm for intrusion detection of industrial control systems..Computers & Security.[JCR 二区].
- Study on the intelligent honeynet model for containing the spread of industrial viruses.Computers & Security..[JCR 二区].
- Enhancing power communication network security: A comprehensive cyber risk visual analytics framework with real-time risk assessment.Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks.[JCR 一区].
- An industrial network intrusion detection algorithm based on IGWO-GRU.Cluster Computing.[JCR 二区].
- Hopf bifurcation in an Internet worm propagation model with time delay in quarantine..Mathematical and Computer Modelling..[JCR 二区].
- A Propagation Model with Defensive Measures for PLC-PC Worms in Industrial Networks..Applied Mathematical Modeling..[JCR 一区].
- Pulse quarantine strategy of internet worm propagation Modeling and analysis..Computers & Electrical Engineering..[JCR 二区].
- Modeling and Analysis of Bifurcation in a Delayed Worm Propagation Model..Applied Mathematics.
- An Epidemic Model of Computer Worms with Time Delay and Variable Infection Rate.Security and Communication Networks.
- Analysis of a Delayed Internet Worm Propagation Model with Impulsive Quarantine Strategy..
- Modeling and bifurcation research of a worm propagation dynamical system with time delay..
- Hopf bifurcation in an SEIDQV worm propagation model with quarantine strategy..Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
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- “工业企业网络安全综合防护平台”,-工信部工业互联网创新专项-
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- “智能网联场景高等级威胁协同分析与灵活处置响应技术研究”,-国家电网公司科技项目-
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- “工业控制网络安全要点快速检索软件系统开发”,360企业安全集团
- “辽宁省海域和海岛使用动态监视监测中心辽宁省海岛遥感监测和承载力评估项目”,-辽宁省海洋渔业厅-
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