·Paper Publications
- [1] 8、 Speed Control with Vibration Suppression of Two-inertia Servo System Based on Resonance Ratio Control,the 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2014).
- [2] 7、 Design Novel Fuzzy Logic Controller of IPMSM for Electric Vehicles,2014.6,ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA,.
- [3] 6、 内嵌式永磁同步电机改进型解耦控制,电工技术学报,2015.1.
- [4] 5、 开关磁阻电机电容式位置检测技术,电工技术学报,1999,14(3):1-5,.
- [5] 3、 高速开关磁阻发电机励磁参数优化控制,华中科技大学学报,2012.2,自然科学版.
- [6] 3、 开关磁阻发电控制系统仿真研究,微电机,2009.10.
- [7] 2、 永磁操作机构电磁设计及动态特性分析,华中科技大学学报,2003.5,自然科学版.
- [8] 1、 Implementation of a 50kW Four-Phase Switched Reluctance Motor Drive System for Hybrid Electric Vehicle,IEEE TRANSACATIONS ON MAGNETICS,VOL.41,NO.1,JANUARY 2005.