1.Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens between the age of 18 (beforeentering university)
and30, with a valid foreigner’s passport.
2.Applicants must be healthy and have good behavior, complying with thelaws and
regulationsof China and the rules of Nankai University.
3.Bachelor’s degree applicants must have a corresponding high schooldiploma (or above).
Accordingto the relevant regulations of Ministry of Education of the PRC,residents from
mainlandChina, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan who have emigrated to othercountries
andare applying for Nankai University must have held a valid foreigner’spassport or
citizenshipdocuments before April 30, 2017, along with proof of cancellation ofChinese
nationality.The applicant should also have the record of having actually livedabroad for
over2 years between April 30, 2017 and April 30, 2021. Having actuallylived for 9 months
inone year can be calculated as having lived in that location for oneyear, based on the
Entryand Exit Stamp.
Pleaseclick this link for moreinformation:
BeforeApril 30th (scholarship available);
BeforeJune 15th (self-support).
Majorsand Length of Study
Theinternational bachelor students at NKU will be trained under theacademy system. For the
firstyear, the students will receive general education in the School ofInternational Education
fora single specialty.
Afterthey finish the general education program, they will be arranged tostudy corresponding
specialtiesaccording to their scores in the first year. Starting from the secondyear, students
willbegin their major studies, which can be taken in two modes.
Oneis the general mode of 1+3, in which students will study for theirmajors for 3 years and
getthe Bachelor’s degree at graduation.
Theanother is a distinctive compound-talent mode of 3+2, in whichstudents will study
ChineseLanguage for 3 years in the School of International Education, andthen turn to study
Politicsand Administration, Tourism Management, or Business Economics. Afterstudents have
reachedthe standard of the major training, they will get two Bachelordegrees: Chinese
Languageand one of the three specialties: Politics and Administration,Tourism Management,
orBusiness Economics.
Pleaseclick this link to know more aboutspecialties:
TheBachelor’s degree requires 4 years, and the dual degree programsrequire 5 years.
ApplicationProcess and Required Materials
1.Please register at the website:
andcomplete the online application.
2.Required Materials:
A.Notarized diploma of the highest level of education obtained.Applicants expecting to
graduatethis academic year must submit an official document issued by theircurrent school
toprove their current student status and expected graduation date.
B.Complete academic transcripts of the highest level of education.
C.Personal Statement, including a study or research plan, financialsituation, reasons for
scholarshipapplication, honors and awards, personal strengths, etc. (no lessthan 800 words).
(Pleaseclick the link for the personal statementform:
D.One letter of recommendation from your high school teachers. Theletter should be written
inChinese or English; the phone number and email address of the personissuing the
recommendationshould be included. (Please click the link for the letter ofrecommendation:
E.Applicants for Chinese-taught specialties are required to submit theHSK certificate (Level 4,
noless than 180 scores). Applicants who have graduated from theIndependent school of
Malaysiadon’t need to submit any certificate of Chinese languageproficiency if they apply for
Chinese-taughtprograms. Applicants who don’t meet the Chinese languagerequirements can
applyfor one year of Chinese language studies before entering their majorstudies.
F.Photocopy of passport (ordinary passport- it must be valid beforeApril 1, 2022).
G.Photocopy of signature.
H.Remittance receipt of the application fee.
I.Supplementary Materials:
a.Applicants who have changed nationality from Chinese to anothernationality should
submitthe certificate of cancellation of Chinese nationality and the recordof Entry and Exit in
thelast 4 years.
b.Other materials that can prove the applicants’ learning ability andcomprehensive abilities,
suchas award certificates in sports or arts, specialty certificates,published papers,
undergraduateadmission notices issued by other universities, etc.
Allof the above application materials should be either in Chinese orEnglish. For
documentsor certificates in languages other than Chinese or English, notarizedChinese or
Englishtranslations are required.
Assessmentand Admission
Theinformation in application materials should be identical with thosein the passport and the
validvisa or residence permit used for application. After the evaluationof applicants’
applicationmaterials, the college and schools will decide whether to add anadditional
examinationor interview based on the applicants’ education backgrounds andmajors applied
for.Please pay attention to further updates for specific assessmentmethods, contents, or
Theapplicants who pass the screening of application materials and theevaluative interview
willbe admitted by Nankai University. The admission materials will beissued in June, 2021.
Theadmission committee of Nankai University will check the informationand materials of the
applicant.If any sort of fraud or violation of rules is discovered andverified, the applicant will
bedisqualified from the admission. Admission results will be announcedin the registration
systemor in the applicant’s mailbox.
PaymentStandards and Methods
1.Application fee: CNY400
Noapplication will be accepted if your application fee is less thanthis.
I.RMB Account:
AccountName: Nankai University
Bank Name: Bank of Communications, TianjinBranch,
Nankai University Sub-Branch
Account No: 120066032010149600156
II.USD Account:
AccountName: Nankai University
Bank Name: Bank of Communications, TianjinBranch,
Nankai University Sub-branch
Account No:120066032146300000768
Whenthe remittance is made, please make a note of“International StudentRegistration Fee
+Passport Number of the Applicant + the abbreviation of theapplicant’s country”.
Whetheror not the applicant is eventually admitted by NKU, the registrationfee will not be
2.Tuition fee: Pleaseturn to the specialty information to know more about the standardof
3.Method of Payment
Pleasemake a remittance through bank wire transfer.
Pleaseclick this link to know more about the method ofpayment:
Theinformation above is for reference only. Actual fees will be inaccordance with the
tuitionstandards at the time of admission.
4.Medical insurance fee: CNY1000 per student per year
Accordingto the regulations of Ministry of Education of P. R. China,international students
mustpurchase comprehensive medical insurance for foreign students whilethey are studying
inChina. International students are required to purchase insurancebefore registration
(InternationalStudents Insurance:
NankaiUniversity will directly consider the applicants’ applicationmaterials, education
backgrounds,school performances, personal strengths and college feedback as thebasis for
1.Chinese Government Scholarship
ScholarshipValue: Exemption from tuition fee; provision of accommodation fee,provision of
coverageof comprehensive medical insurance and a living allowance, whichneeds an
additionalapplication. Please click this link for moreinformation:
2.International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
ScholarshipValue: Exemption from tuition fee; provision of accommodation fee,provision of
coverageof comprehensive medical insurance and a living allowance, whichneeds an
additionalapplication. Please click this link for moreinformation:
3.Tianjin Government Scholarship
Thisscholarship doesn’t need to be applied for independently. Studentswill be selected to
winthis scholarship once a year.
ScholarshipValue: tuition allowance. Please click this link for moreinformation:
4.Study-at-Nankai Scholarship
Thisscholarship doesn’t need to be applied for independently. Studentswill be selected to
winthis scholarship once a year.
ScholarshipValue: tuition allowance, accommodation allowance or livingallowance. Please
clickthis link for moreinformation:
Accordingto Regulations on the Administration of International Students inNankai University,
inorder to help international students adapt to school life in China,and become familiar with
NankaiUniversity, all the freshmen in the first school year should live inNKU's international
students'dormitories or the cooperative apartment off the campus.
Schoolof International Education of Nankai University
BalitaiCampus Address:
Room400, School of International Education (College of Chinese Languageand Culture) , 94
WeijinRoad, Tianjin, P. R. China.
Postalcode: 300071
JinnanCampus Address:
Room202/203, School of International Education (College of ChineseLanguage and Culture) ,
38Tongyan Road, Haihe River Education Area, Tianjin, P. R.China.
Postalcode: 300350