袁益龙,工学博士,教授(博导),吉林大学“唐敖庆”青年学者,2019年获得国家博士后创新人才计划资助(400人/年)。主要从事地下复杂环境热-水-应力-化学(THMC)耦合模型开发及应用研究,应用领域包括:深部地热资源开发、天然气水合物开发、二氧化碳地质封存、核废料地质处置等。近5年,围绕国家“双碳”战略目标和能源结构调整迫切需求,依托干热岩地热资源和深部超临界地热资源开发、天然气水合物开发及力学稳定性等问题,作为项目负责人承担了国家自然科学基金等国家和省部级纵向科研项目7项,以及中国华能集团等企业委托横向科研项目10余项。依托以上项目研究,以第一责任作者在Energy、Journal of Cleaner Production、Renewable Energy、Engineering Geology、Science of the Total Environment、SPE Journal等能源和环境领域高水平刊物发表论文40余篇,其中高被引论文2篇,Web of Science累计被引1055次,H-index 18。出版地热专著《地热开发数值模拟理论、技术与应用》一部(排名第二)。研究成果获2021年吉林省博士后创新创业大赛三等奖,2021年入选吉林大学励新优秀青年教师培养计划(重点培养阶段)、2022年入选吉林大学“唐敖庆”青年学者、2023年入选吉林大学优秀青年培育计划、2024年入选吉林大学工科集群青年人才专项支持计划。
(6)2024.09.01至今 ,吉林大学 新能源与环境学院 教授
(5)2022.09.01至2024.08.31,吉林大学 新能源与环境学院 副教授
(4)2021.09.29至2022.08.31,吉林大学 新能源与环境学院 讲师
(3)2019.05.29至2021.09.28,吉林大学 建设工程学院 博士后(博新计划,合作导师:戴振学)
(2)2014.09.01至2019.06.01,吉林大学 地质资源与地质工程(地下水科学与工程) 博士(硕博连读,导师:许天福)
(1)2010.09.01至2014.06.01,吉林大学 地质资源与地质工程(地下水科学与工程) 学士
(36)Yu Wang, Yilong Yuan*, Bing Guo, Hongwu Lei, Huixing Zhu, Hailong Tian, Tianfu Xu*. Numerical simulation of hydro-shearing stimulation in the enhanced geothermal system at the Utah FORGE site. Engineering Geology, 2024, 343: 107823.
(35)Hui Cheng, Fugang Wang*, Shengwei Li, Zhongle Cheng, Yilong Yuan*, Guanhong Feng. From pre-Darcy flow to Darcy flow in porous media: A simple unified model. Water Resources Research, 2024, 60, e2023WR036902.
(34)Han Yu, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Fabrizio Gherardi, Hailong Tian*. Numerical analysis of coupled thermal–hydraulic processes based on the embedded discrete fracture modeling method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 253, 123765.
(33)Han Yu, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Fabrizio Gherardi, Hailong Tian*. Single well geothermal heating systems: Technical and economic assessment of two widely-used configurations. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 635, 131126.
(32)许天福,文冬光,袁益龙*. 干热岩地热能开发技术挑战与发展战略. 地球科学, 2024, 49(6): 2131-2147.
(31)那金,谢康路,袁可涵,袁益龙*. 应力加载对花岗岩粗糙裂隙渗透率影响规律. 地球科学, 2024, 49(5): 1810-1820.
(30)钟承昊,许天福,袁益龙*,封官宏. 深部超临界地热条件下纯水的电阻和电导演变特征. 地球物理学进展, 2024, 39(2): 490-497.
(29)Rui Cui, Bo Feng, Xiaofei Duan, Jichu Zhao, Yabin Yang, Shoutao Feng, Yilong Yuan*. Analytical study of permeability properties of loose sandstone based on Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical (THM) coupling. Energies, 2024, 17(2), 327.
