• Hydro & Eng. Storage
    YE Dong    Name:YE DongTitle:Associate professorResearch & Teaching field:Flexible electronics application(Intelligent sensors/ battery health monitoring etc.) ,Conformal electronics application(Robtic E-skin/Wireless brain-machine interface etc.), Curved surface electronics manufacturing  

    TAN Bien    Name:TAN BienTitle:ProfessorResearch & Teaching field:Study on synthesis and application of microporous organic polymers, Energy gas storage, Carbon dioxide capture and conversion 

    FANG Chun    Name:FANG ChunTitle:Associate professorResearch & Teaching field:Low temperature battery, High safety lithium-ion battery, Fast charge battery, solid state battery 

    ZHONG Xiaoliang   Name:ZHONG XiaoliangTitle:Associate professorResearch & Teaching field:Solar fuel preparation, Degradation of greenhouse gases, Two-dimensional material energy catalytic conversion, Hydrogen energy

    JIN Kaiyuan   Name:JIN KaiyuanTitle:Associate researcher Research & Teaching field:solar energy, energy efficiency, Hydrogen and energy storage

    FANG Haisheng   Name:FANG HaishengTitle:ProfessorResearch & Teaching field:Computational Fluid Dynamics, Battery thermal control technology, Semiconductor thin film epitaxy, crystalline growth

    WANG KangliName:WANG Kangli Title:Professor Research & Teaching field:Electrochemical energy storage technologies, Electrochemistry; Advanced energy materials

    YANG Yingju   Name:YANG YingjuTitle:LecturerResearch & Teaching field:CO2 catalytic conversion and utilization, Hydrogen green production, Carbon-based energy conversion and utilization, Pollutant emission control

    YANG Can   Name:YANG CanTitle:Associate professorResearch & Teaching field:Carbon-neutral alternative fuels

    LI Huayao   Name:LI HuayaoTitle:Associate professorResearch & Teaching field:Gas sensor: high performance, Si-based gas sensor for environmental monitoring, energy field (Hydrogen, Li-Ion battery); Sensitive Material: Low Dimensional Nano-structure sensing material, quantum dots, Transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMDC), Nanowires, Nanotubes etc.

    LIN Yixin   Name:LIN YixinTitle:Associate professorResearch & Teaching field:Power battery, Energy storage battery, Hydrogen energy storage and transportation solar cell

    Guan Yin   Name:Guan YinTitle:Associate professorResearch & Teaching field:Hydrogen and energy storage, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Electrohydrodynamic Printing, Micro- and Nano- Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer

    CHANG Huawei  Name:CHANG HuaweiTitle:LecturerResearch & Teaching field: Clean and renewable energy development and efficient use, Proton exchange membrane fuel cell,New refrigeration technology

    WANG Deli   Name: WANG Deli Title: Professor, Ph.D surpervisorInstitute:  Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Research field:Hydrogen Energy and Fule Cells, Batteries Personal Web:  /hust/mu_faculty/wangdeli/zh_CN/index.htmGroup Web: /hust/mu_chem/mu_deli/

    Kaifu HUOName:Kaifu HUOTitle: ProfessorResearch field and teaching course:Electrochemical energy storage (including lithium (sodium)-ion batteries, Supercapacitors, Lithium-sulfur batteries and Flexible batteries)E-mail:kfhuo@hust.edu.cnPersonal home page:/hust/mu_faculty/huokaifu/zh_CN/index.ht

    XU Yishu  Name: XU Yishu Title: lecturer Institute: School of Energy and Power Engineering Research field: Hydrogen power system,New alternative energy E-mail: xuyishu@hust.edu.cn Web: /hust/mu_faculty/XuYishu/zh_CN/index.htm

    Yonggang Yao   Name: Yonggang Yao Title: Professor Institute: School of Materials Science and Engineering Research field: Hydrogen fuel cells and clean energy vehiclesE-mail: yaoyg@hust.edu.cn Web:  /hust/mu_faculty/YAOYONGGANG/en/index.htmOther: WISCO 205

    Kaifu HUOName:Kaifu HUOTitle: ProfessorResearch field and teaching course:Electrochemical energy storage (including lithium (sodium)-ion batteries, Supercapacitors, Lithium-sulfur batteries and Flexible batteries)E-mail:kfhuo@hust.edu.cnPersonal home page:/hust/mu_faculty/huokaifu/zh_CN/index.ht

    LIU Zonghao  Name: LIU ZonghaoTitle: Associare ProfessorWuhan National Laboratory for OptoelectronicsResearch field: perovskite solar cells Email: liuzonghao@hust.edu.cn/hust/mu_faculty/liuzonghao/zh_CN/index.htm

