- 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- 电子邮箱:
- 职务:信息科学与工程学院副院长,党委委员
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:信息学馆513室(南湖校区)
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:13889195280(微信同步)
- 学位:博士
- 在职信息:在职
- 主要任职:辽宁省光纤传感与先进检测技术重点实验室副主任
- 其他任职:智能光电检测与深度学习研究所所长
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 所属院系:信息科学与工程学院
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- 一、光纤传感器方向.
- 1. Qi Wang*, Xiang-Yu Yin, et al. Research Progress of Resonance Optical Fiber Sensors Modified by Low-Dimensional Materials, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023, 17(5): 2200859.
- 2. Qi Wang*, Wen-Qing Wei, et al. Optimization of cascaded fiber tapered Mach-Zehnder interferometer and refractive index sensing technology, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 222: 159-165.
- 3. Qi Wang*, Xin Feng, et al. Fiber ring resonator based slow-light and high sensitivity gas sensing technology, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 214: 197-203.
- 4. Qi Wang*, Ling-Xin Kong, et al. High sensitivity refractive index sensor based on splicing points tapered SMF-PCF-SMF structure Mach-Zehnder mode interferometer, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 225: 213-220.
- 5. Qi Wang*, Jing-Ren Tang, et al. High Resolution and Speed Demodulation for Optical Fiber Fabry-Perot Magnetic Field Sensor, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, 73, 9500809.
- 6. Qi Wang*, Meng-Juan Guo, et al. A sensitivity enhanced microdisplacement sensing method improved using slow light in fiber Bragg grating, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2016, 66(1): 122-130.
- 7. Qi Wang*, Xu Liu, et al. A novel long-tail fiber current sensor based on fiber loop ring-down spectroscopy and Fabry-Perot cavity filled with magnetic fluid, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2015, 64(7): 2005-2011.
- 8. Qi Wang*, Bo-Tao Wang, et al. Comparative Analyses of Bi-Tapered Fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for Refractive Index Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2017, 66(9): 2483-2489.
- 9. Chao Du, Qi Wang*, et al. Research and application of ice thickness and snow depth automatic monitoring system, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2017, 66(2): 325-331.
- 10. Qi Wang*, Xin Feng, et al. Research on fiber loop coupled resonator slow light and displacement sensing technology. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 2015, 233: 472-479.
- 11. Qi Wang*, Xiang Li, et al. Lossy mode resonance-based fiber optic sensor using layer-by-layer SnO2 thin film and SnO2 nanoparticles, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 492: 374-381.
- 12. Qi Wang*, Wan-Ming Zhao. A comprehensive review of lossy mode resonance-based fiber optic sensors, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 100: 47-60.
- 13. Qi Wang*, Ji Xia, et al. A Novel Current Sensor Based on Magnetic Fluid and Fiber Loop Cavity Ring-Down Technology. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2015, 15(11): 6192-6198.
- 14. Qi Wang*, Lei Zhang, et al. Multiplexed Fiber-Optic Pressure and Temperature Sensor System for Down-Hole Measurement, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2008, 8(11-12): 1879-1883.
- 15. 王琦, 于清旭, 超宽带可调谐环形腔掺铒光纤激光器研究, 光电子-激光, 2006(17): 151-153.
- 二、计算成像方向.
- 1. Qi Wang*, Yun-Long Sun, et al. Optical Gas Imaging for Accurate Leakage Source Measurement Based on Optical Flow Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2024.
- 2. Qi Wang*, Jia-Shuai Mi, et al. Ghost Imaging by Single Layer Neural Network Based on Forward Physical Model, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023.
- 3. Hao-Ran Shi, Qi Wang*, et al. High-performance Fourier Iteration Ghost Imaging under Low Sampling Rate, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024.
- 4. Qi Wang*, Yun-Long Sun, et al. YOLOGAS: An Intelligent Gas Leakage Source Detection Method based on Optical Gas Imaging, lEEE Sensors Journal, 2024.
- 5. Qi Wang*, Ming-Wei Xing, et al. Optical gas imaging for leak detection based on improved deeplabv3+ model, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024, 175, 108058.
