摘 要
关键词:城市 海绵小区 激励机制 演化博弈 效用函数
In recent years, urbanization of China has developed rapidly, but infrastructure construction has not kept pace with the development of urbanization, leading to many problems, such as urban insults, and seriously affecting urban ecological security. In recent years, the urbanization of China has developed rapidly. But the urban construction method is too rough, leading to problems such as urban shackles and seriously affecting urban ecological security. The original rough-type community construction method has destroyed the original ecological “elasticity” of the community. When dealing with heavy rain disasters, the ecological environment of the community is very fragile and vulnerable to damage. The construction of sponge community is of great significance to improve the living of residents in the community. The scientific and rational sponge community incentive mechanism can promote the construction of a better and more comfortable sponge community.
Firstly, the current situation of the construction of the sponge city is introduced, and the problems in the construction of sponge city are analyzed. In view of the lack of incentive policies for sponge cities and the low enthusiasm of developers, it is proposed that local governments should formulate incentive mechanisms for the construction of sponge communities. Then, based on the above analysis, combined with the utility function of local government and developers, the evolutionary game model of the sponge community construction incentive mechanism is constructed. According to the model, the three stable equilibrium points of the game model are obtained, and the meaning of each stable equilibrium point is explained. Finally, combined with the construction of the sponge community in Wuhan, Wuhan City is taken as an example to study. The MATLAB simulation is used to obtain the subsidy intensity of Wuhan high-quality sponge community, and the countermeasures for the construction of sponge community in China are put forward.
According to the thesis, the local government should give the developer a reasonable intensity subsidy based on the additional benefits brought by the construction of high-quality sponge community, to improve the incentive mechanism for the construction of the sponge community. At the same time, local governments should strengthen their support for the large-scale development of sponge facilities and the research on alternatives to sponge facilities, so as to reduce the cost of developers and reduce the pressure on government subsidies. In addition, policy subsidies should not be used as long-term incentive policies. Local governments should also establish subsidy withdrawal mechanism to ensure long-term development of sponge community construction through strict planning and punishment mechanisms.
Keywords:City Sponge Community Incentive Mechanism Evolutionary Games Utility Function