    Xin Guo  Name: Xin Guo Title: Professor Institute: School of Energy and Power Engineering Research field: Hydrogen energy, biomass energy, energy efficiency E-mail: guoxin@mail.hust.edu.cn

    Xin Guo  Name: Xin Guo Title: Professor Institute: School of Energy and Power Engineering Research field: Hydrogen energy, biomass energy, energy efficiency E-mail: guoxin@mail.hust.edu.cn

    Mingliang Xie   Name: Mingliang Xie Title: Associate Professor Institute: School of Energy and Power Engineering Research field: Photocatalytic hydrogen production by TiO2 particles E-mail: mlxie@mail.hust.edu.cn Web:  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mingliang-Xie-2

    Lichao Jia  Name:Lichao JiaTitle:Dr./Prof.Research field and teaching course:Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Solid Oxide Electrolysis CellE-mail:jialc@hust.edu.cnPersonal home page:/hust/mu_faculty/jialichao/ 

    Jingying Xu  Name: Jingying Xu Title: Lecturer Institute: School of Energy and Power Engineering Research field: Low carbon fuel utilization (ammonia combustion) E-mail: xujy2019@hust.edu.cn Web:  /hust/mu_faculty/XUJINGYING/

    Zhangcan YangName:Zhangcan YangTitle: Associate ProfessorResearch field and teaching course:Hydrogen energy, hydrogen permeation barrier, hydrogen interaction with metalsE-mail:yang_zhangcan@hust.edu.cnPersonal home page:/hust/mu_faculty/yangzhangcan/zh_CN/index.htmhttp://numat.energy.hust.edu.cn

    Jianjun Ye Jianjun YeAssociate ProfessorResearch Interests: High Efficiency Utilization of the Low Grade Wind EnergyHydrogen Flow Behaviors and Performances in Hydrogen Energy Applications Email:hustyjj@163.comHomepage: /hust/mu_energy/info/1121/3721.ht

    SUN YongmingSUN Yongming   Professor, Ph.D supervisor   Room 401, D District, Wuhan photoelectric National Research Center, HUST   Research Field: New energy storage battery materials (lithium ion battery, lithium metal battery, sodium ion battery, etc.)            E-mail:yongmingsun@hust.edu.cn           Resume: http://www.wnlo.cn/index.php?id=589

    Yang Ronggui  Name:Yang RongguiTitle:ProfessorResearch field and teaching course:Thermal Energy Storage,Concentrated Solar Power, Energy Efficiency, Thermal management and optimization, electrochemical energy storageE-mail:ronggui@hust.edu.cnPersonal home page:/hust/mu_energy/mu_x-thermal/ 

    Liang Huang  Name:Liang HuangTitle:Associate ProfessorResearch field and teaching course:Hydrogen energy and storage and energy efficiencyE-mail:huangliang421@hust.edu.cnPersonal home page:/hust/mu_faculty/huangliang1/zh_CN/index/863033/list/index.htm

    LUO GuangqianLUO Guangqian Professor, Ph.D supervisor Department of Energy and Power Engineering, HUST Research Field: Biomass E-mail:2771848036@qq.com

    LI SongLI Song Associate Professor, Ph.D supervisor Department of new energy, Department of Energy and Power Engineering,HUST Research Field: development of energy storage materials key materials for new energy sources storage and separation of energy and gas development of high performance filtration and purification materials E-mail: songli@hust.edu.cn (or lisonging@gmail.com)

    HU XianluoHU Xianluo ​Research Field and Teaching Course: Fuel Cells, Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials and Devices E-mail:huxl@mail.hust.edu.cn

    Minglei Mao  Name:Minglei MaoTitle:Associate ProfessorResearch field and teaching course:Lithium/magnesium ion batteriesE-mail:mlmao@hust.edu.cnPersonal home page:/hust/mu_faculty/maominglei/zh_CN/index/2413248/list/index.htm 

    CHI BoCHI Bo (Chi Bo) Professor,Doctoral Supervisor Research & Teaching field: Solar Energy E-mail: chibo@hust.edu.cn

    LIU ZhichunLIU Zhichun Associated Professor Research & Teaching field: Biomass E-mail: zcliu@hust.edu.cn

    YIN ZhoupingYIN Zhouping Professor Research & Teaching field: Solar Energy E-mail: yinzhp@mail.hust.edu.cn

    Jiangjiang Duan Name: Jiangjiang DuanTitle: Associate Professor Institute: Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics Research field: Energy efficiency、Geothermal energy E-mail: jiangjduan@hust.edu.cn Web:  /hust/mu_faculty/DUANJIANGJIANG/zh_CN/index.htmhttps://publons.com/researcher/1679090/jiangjiang-duan/

    Zijian Zhou  Name: Zijian Zhou Title: Lecture Institute: School of Energy and Power Engineering Research field: Thermochemical Energy Storage E-mail: zhouzj2012@hust.edu.cn Web: /hust/mu_energy/mu_xu/cyxx/js2/__zzj.htm

    Cai TaoName:  Cai Tao Title: Associate Professor Institute: Department of Applied Electronic Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research field:Energy Management and Remote Supervision of Renewable Generation & Battery Charging SystemsEnergy Modeling and Power Forecasting of Photovoltaic Power Generation SystemsAdvanced technologies for Batter Management System E-mail: caitao...

