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朱殿臣,1995年8月生,安徽省巢湖人,2021年11月博士毕业于香港理工大学土木与环境工程学院 (Supervisor: Dr. Tony Sze, Co-supervisor: Prof. Anthony Chen),现就职于合肥工业大学汽车与交通工程学院,主要研究方向为交通安全、自动驾驶车辆规划与控制。目前主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,安徽省自然科学基金1项,智能互联安徽省实验室公开项目1项,合肥工业大学学术新人提升项目1项以及地方咨询横向课题1项。目前发表SCI/SSCI期刊论文20余篇,其中10篇一作/通讯论文发表于AAP,TR part F,Safety Science, Transport Policy, Travel Behaviour and Society, Journal of Safety research, Traffic Injury Prevention, Engineering Application of Artifical Intelligence等交通安全、行为、政策以及人工智能工程应用等领域顶级期刊,其中发表于TR part F的文章入选ESI高被引热点论文。目前担任包括Accident Analysis and Prevention, TR part A, TR part C, TR partF, TR-IP, Travel behaviour and society, Tunnel Underground Space and Technology, Case study on Transport Policy等期刊审稿人。




[1] 国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目. 混行阶段自动驾驶车辆和行人交互博弈均衡模式与安全效率优化方法. 30万,2024.1-2026.12 主持

[2] 安徽省自然科学基金-青年基金项目. 8万,2023.8-2026.8 主持

[3] 合肥工业大学学术新人提升计划A.  信号交叉口人车冲突博弈风险演变机理与安全管控方法. 5万,2023.04-2024.12  主持 

[4] 智能互联安徽省实验室开放课题. 面向智能互联环境的高速公路交通流态势感知及趋势预测. 8万,2023.07-2025.12  主持(校内申请人)

[5] 中央高校启动经费科研创新启动专项A项目,基于多源数据融合的智能网联车驾驶行为风险判别与干预方法研究. 3万,2022.02-2024.12 主持

[6] 事业单位/企业委托项目,宿州市城市公共交通出行调查报告. 28万,2022.06-2023.12 主持

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 智能网联混行环境驾驶人信息加工机制与安全风险调控. 54万,2023.1 ~2026.12, 参与

[8] 安徽省重点研发计划高新领域. 基于智能网联车辆多源信息融合的人机交互关键技术开发及应用示范. 100万. 2023.05~. 参与

[9] 香港研究资助局面上项目(RGC-GRF).《Advanced model for pedestrian safety analysis at signal intersection incorporating multimodal exposure》,2018-12-2021-12, 58万港币,结题,主要参与人


[1] Dianchen Zhu, N.N. Sze*, Zhongxiang Feng, Zhen Yang., 2022. A two-stage safety evaluation model for the red light running behaviour of pedestrians using the game theory, Safety Science, 147, 105600.(SCI JCR 1区,中科院一区,IF=6.1,谷歌总引用23次)

[2] Dianchen Zhu, N. N. Sze*, Zhongxiang Feng., 2021. The trade-off between safety and time in the red light running behaviors of pedestrians: a random regret minimization approach. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 158, 106214. (SSCI JCR 1区,中科院一区,IF=5.9,谷歌总被引33次)

[3] Dianchen Zhu, N. N. Sze*, 2021. Propensities of red light running of pedestrians at the two-stage crossings with split pedestrian signal phases. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 151, 105958. (SSCI JCR 1区,中科院一区,IF=5.9, 总被引28次)

[4] Dianchen Zhu, N. N. Sze*, Lu Bai, 2021. Roles of personal and environmental factors in the red light running propensity of pedestrian: Case study at the urban crosswalks. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 76, 47-58. (SSCI JCR 2区,IF=4.1, 谷歌总引用53次,WOS被引40次, ESI高被引热点论文)

[5] Dianchen Zhu, N.N. Sze*, Zhongxiang Feng, 2023. Waiting for signalized crossing or walking to footbridge/underpass? Examining the effect of weather using stated choice experiment with panel mixed random regret minimization approach. Transport Policy, 138, 144-169. (SSCI JCR 1区,IF=6.8,谷歌被引6次)


[6] Zhongxiang Feng, Ya Gao., Dianchen Zhu*, Ho-yin Chan, Mingming Zhao, Rui Xue. 2024. Impact of risk perception and trust in autonomous vehicles on pedestrian crossing decision: Navigating the social-technological intersection with the ICLV model. Transport Policy, 152, 71-86. (SSCI JCR 1区,IF=6.8) (第二作者为2023级博士) (SSCI JCR 1区,IF=6.8,谷歌被引3次)

[7] Feng Zhongxiang, Wei xinyi, Bi Yu, Zhu Dianchen*., 2024. An integrated framework for driving risk evaluation combining lane-changing detection and attention-based prediction model. Traffic Injury Prevention, vol 10, pp. 1-9 . (第二作者为2022级研究生)