(28)Chenghao Zhong, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Fabrizio Gherardi, Guanhong Feng. An experimental study on quartz solubility in water under supercritical geothermal conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 630, 130663.
(27)Wentao Zhao, Yilong Yuan*, Tieya Jing, Chenghao Zhong, Shoucheng Wei, Yulong Yin, Deyuan Zhao, Haowei Yuan, Jin Zheng, Shaomin Wang. Heat production performance from an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) using CO2 as the working fluid. Energies, 2023, 16(20): 1-16.
(26)Chenghao Zhong, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Guodong Cui, Fabrizio Gherardi, Xing Li. Coupled effects of elastic and plastic deformation on hydraulic properties of the geothermal fracture induced by cyclic loading-unloading processes. Engineering Geology, 2023, 313: 106929.
(25)Han Yu, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Bo Feng, Shuantong ShangGuan. Enhanced heat extraction performance from deep buried U-shaped well using the high-pressure jet grouting technology. Renewable Energy, 2023, 202: 1377-1386.
(24)Yilong Yuan, Ye Gong, Tianfu Xu, Huixing Zhu*. Multiphase flow and geomechanical responses of interbedded hydrate reservoirs during depressurization gas production for deepwater environment. Energy, 2023, 262, 125603.
(23)Yilong Yuan, Wei Wang, Jiawei Tang, Qiang Guo, Yulong Liu*. Fracture Initiation and Propagation in the Hot Dry RockSubject to the Cyclic Injection Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment. Geofluids, 2023, 8859177.
(22)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu*, Fabrizio Gherardi*, Hongwu Lei. Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled modeling of in-situ behavior of the full-scale heating test in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. Energies, 2022, 15, 4089.
(21)Chenghao Zhong, Tianfu Xu, Fabrizio Gherardi, Yilong Yuan*. Comparison of CO2 and water as working fluids for an enhanced geothermal system in the Gonghe Basin, northwest China. Gondwana Research, 2023, 122: 199-214.
(20)王福刚,杨国华,程辉,管小桐,袁益龙*. 热变形对饱和黏性土渗透系数的影响. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2023, 53(6): 1835-1844.
(19)高有川,许天福,于涵,袁益龙*. U型井取热不取水地热开采潜力及影响因素分析. 可再生能源, 2023, 41(2): 199-206.
(18)Ye Gong, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Xin Xin, Huixing Zhu. Optimal design of the field hydrate production test in the offshore India: Insights from the vertically heterogeneous hydrate reservoir model. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 103: 104645.
(17)Chenghao Zhong, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Bo Feng, Han Yu. The feasibility of clean power generation from a novel dual-vertical-well enhanced geothermal system (EGS): A case study in the Gonghe Basin, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 344: 131109.
(16)Yingli Xia, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Xin Xin, Huixing Zhu. Geomechanical response induced by multiphase (gas/water) Flow in the Mallik hydrate reservoir of Canada. SPE Journal, 2022, 27(1): 434-451.
(15)龚晔,许天福,袁益龙*,辛欣,朱慧星. 高压旋喷灌浆法改造近井储层对海洋天然气水合物降压开采潜力影响研究. 太阳能学报,2022, 43(11): 1-8.
(14)Hongwu Lei, Zhenjun Yang, Yingli Xia∗, Yilong Yuan*. Prospects of gas production from the vertically heterogeneous hydrate reservoirs through depressurization in the Mallik site of Canada. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 2273-2287.
(13)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Chunhe Jin, Huixing Zhu, Ye Gong, Fugang Wang*. Multiphase flow and mechanical behaviors induced by gas production from clayey-silt hydrate reservoirs using horizontal well. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 328: 129578.
(12)Han Yu, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Guanhong Feng. Improved preproduction conceptual numerical model of the Roosevelt geothermal field using geological, geochemical and structural information. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2021, 95(6): 1805-1815.
