Song Qiushi
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2001.9 -- 2005.7
Northeastern University
 Material Physics and Chemistry
 Under postgraduate
 Bachelor's Degree in Science
2006.9 -- 2008.7
Northeastern University
 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgical Processes
 Postgraduate (Doctoral)
 Bachelor's degree
2008.9 -- 2012.7
Northeastern University
 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgical Processes
 Postgraduate (Doctoral)
 Doctoral Degree in Engineering
2019.11 -- 2020.11
Nanyang Technological University
School of materials and engineering
Visiting scholar
2017.1 -- 2023.1
Northeastern University
School of metallurgy
Associate professor
2012.12 -- 2016.12
Northeastern University
School of metallurgy