- 6. Qi Wang*, Long Chen, et al. Single-Pixel Imaging with Untrained Network using FourierTransform at ow Sampling Rates, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024.
- 7. Qi Wang*, Zong-Qi Bai, et al. Strongly robust computational ghost imaging based on nearest neighbor filtering, Optics Communications, 2024.
- 8. Hang-Xu Ji, Jia-Le Guo, Yong-Jiao Sun, Ye Yuan, Guo-Ren Wang, Qi Wang. A Novel Text Adversarial Sample Generation and Defense Method for SloT Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.
- 9. 王琦*,潘夏童,邢明玮,孙云龙,赵勇. 被动式红外成像气体目标智能检测算法及量化研究进展(特邀综述),控制与决策(东北大学100年校庆特刊),2023.
- 10. 王琦*, 米佳帅. 基于深度学习的单像素成像研究进展(特邀综述), 激光与光电子学进展, 2024, 61(10): 03.
- 11. 王琦*,潘夏童,张磊. 基于模糊理论的气体红外图像边缘检测算法[C],中国自动化学会. 2021中国自动化大会(CAC2021).
- 12. 王琦*,张裕,走近“鬼成像”技术,控策We科普,2021.
- 三、纳米光子学方向.
- 1. Wan-Ming Zhao, Qi Wang*. Analytical Solutions to Fundamental Questions for Lossy Mode Resonance, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023, 17(1), 2200554.
- 2. Lei Wang, Qi Wang*, et al. Plasmonic crescent nanoarray-based surface lattice resonance sensor with a high figure of merit, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 6144-6151.
- 3. Qi Wang*, Lei Wang. Lab-on-Fiber: Plasmonic Nano-arrays for Sensing, Nanoscale, 2020, 12(14): 7485-7499.
- 4. Xiang-Yu Yin, Ning Yang, Qi Wang*, et al. High FOM Refractive Index Sensor Based on Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum of Tri-Prism Metasurface, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(7): 7683-7689.
- 5. Xiang-Yu Yin, Qi Wang*, et al. Metasurface With WS2 Based on Quasi-Bound States in the Continuums for Refractive Index Sensing. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(20): 25316-25322.
- 6. Qi Wang*, Ju-Xin Jiang, et al. An asymmetric grating refractive index sensor generating quasi-bound states in the continuum with high figure of merit and temperature self-compensation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55(15), 155103.
- 7. Qi Wang*, Shu-Shuai Zhang, et al. Plasmonic gold disk nanoarrays-based surface lattice resonance sensor with high figure of merit and its near-field and far-field coupling characteristics. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 56, 435104.
- 8. Xiang-Yu Yin, Qi Wang*, et al. All-dielectric metasurface refractive index sensor with high figure of merit based on quasi-bound states in the continuum. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 65, 485103.
- 9. Lei wang, Nuerguli Kari, Xiang-Yu Yin, Qi Wang*, Rotational evolution characteristic and high figure of merit sensing of plasmonic nano-crescent array, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 3416131.
- 四、生物传感器方向.
- 1. Ben Li and Qi Wang*. Surface electric field enhanced biosensor based on symmetrical U-tapered HCF structure for gastric carcinoma biomarker trace detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024.
- 2. Qi Wang*, Bo-Tao Wang, Surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on graphene oxide/silver coated polymer cladding silica fiber, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 275: 332-338.
- 3. Qi Wang*, Wan-Ming Zhao. Optical Methods of Antibiotic Residues Detections: A Comprehensive Review. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 269: 238-256.
- 4. Qi Wang*, Zi-Han Ren, et al. Advances in surface plasmon resonance biosensing research, Nanoscale, 2022, 14: 564-591.
- 5. Qi Wang*, Xue-Wei Cong, et al. High Figure of Merit SPR Sensor Based on Raspberry-Like Silica, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71, 7005808.
- 6. Qi Wang*, Xue-Wei Cong, et al. Low Dimensional Nanostructure-Assisted Long-Range Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors with High Figure of Merit, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2023, 22(1): 45-51.