(11)Han Yu, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Fabrizio Gherardi, Bo Feng, Zhenjiao Jiang, Zixu Hu. Enhanced heat extraction for deep borehole heat exchanger through the jet grouting method using high thermal conductivity material. Renewable Energy, 2021, 177: 1102-1115.
(10)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Xin Xin, Ye Gong, Bing Li*. Enhanced gas production from clayey-silt hydrate reservoirs based on near-well reservoir reconstruction using the high-pressure jet grouting technology. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 94: 104121.
(9)Fugang Wang, Shifei Ping, Yilong Yuan*, Zhaojun Sun, Hailong Tian, Zhijie Yang. Effects of the mechanical response of low-permeability sandstone reservoirs on CO2 geological storage based on laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 796: 149066.
(8)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Zhenjiao Jiang, Bo Feng*. Prospects of power generation from the deep fractured geothermal reservoir using a novel vertical well system in the Yangbajing geothermal field, China. Energy Reports, 2021, 7: 4733-4746.
(7)Bing Li, Xiaolong Ma, Guobiao Zhang, Wei Guo, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan*, Youhong Sun*. Enhancement of gas production from natural gas hydrate reservoir by reservoir stimulation with the stratification split grouting foam mortar method. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 81: 103473.
(6)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Joseph Moore, Hongwu Lei, Bo Feng*. Coupled thermo–hydro–mechanical modeling of hydro‑shearing stimulation in an enhanced geothermal system in the Raft River geothermal field, USA. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53: 5371-5388.
(5)袁益龙,许天福,辛欣,夏盈莉,李冰*. 海洋天然气水合物降压开采地层井壁力学稳定性分析. 力学学报,2020, 52(2): 544-555.
(4)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Yingli Xia, Xin Xin*. Comparison of simplistic and geologically descriptive production modeling for natural-gas hydrate by depressurization. SPE Journal, 2019, 24(2): 563-578.
(3)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Yingli Xia, Xin Xin*. Effects of formation dip on gas production from unconfined marine hydrate-bearing sediments through depressurization. Geofluids, 2018, 1: 1-11.
(2)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu*, Xin Xin, Yingli Xia. Multi-phase flow behavior of layered methane hydrate reservoir induced by gas production. Geofluids, 2017, 1: 1-15.
(1) 袁益龙,侯兆云,雷宏武,冯波*,许天福. 增强型地热系统井筒-储层耦合数值模拟分析. 可再生能源,2015, 33(3): 421-428.
(7)许天福,姜振蛟*,袁益龙. 中深部地热资源开发利用研究现状与展望. 中国基础科学, 2023, 3: 11-22.
(6)Chunhe Jin*, Yilong Yuan, Heechang Son, Youngsub Lim. Novel propane-free mixed refrigerant integrated with nitrogen expansion natural gas liquefaction process for offshore units. Energy, 2022, 238, 121765.
(5)Yulong Liu, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan, Bo Feng*, Xuhai Tang, Xin Liu, Zhenpeng Cui. A laboratory study on fracture initiation and propagation of granite under cyclic-injection hydraulic fracturing. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 212, 110278.
(4)Huixing Zhu, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan, Yingli Xia, Xin Xin*. Numerical investigation of the natural gas hydrate production tests in the Nankai Trough by incorporating sand migration. Applied Energy, 2020, 275, 115384.
(3)Huixing Zhu, Tianfu Xu, Yilong Yuan, Guanhong Feng, Yingli Xia, Xin Xin*. Numerical analysis of sand production during natural gas extraction from unconsolidated hydrate-bearing sediments. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 76, 103229.
(2)TianfuXu, YilongYuan, XiaofengJia, Yude Lei, Shengtao Li, Bo Feng, Zhaoyun Hou, Zhenjiao Jiang*. Prospects of power generation from an enhanced geothermal system by water circulation through two horizontal wells: A case study in the GongheBasin,QinghaiProvince,China. Energy, 2018, 148: 196-207.
