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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
学科:热能工程- [11] Zhang, Cheng, Zhang, Yanping*, Lei, Xiaolin, & Gao, Wei. Design and comparison of solar thermal oilfield steam production system plans. Transactions of the ASME , Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 2017,Vol. 139 / 044502-1.
- [12] Chongzhe Zou, Yanping Zhang*, Huayi Feng, Quentin Falcoz, Pierre Neveu, Wei Gao, Cheng Zhang, Effects of geometric parameters on thermal performance for a cylindrical solar receiver using a 3D numerical model, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 149, 1 October 2017, Pages 293-302.
- [13] Zihao Yang,Yanping Zhang*,Wei Gao. Improved Model of an Intermediate Point Enthalpy Control System for Enhancing Boiler Efficiency,Journal of Energy Resources Technology,FEBRUARY 2019, Vol. 141 / 022001-11.
- [14] Jian Fan,Qian Li,Yanping Zhang*.Collapse analysis of wind turbine tower under the coupled effects of wind and near-field earthquake. Wind Energy, 2018;1-13.
- [15] 张乐乐,张燕平,黄树红,高伟. 汽轮机湿蒸汽区蒸汽焓值的计算模型. 动力工程学报,2013,33(4):272-277..
- [16] 蔡小燕,张燕平,李钰,黄树红,高伟. 700℃超超临界燃煤发电机组热力系统设计及用分析。动力工程学报,2012,32(12):971-978..
- [17] 王际洲,张燕平,黄树红. 省煤器参数分布特性的分层模型分析. 中国电机工程学报,2013,33(8): 30-35..
- [18] 岳松,张奥,张燕平*,朱志成,黄树红. 中高温太阳能ORC系统向心透平气动设计研究. 机械工程学报,2015,51(4)155-160..
- [19] 林琳,张燕平,黄树红,600MW燃煤发电机组太阳能协同发电的变工况性能分析,动力工程学报,2013,33(10),58-65..
- [20] 潘晓军,张燕平*,陈曦,高伟,樊剑.水平基底上薄膜流体的数学模型及其数值模拟[J].工程力学,2018,35(06):24-32+41.