




近年来,以主研人参与国家自然科学基金重点项目 1 项、国家自然科学基金面上项目 2 项、省级电网公司科技项目5项。以第一作者或通信作者发表论文10余篇,其中, SCI 期刊论文7篇,EI 期刊论文2篇,《电力系统自动化》期刊2023电力需求响应方向双高榜单论文1篇。




[1] C. Yang, G. Liang, J. Liu, G. Liu, H. Yang, J. Zhao, Z. Dong, “A non-intrusive carbon emission accounting method for industrial corporations from the perspective of modern power systems,” Applied Energy, 350, 121712, 2023.

[2] H. Liao, C. Yang, H. Gao, W. Liu, H. Xin, X. Tang, J. Zhao, “Comprehensive- contribution-based primary frequency regulation market design for the converter-integrated power system,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 39(2): 3825-3838, Mar. 2024.

[3] C. Yang, J. Liu, H. Liao, G. Liang, J. Zhao, “An improved carbon emission flow method for the power grid with prosumers,” Energy Reports, 9, 114-121, 2023.

[4] C. Yang, T. Cheng, S. Li, X. Gu, and L. Yang, “A novel partitioning method for the power grid restoration considering the support of multiple LCC-HVDC systems,” Energy Reports, 9, 1104-1112, 2023.

[5] C. Yang, G. Liang, T. Cheng, Y. Li, S. Li. “A novel method of restoration path optimization for the alternating current–direct current bulk power grid after a major blackout,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 17(23): 5240-5251, 2023.

[6] C. Yang, H. Liao, G. Liang, H. Gao, H. Xin, J. Zhao. “Coordinated Restoration of inverter-based power sources and synchronous generators for the High Renewable Penetrated Power System considering the dynamic frequency regulation capability,” IET Renewable Power Generation, 18(7), 1292–1303, 2024.

[7] C. Yang, B. He, H. Liao, J. Ruan, and J. Zhao, “Price-based low-carbon demand response considering the conduction of carbon emission costs in the smart grid,” Frontiers in Energy Research, 1117. Aug. 2022.

[8] 杨超, 梁海平, 顾雪平, . 基于电压源换流器HVDC联网的受端电网扩展黑启动方案[J].电工技术学报, 2017(22):207-215.

[9] 杨超,梁海平,顾雪平,唐晓骏,谢岩,刘雨濛.多直流馈入异步受端电网恢复的分区方法[J]电力系统自动化201943(10)162-170