(1)许天福,袁益龙,姜振蛟,侯兆云,冯 波*. 干热岩资源和增强型地热工程:国际经验和我国展望. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2016, 46(4): 1139-1152.
(1)许天福,袁益龙,封官宏,冯 波,姜振蛟. 地热开发数值模拟理论、技术与应用. 华东理工大学出版社, 2022.09.
(3)基于TOUGH模型的储层物性参数非均质化软件[TOUGH-RPH V1.0].
(2)天然气水合物开采真三轴模拟模型快速构建平台[Hydrate3d V1.0].
(1)天然气水合物开采出砂模拟软件[Hydratesand V1.0].
(6)王帅,肖楚严,张世荫,杜金宇,等. 因“势”利导—国内首创地热势能阶梯式利用践行者,2024,“挑战杯”吉林省大学生创业计划竞赛,银奖.
(5)彭宇乐,侯善凯,富彦喆. 单井套筒采热模型与方案优化研究,2024,大学生创新创业训练计划,校级项目.
(4)姜麟,王泰森,白贺文,熊志武. 热激发对花岗岩渗透性能和力学强度的影响规律研究,2024,大学生创新创业训练计划,省级项目.
(3)张佳潓,江笑雨,靳江潇,杨润心. CO2-水-岩石相互作用对砂岩渗透性与力学性质影响规律研究,2024,大学生创新创业训练计划,国家级项目.
(9)袁益龙,钟承昊,许天福. 温度-应力耦合作用下花岗岩粗糙裂隙水力性质演化规律研究. 国际地下水会议, 2024, 中国长春. (Oral presentation)
(8)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu*. Incorporating Geo-mechanics into TOUGH2 with Applications to Geothermal and Natural Gas Hydrate. the17th Water-Rock Interaction WRI-17, 2023, Sendai, Japan.
(7)Yilong Yuan*, Chenghao Zhong, Tianfu Xu, Fabrizio Gherardi. Changes in Hydraulic Properties of the Geothermal Fracture Induced by Cyclic Loading-unloading Processes. World Geothermal Congress 2023, Beijing, China. (Oral presentation)
(6)Yilong Yuan, Yingli Xia, Xin Xin*. Optimization of gas production from clayey-silt hydrate reservoirs with coupled flow, thermal, and geomechanical processes using horizontal well. The 10th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH10), 2023, Singapore. (Oral presentation)
(5)袁益龙,许天福,雷宏武,冯波*. 裂隙水热运移及力学耦合机制与模型研究. 第七届青年地学论坛, 2021, 中国贵州. (Oral presentation)
(4)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Zhenjiao Jiang, Joseph Moore, Bo Fenga*. Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Modeling of Hydro-shearing Stimulation in an Enhanced Geothermal System in the Raft River Geothermal Field, USA. 2019 ARMA-CUPB Geothermal International Conference, 2019, Beijing, China. (Oral presentation)
(3)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Yingli Xia, Xin Xin*. Prospects of gas production from the sedimentary complex hydrate reservoir using conventional technology. AGU Fall Meeting, 2018, Washington, USA. (Oral presentation)
(2)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Bo Feng*. Prospects of power generation from the high-temperature fractured granite reservoir by water circulation at Yangbajing geothermal field. The 45th International Association of Hydrogeologists, 2018, Daejeon, Korea. (Oral presentation)
(1)Yilong Yuan, Tianfu Xu, Yingli Xia, Xin Xin*. Evaluation of gas productivity from layered heterogeneity methane hydrate reservoirs by depressurization. Offshore Technology Conference Asia, 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Oral presentation)
[1]Name of Research Group:深部地下水热资源与环境效应
Description of Research Group:面向国家低碳发展和碳中和的重大战略需求,重点研究深部水热资源形成与开发、干热岩水热储层建造、二氧化碳地质封存等理论、方法与技术,及其环境效应。突出深部复杂地质条件下渗流场-温度场-化学场-应力场(THMC)多场耦合机制与模拟研究的优势特色。
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