·Paper Publications
- [1] Dayi Li, Qiaofu Chen, Zhengchun Jia, et al.A Novel Active Power Filter With Fundamental Magnetic Flux Compensation.IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,2004,19(2):799-805.
- [2] Dayi Li, Qiaofu Chen, Zhengchun Jia, et al.A High-Power Active Filtering System With Fundamental Magnetic Flux Compensation.IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2006, 21(2): 823-830 .
- [3] Dayi Li, Z. Q. Zhu, A Novel Integrated Power Quality Controller for Microgrid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,vol.62, no.5, pps: 2848 - 2858, May 2015.
- [4] Dayi Li, Z. Q. Zhu, Yi Qin, A Novel Variable Reactor and Its Application to Shunt Power Quality Controller, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.31, no. 6, pps: 4148-4158, June 2016.
- [5] Dayi Li, Kai Yang, Z. Q. Zhu, et al, A Novel Series Power Quality Controller with Reduced Passive Power Filter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.64, no.1, pps: 773-784, Jan. 2017.
- [6] Dayi Li, Meng Song, Jing Hu, Yunsong Luo, Xueli Xiao, Kai Yang. Improved series active power filter with fundamental and harmonic magnetic flux hybrid compensation,IET Power Electronics,2018:11(6), 1038-1045.
- [7] Dayi Li, Tingkang Wang, Wenhao Pan, Xinzhi Ding, Jie Gong,A comprehensive review of improving power quality using active power filters,Electric Power Systems Research,Volume 199, October 2021, 107389.
- [8] Meng Song, Dayi Li*, Xueli Xiao, et al, A Novel Four-Quadrant Variable Impedance and Its application, IET power electronics, vol.10, no.15, pps: 2124-2132, 2017.
- [9] 李达义, 孙玉鸿, 熊博, 康文杰. 一种并联型有源电力滤波器的新型控制方法, 电力系统自动化 , vol.38, no.15, 112-117, 2014.
- [10] 李达义,秦毅,康文杰.高渗透率微网多功能电能质量控制器,电力系统自动化,Vol.39, No.4, 2015, 103-109.