Yanping Zhang, Ph.D., Associate Professor. Director of Department of Thermal Power Engineering, College of Energy and Power Engineering. Mainly engaged in the research of energy-saving analysis and diagnosis of thermal system, solar high-temperature cavity receiver. She is the . Editor-in-chief of National Planning Textbook "Thermal Power Plant". She published more than 60 papers in famous academic journals and conferences at home and abroad. She has won one US invention patent, six Chinese invention patents. More>

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Department:School of Energy and Power Engineering

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Discipline:Thermal Engineering

Details >

Educational Experience / Work Experience

1988.9 - 1992.7

 重庆大学 |  Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics |  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) |  Bachelor's degree 

2000.9 - 2006.6

 华中科技大学 |  Postgraduate (Doctoral) |  Doctoral Degree in Engineering 

1995.9 - 1998.5

 华中理工大学 |  Postgraduate (Master's Degree) |  Master's Degree in Engineering 

2024.1 - Now

华中科技大学 | 教授 | 教授

2007.10 - 2023.12

华中科技大学 | 能源与动力工程学院 | 副教授

1998.7 - 2007.9

华中科技大学 | 能源与动力工程学院 | 讲师

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