- 7. Qi Wang*, Na-Na Du, et al. Highly Sensitive U-Shaped Optical Fiber Refractometer Based on Bi2O2Se-Assisted Surface Plasmon Resonance, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 71, 7002108.
- 8. Qi Wang*, Hang Song, et al. A Label-Free and Anti-Interference Dual-Channel SPR Fiber Optic Sensor with Self-Compensation for Biomarker Detection, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70, 7002007.
- 9. Qi Wang*, Jian-Ying Jing, et al. A D-shaped fiber long-range surface plasmon resonance sensor with high Q-factor and temperature self-compensation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 69(5): 2218-2224.
- 10. Qi Wang*, Jian-Ying Jing, et al. Highly sensitive SPR biosensor based on graphene oxide and staphylococcal protein A co-modified TFBG for human IgG detection, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019, 68(9): 3350-3357.
- 11. Hua-Long Du, Nuerguli Kari, Ben Li, Qi Wang*. The fiber Surface plasmon resonance sensor based on TiO2 /Au-NPs sensitization, Optics and Lasers Technology, 2024.
- 12. Qi Wang*, Jian-Ying Jing, et al. A Novel Fiber-Based Symmetrical Long-Range Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor with High Quality Factor and Temperature Self-Reference, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2019, 18(1): 1137-1143.
- 13. Qi Wang*, Ai-Song Zhu, et al. High Sensitivity Coreless Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Au Nano Biconical Particles, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(1): 256-263.
- 14. Qi Wang*, Xin Jiang, et al. Enhanced sensitivity of bimetallic optical fiber SPR sensor based on MoS2 nanosheets, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 128, 105997.
- 15. Bo-Tao Wang, Qi Wang*, Sensitivity-Enhanced Optical Fiber Biosensor Based on Coupling Effect Between SPR and LSPR, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(20): 8303-8310.
- 16. Hang Song, Qi Wang*, et al. A novel SPR sensor sensitivity-enhancing method for immunoassay by inserting MoS2 nanosheets between metal film and fiber, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 132, 106135.
- 17. Jian-Ying Jing, Qi Wang*, et al. Long-range surface plasmon resonance and its sensing applications: A review. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019, 112:103-118.
- 18. Qi Wang*, Yu-Yang Wang, et al. A Sensitivity Enhancement Method of Optical Fiber SPR Sensor Based on CeF3, , IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(3):2689-2696.
- 19. Yi-Zhuo Qian and Qi Wang*. A u-shaped long-range surface plasmon resonance (lrspr) biosensor with low detection limit, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24, 23818–23825.
- 20. Hua-Long Du, Ben Li, Qi Wang*, et al. Research on High Figure of Merit LRSPR Fiber Optic Sensors, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2024.
- 21. Hua-Long Du and Qi Wang*, et al. Research on Refractive Index and Temperature Measurement Based on S-shaped SPR Fiber Sensor, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2024.
一种电控调谐型长周期光子晶体光纤光栅温度传感器,赵勇 ,王琦,杜超(S),2020
一种电控调谐型长周期光子晶体光纤光栅温度传感器,赵勇 ,王琦,杜超(S),2018
一种新型长程表面等离子共振光纤传感器,王琦 ,宋志伟(S),王雪州(S),2020
一种用于测量海水温盐深的光纤传感器,王琦 ,单纪伟(S),左典(S),李晨曦(S),2020
一种用于激发光纤表面等离子共振现象的湿法镀银膜装置,王琦 ,范晓晨(S),2020
