Lecturer Phone: (+86) 13407161756 Email: zhoubohust@hust.edu.cn Academic Areas: Geotechnical Engineering Research Interests:Soil Mechanics, Particle Morphology, Discrete Element Method Academic Degrees PhD-exchange in Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, City University of Hong Kong; PhD in Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; B.E. in Civil Engineering, 2009, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Professional Experience Assistant Professor (2015-now); Geotechnical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Postdoc Research Associate (2013-now); Geotechnical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong; Selected Publications Zhou B., Wang J, Zhao B. Micromorphology characterization and reconstruction of sand particles using micro X-ray tomography and Spherical harmonics. Engineering Geology 2015, 184(14): 126-137. Zhou B., Wang J. Random generation of natural sand assembly using micro X-ray tomography and Spherical harmonics. Géotechnique Letters 2015, 5: 6-11. Zhou B., Wang J., Wang H. A new probabilistic approach for predicting particle crushing in one-dimensional compression of granular soil. Soils and Foundations 2014, 54(4): 833–844. Zhou B., Huang R., Wang H. & Wang J. DEM investigation of particle anti-rotation effects on the micro-mechanical response of granular materials. Granular Matter 2013, 15: 315-326. Wang H., Zhou, B., and et al. Characteristic analysis of large-scale loess landslides and mitigation: a case study in Baoji City of Loess Plateau of Northwest China. Natural Hazards and Earth Sciences 2011, 11: 1829-1837 Courses Taught 0200501: Project Budget and Bid Project The youth program of national natural science fund (2016,01 - 2018,12), 51508216, Experimental and numerical studies on the macro and micro shearing properties of sands considering the effect of the real particle morphology Awards Doctoral national scholarship, 2013, The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China