Xiong Yongliang


     Associate Professor

       Phone: (+86) 180-6240 2239

     Email: xylcfd@hust.edu.cn

     Academic Areas: Fluid Mechanics

     Research Interests:CFD, turbulence, drag reduction, complex flow

Academic Degrees

PhD (Applied Mathematics And Scientific Computing), 2010, University of Bordeaux.
PhD (General and Fundamental Mechanics), 2008, Harbin Engineering University.
MS (Thermal Engineering), 2006, Harbin Engineering University.
BSE (Building Enviorment and Equipemental Engineering), 2003, Harbin Engineering University.

Professional Experience

Associate Professor (2014-present); Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of civil engineering and Mechanics
Post-Doc (2011-2014); University of Bordeaux; the institute of mathematics of Bordeaux; Researcher (2007-2010); INRIA

Selected Publications

Y. L. Xiong, C. H. Bruneau, H. Kellay, A numerical study of two dimensional flows past a bluff body for dilute polymer solutions. Journal of Non-Newtonian fluid mech., 2013,196, 8-26
T. Meuel, Y.L. Xiong, P. Fischer, Ch.-H. Bruneau, M. Bessafi, H. Kellay, Intensity of vortices: from soap bubbles to hurricanes, Scientific Reports Vol.3, , 2013, n°3455
Y. L. Xiong, C. H. Bruneau, H. Kellay, Direct numerical simulations of 2D channel flows in the presence of polymers. Europhysics letters. 2011,95, 64003
Y. L. Xiong, C. H. Bruneau, H. Kellay, Drag enhancement and drag reduction in viscoelastic fluid flow around a cylinder, Europhysics letters. 2010,91, 64001

Courses Taught

0800061 Fluid mechanics (Ⅰ),
0800062 Fluid mechanics (Ⅱ),
0835481 Aerodynamics,
151.804 Aerodynamics,


The advanced numerical method for internal flow of Solid Rocket Motor.
Drag reduction under the effect of inhomogeneous polymer additives
