The 13th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference

Call for papers

Important dates

1. Submission deadline:May 20, 2016

2. Notification of acceptance: July 20, 2016

3. Camera ready:August 10, 2016

4. Conference date: September 23-25, 2016

Submission requirements

1. Submissions must be submitted through the EasyChair Website. Multiple submissions will not be accepted. That is, WISA will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published, or accepted for publication, in a journal or another venue with formally published proceedings.

2. Submissions written in either English or Chinese are welcome. All English submissions must be formatted according to the IEEE standard format, with a maximum length of 6 pages for long papers and 4 pages for short papers. Electronic templates can be found at:

Chinese submissions must be formatted according to the typesetting requirements of Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science & Technology, with no more than 8000 words. Electronic templates can be found at:

3. All submissions must be submitted in WORD or PDF files, with both Chinese and English abstracts, keywords, funding information, references, author’s names and introductions. In particular, the following information of the corresponding author will be required: name, organization, contact details, email address and phone number.

4. "Journal of Software" Information Systems Security Special Issue Call for Papers see:

Contact Us

1. Submission website:

For any issue regarding to the submission, please contact to:

Heng Zhang(, Huazhong University of Sci & Tech.

2. Conference Website: /hust/mu_idc/wisa2016/

3. For any issue regarding to the conference news, please contact to:

Minquan Wu(, Wuhan University.

With a profound impact of Internet and Web on our society, Web Information System (WIS) has emerged as one of the mainstream paradigms of Distributed Application System. It plays an increasingly important role in Public Computing, Enterprise Computing and Industry Informatization. Web Information Systems and Applications Conference (WISA) is an annual national conference sponsored by IEEE Reliability Society. The last twelve conferences are respectively held in Wuhan, Shenyang, Nanjing, Beijing, Xi'an, Xuzhou, Hohhot, Chongqing, Haikou, Yangzhou, Ji’nan.The 13th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference (WISA 2016) will be held on September 23-25, 2016 in Wuhan, Hubei, hosted by Wuhan University.

Following the good tradition, WISA 2016 conference will provide opportunities for in-depth and extensive discussion on core technologies of WIS as well as its application framework, architecture, applications and other aspects. In conjunction with the main conference, there will be two workshops: the first national workshop on Big Data Processing and Analysis (BDPA 2016), and the first national workshop on Information System Security (ISS 2016).The conference proceedings (accepted papers written in English) will be published by IEEE Reliability Society. Papers presented at the conference will also be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore and to all of the A&I (abstracting and indexing) partners (such as the EI Compendex), and all accepted papers written in Chinese will be published as regular papers in the journal Computer and Digital Engineering. In particular, excellent papers will have the chance to be recommended to Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology and Journal of Chinese Computer Systems. This conference will also collect papers to be published in the special issue “Security of Information System” of Journal of Software. All accepted papers of this special issue will be reported on WISA 2016. In addition, the conference will also include thematic discussions on hot topics, invited talks given by several famous experts and an awarding ceremony for the outstanding student papers.

Principal topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

  • Web data mining and analysis
  • Web 2.0 and social information
  • Web and database technology
  • Web information integration and sharing
  • Web application framework and architecture
  • Web services and SOA
  • Web site maintenance and reverse engineering
  • Web testing and Web application quality assurance
  • Web information systems engineering
  • Web security and information system security
  • Measurement and analysis technology in Web system
  • Web information system application
  • Big data management and analysis
  • Big data mining and application
  • Search engine and application
  • Personalized service and recommendation
  • Decision support and business intelligence
  • Cloud computing and cloud storage
  • Data center management
  • internet of things and intelligent detection
  • Social computing and social network
  • Mobile Web and application
  • Semantic Web and smart Web technology
  • Workflow management and process optimization