一种基于模间干涉的错位干涉传感器,王琦 ,贾乃征(S),何东昌(S),伍卓慧(S),刘欣悦(S),汪友胜(S),2020
一种光纤SPR生物传感器及其制备方法,王琦 ,宋行(S),张洪鑫(S),孙卓(S),任子洋(S),2020
一种基于红外多光谱成像的危险气体实时检测装置,王琦 ,吕涛(S),陈星宇(S),张超越(S),汪友胜(S),2020
一种光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,宋行(S),张洪鑫(S),孙卓(S),任子洋(S),2020
一种新型硝酸盐检测传感器探头,王琦 ,黄俊文(S),李国存(S),马蓬勃(S),于泽(S),2019
一种新型微纳高双折射Sagnac光纤生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋志伟(S),2019
一种新型D型微结构光纤传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),齐康如(S),2019
一种LMR微结构光纤,王琦 ,宋志伟(S),王雪州(S),2019
一种高灵敏度光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),2019
基于氧化石墨烯和金纳米棒增敏的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),2019
一种双通道光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),2019
一种新型D型微结构光纤传感器及其制备方法,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋行(S),王波涛(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),汪颖(S),2019
一种多参数测量的光纤LMR传感器,王琦 ,单纪伟(S),梁建(S),李晨曦(S),左典(S),陈长聪(S),2019
一种基于多层金纳米棒的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,贾乃征(S),刘欣悦(S),汪友胜(S),2019
一种基于电场耦合的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,宋行(S),张洪鑫(S),孙卓(S),任子洋(S),2019
一种基于损失模式共振的微结构光纤传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋志伟(S),2019
一种同时测量海水温盐深的光纤传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋志伟(S),2019
一种基于电场耦合的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),王波涛(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),于泽(S),戴哲鑫(S),2019
一种耦合增强的D型光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,牛立业(S),宋行(S),王雪州(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),2019
一种基于钛酸钡的薄膜光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,牛立业(S),宋行(S),王雪州(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),2019
一种基于损失模式共振的微结构光纤传感器,王琦 ,井建迎(S),赵万明(S),宋志伟(S),宋行(S),王雪州(S),2019
一种同时测量海水温盐深的光纤传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),宋行(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),汪颖(S),2019
一种多参数测量的光纤LMR传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),宋行(S),汪颖(S),2019
一种基于多层金纳米棒的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),王波涛(S),戴哲鑫(S),2019
一种用于测量海水温盐深的光纤传感器,王琦 ,单纪伟(S),左典(S),李晨曦(S),2019
一种基于银三角板的U型光纤LSPR传感器,王琦 ,宋行(S),张洪鑫(S),孙卓(S),任子洋(S),2019
一种LRSPR高灵敏度光纤传感器,王琦 ,宋志伟(S),王雪州(S),2019
一种用于激发光纤表面等离子共振现象的湿法镀银膜装置,王琦 ,范晓晨(S),2019
一种新型硝酸盐检测传感器探头及其制备方法,王琦 ,李国存(S),黄俊文(S),马蓬勃(S),于泽(S),王雪州(S),2019
新型微纳高双折射Sagnac光纤生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),李国存(S),井建迎(S),赵万明(S),汪颖(S),2019
一种超高灵敏度的长周期光子晶体光纤光栅折射率传感器,王琦 ,杜超(S),赵勇,2019
一种对称式长程表面等离激元共振传感器,王琦 ,井建迎(S),赵勇,王雪州(S),2019
基于氧化石墨烯和金纳米棒增敏的光纤SPR传感器,王琦 ,王波涛(S),王雪州(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),汪莹(S),2018
一种高灵敏度光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),王波涛(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),汪莹(S),2018
一种双通道光纤SPR生物传感器,王琦 ,王雪州(S),王波涛(S),赵万明(S),井建迎(S),汪莹(S),2018
一种基于无芯光纤的长程表面等离激元共振传感器,王琦 ,井建迎(S),李思远(S),朱琦(S),2018
一种LMR微结构光纤,王琦 ,宋志伟(S),王雪州(S),2018
- 2024年8月,机械工业出版社,主编《机器人感知智能》,十四五”时期国家重点出版物,2024
- 2022年12月,Jenny Stanford Publishing,《Plasmonics based Optical Sensors and Detectors》,2021
- 2022年6月,辽宁大学出版社,参编《大学数学知识典型应用实例》,2021
- 2021年12月,东北大学出版社,副主编《课程思政建设思政元素选编》,2024
- 2021年6月,Elsevier出版社,参编《Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry》,2021
- 2014年6月,机械工业出版社,编著《光电检测技术》机械工业出版社,2021
- 2012年7月,机械工业出版社,编著《传感器敏感材料及器件》机械工业出版社,2021