    ZOU Chun   Name: ZOU Chun Title: Professor Institute: School of Energy and Power Engineering Research field:Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC),Kinetic model of Biofuel combustion,Combustion and utilization of Renewable energy sources E-mail: zouchun@hust.edu.cn

    TU Zhengkai  Name: TU ZhengkaiTitle: professorResearch field:Fuel Cell; Hydrogen Production; Energy StorageE-mail: tzklq@hust.edu.cnWeb: /hust/mu_energy/info/1129/4807.htm

    Wu HuiWu HuiLecturerCombustion pollutant generation emissions and low temperature plasma control; combustion theory and reaction chemistr

    LIN XiangningLIN Xiangning Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail:linxiangning@hotmail.com

    Sandrine Berthon-FabrySandrine Berthon-Fabry Professor GROUPE DES ECOLES DES MINES ​ Research Field and Teaching Course: Chemical electricity; lithium battery research E-mail:sandrine.berthon-fabry@mines-paristech.fr

    Johnny DESCHAMPSJohnny DESCHAMPS lecture École Nationale Supérieure deTechniques Avancées(ENSTA)Research Field and Teaching Course: Thermodynamics, Physical Chemistry, Solution Interactions, Nanochemistry, Energy, Fluorinated Compounds, Ionic Liquids, Liquid Crystals, Mesoporous Materials, Gas Hydrates, Hydrogen Energy; Hydrogen Storage and Storage E-mail:ohnny.deschamps@ensta-paristech.fr

    Jolanta SWIATOWSKAJolanta SWIATOWSKA Associate Researcher École nationale supérieure de chimie de Paris(ENSCP ) Research Field and Teaching Course:Electrochemistry, Corrosion Research, Surface and Interface Science, Energy Conversion and Storage (Lithium-Ion Batteries); Hydrogen Energy and Storage E-mail:jolanta-swiatowska@chimie-paristech.fr

    Michel VALDELIEVREMichel VALDELIEVRE Professor and consultant Total Professor Association Research Field and Teaching Course:Petroleum refining; fossil fuels; industrial energy E-mail:valdelievremichel@yahoo.fr

    Gillian LACEYGillian LACEY PhD University of Northumbria Research Field : Battery Energy; Power Engine E-mail:gillian.lacey@northumbria.ac.uk

    Alain THORELAlain THOREL (Alain Thorel) Phd Institut Mines-Télécom Research & Teaching Field: Materials Engineering, Engineering Physic E-mail:alain.therol@mines-paristech.fr

    Christian BEAUGERChristian BEAUGER (Christian Beauger) Associate Professor MINES-ParisTech Research & Teaching Field: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Nanomaterials for Energy & Hydrogen Storage E-mail:christian.beauger@mines-paristech.fr

    Elieen TORTORAElieen TORTORA (Elieen Tortora) Research assistant Sapienza University of Rome - Centre for Sustainable Development Research Field and Teaching Course: Time Dependent Model Development for Efficient High Temperature Fuel Cell Simulation for Marine Propulsion E-mail:elieen.tortora@uniroma1.it

    LI XiLI Xi Professor Research Field and Teaching Course: Engineering Thermal Physics of Fuel Cells, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells E-mail:lixi@hust.edu.cn

    PU JianPU Jian Research Field and Teaching Course: Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) key materials, cell preparation, stack manufacturing and system integration; functional ceramic materials research and development; high-strength steel thermoforming technology E-mail:pujian@mail.hust.edu.cn E-mail:pujian@mail.hust.edu.c...

    SHEN YanSHEN Yan HUST, Photochemical catalysis Research Field and Teaching Course: Geothermal energy E-mail:

    DAI KeDAI Ke Research Field and Teaching Course: Energy Efficiency E-mail:daike_hust@qq.com

    ZHAO HaiboZHAO Haibo Professor、Ph.D supervisor Thermal Engineering,HUST Research Field and Teaching Course: Energy Efficiency E-mail:hzhao@mail.hust.edu.cn

    XIE JunlongXIE Junlong Professor, Ph.D supervisor HUST, energy efficiency​ Research Field and Teaching Course: Wind Energy E-mail:hustxjl@163.com

    JIANG Kai​JIANG Kai​ Research Field and Teaching Course: New energy storage battery E-mail:kjiang@hust.edu.cn