Weng Shun


     Associate Professor

       Phone: (86-139) 71681883

     Email: wengshun@mail.hust.edu.cn

     Academic Areas: Structural Engineering

     Research Interests:Structural health monitoring, Structural dynamic analysis

Academic Degrees

PhD in Structural Engineering, 2007-2010, the HongKong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU);
Master in Structural Engineering, 2004-2007, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST);
Bachelor in Structural Engineering, 2000-2004, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).

Professional Experience

School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, HUST, Associate Professor (2013-persent);
School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, HUST, Lecture (2011-2013);
Dept. Structural and Environmental Engineering, the HongKong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU), Research Associate (2010-2011).

Selected Publications

1. Shun Weng, Aizhu Zhu, Hongping Zhu, Yong Xia, Ling Mao, Dynamic condensation approach to the calculation of eigensensitivity, Computers and Structures, 2014, 132, 55-64.
2. Shun Weng, Hongping Zhu, Yong Xia, Ling Ye, Construction of stiffness and flexibility for substructure-based model updating, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 1-14.
3. Shun Weng, Hongping Zhu, Yong Xia, Ling Mao, Substructuring approach to the calculation of higher-order eigensensitivity, Computers and Structures, 2013, 117, 23-33.
4. Shun Weng, Hongping Zhu, Yong Xia, Ling Mao, Damage detection using the eigenparameter decomposition of substructural flexibility matrix, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2013, 34, 19-38.
5. Shun Weng, Yong Xia, Xiaoqing Zhou, Youlin Xu, Hongping Zhu, Inverse substructure method for model updating of structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012, 331(25), 5449-5468.
6. Shun Weng, Yong Xia, Youlin Xu, Hongping Zhu, Substructure based approach to finite element model updating. Computers and Structures, 2011, 89(9-10), 772-782.
7. Shun Weng, Yong Xia, Youlin Xu, Hongping Zhu, An iterative substructuring approach to the calculation of eigensolution and eigensensitivity. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2011, 330(14), 3368-3380.
8. Yong Xia,Shun Weng*,Youlin Xu, Hongping Zhu, Calculation of eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives with the improved Kron’s substructuring method, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2010, 36(1), 37-55.
9. Shun Weng, Yong Xia, Youlin Xu, Xiaoqing Zhou, Hongping Zhu, Improved substructuring method for eigensolutions of large-scale structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, 323(3-5), 718-736.
10. HongPing Zhu, Ling Mao, Shun Weng*, Yong Xia, Structural damage and force identification under moving load, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015, 53(2), 261-276.
11. Hongping Zhu, Ling Mao, Shun Weng*, A sensitivity-based structural damage identification method with unknown input excitation using transmissibility concept, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333, 7135-7150.
12. Hongping Zhu, Ling Mao, Shun Weng*, Calculation of dynamic response sensitivity to substructural damage identification under moving load, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2013, 16(9), 1621-1631.
13. Yong Xia, Bo Chen, Shun Weng, Yiqing Ni, Youlin Xu, Temperature effect on vibration properties of civil structures, a literature review and case studies, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2012, 2(1), 29-46.
14. Weili Luo, Yong Xia, Shun Weng, Vibration of Timoshenko beam on hysteretically damped elastic foundation subjected to moving load, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57(12), 1-11.
15. Xiaojun Wang, Xiaoqing Zhou, Yong Xia, Shun Weng, Comparisons between modal-parameter-based and flexibility-based damage identification methods, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2013, 16(9), 1611-1619.
16. Penghui Li, Hui Luo, Hongping Zhu, Shun Weng, Structural damage identification based on genetically trained ANNs in beams, Smart Structures and Systems, 15(1), 2015, 227-244.

Courses Taught

Structural Architecture
Engineering Survey and measurement


1. National Natural Science Foundation of China:51108205, Inverse substructuring method to the model updating of civil structures, 2012/01—2014/12
2. Innovate program of HUST, 2014TS130, System identification under unknown excitation and limited measurement, 2014/01-2015/12
3. Innovate program of HUST, 2012QN018, Influence of environment on modal parameters,2012/01-2013/12.


2012 ChuTian Scholars of Hubei Province
2014 Scientific and Technological Progress in Hubei Province (First Prize): Key technology and application of structural safety monitoring