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Design of blade-shaped-electrode linear ion traps with reduced anharmonic contributions

作者: 来源:管理员 发布时间:2015年10月04日 00:00 点击次数:[]


Design of blade-shaped-electrode linear ion traps with reduced anharmonic contributions

K. Deng, H. Che, Y. Lan,2 Y. P. Ge, Z. T. Xu, W. H. Yuan, J. Zhang, and Z. H. Lu*

1MOE Key Laboratory of Fundamental Physical Quantities Measurement, School of Physics, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430074, People’s Republic of China
2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada

(Received 15 July 2015; accepted 8 September 2015; published online 18 September 2015)

RF quadrupole linear Paul traps are versatile tools in quantum physics experiments. Linear Paul traps with blade-shaped electrodes have the advantages of larger solid angles for fluorescence collection. But with these kinds of traps, the existence of higher-order anharmonic terms of the trap potentials can cause large heating rate for the trapped ions. In this paper, we theoretically investigate the dependence of higher-order terms of trap potentials on the geometry of blade-shaped traps, and offer an optimized design. A modified blade electrodes trap is proposed to further reduce higher-order anharmonic terms while still retaining large fluorescence collection angle. 

2015 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4931420]