[8] Zhongxiang Feng, Canhui Chu, Dianchen Zhu*, Nuoya Ji, Jianqiang Cui, Zhipeng Huang, 2022. Investigation of intervention methods based on different leading roles in family regarding child road safety education: An experimental study, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 178, 106874. (SSCI JCR 1区,中科院一区,IF=5.9) (第二作者为2020级研究生) (SSCI JCR 1区,中科院一区,IF=5.9)

[9] Dianchen Zhu, Huiying Wen, Yichuan Deng*. 2020. Pro-active warning system for the crossroads at construction sites based on computer vision. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27 (5), pp. 1145-1168. (硕士期间的工作)

[10] Jing Liu, Huiying Wen, Dianchen Zhu*, Kumfer Wesley.  2019. Investigation of the Contributory Factors to the Guessability of Traffic Signs. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(1), 162.(本科毕业设计)



Zhu Dianchen,  et al., 2024. Beyond the red and green: Effects of rational and irrational factors on pedestrian choice at two-stage signalized crossings with independent phases. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2nd round Under review. (第二作者作为2022级博士生) (中科院二区,SSCI)

Zhu Dianchen, Hu Jialei et al., 2024. Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction With Social-Pattern Awareness and Memory-Informed Transformer Network. Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, Under review. (第二作者为2020级本科生)(中科院一区,人工智能工程领域TOP期刊)

Zhu Dianchen, Fan Zheyan et al., 2024 Incorporating safety field theory into interactive prediction between VRU and vehicle: An integrated spatial-temporal and risk-aware model. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2nd round Under review. (第二作者为2019级本科生)(中科院三区,SCI/SSCI双检索,交通安全领域老牌期刊)

Feng Zhongxiang., Sun Yan., Zhu Dianchen*.  Evaluation of cyclists’ preference on guardrails: A stated preference survey based on regret-based model. Digital Transportation and Safety. 2nd round Under review. (第二作者为2022级研究生)

Hu Chuan, Peichuan Lang, Hao Chen, Biao Yang, Dianchen Zhu*., 2024., Pedestrian trajectory prediction based on diffusion model with initial trajectory prediction. IEEE on Robotics and Automation Letters. Under review, (第一作者为上海交大胡川教授,2023年海外优青项目入选者) (机器人自动化方向顶级期刊,中科院二区)


Feng Zhongxiang., Chen Yongkang., Zhu Dianchen*, Xu Pengpeng. Unobserved heterogeneity and transferability of pedestrian crash severity models in urban area accounting for behavioral and environmental interacting effects., Traffic Injury Prevention., to be submitted. (第二作者为2022级研究生)

Feng Zhongxiang., Chen Mingming., Sze N.N., Zhu Dianchen*., Determinants of injuries severities across commercial vehicle and non-commercial vehicle driver: accounting for unobserved heterogeneity by adopting constained time instability random parameter approaches. Working paper. To be submitted to Analytic Method in Accident Research. (第二作者为2024级研究生)

Feng Zhongxiang., Wei xinyi., Zhu Dianchen*., Examining pedestrians' preference on crossing facility by considering perceived level of confort with ICLV model. Working paper. To be submitted to Transportmetrica A: Transportation Science. (第二作者为2022级研究生)

Feng Zhongxiang., Yao Liufang., Zhu Dianchen*., Pedestrian crossing preference towards different types of e-HMI: Effect of personal crossing tendency and AV trust by adopting a stated preference survey. Working paper., To be submitted to Transport Policy.(第二作者为2022级研究生)

Hu Jialei, Zhu Dianchen*., A self-adaptive decision-making framework for autonomous vehicles considering trade-offs between safe and efficiency based on deep reinforcement learning and bi-level optimization approach. Working Paper, to be submitted to Transportation Research part C: Emergency Technology. (第一作者为2020级本科生,已保研外校)


Ya Gao, Zhongxiang Feng, Dianchen Zhu, Jiabin Zeng, Xiaoshan Lu, Zhipeng Huang, (2024). Analysis of drivers’ take-over ability improvement and behavioral steady state in human–machine codriving vehicles. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 103, 554-573.

Manman Zhu, N.N. Sze, Sharon Newnam, Dianchen Zhu. 2022. Do footbridge and underpass improve pedestrian safety? A Hong Kong case study using three-dimensional digital map of pedestrian network. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 186, 107064.

Jingyu Li, Weihua Zhang, Dianchen Zhu, Zhongxiang Feng, Zhengbing He. 2023., Quansheng Yue, Zhipeng Huang, Evaluation of driver demand for in-vehicle information: An integrated method combining clustering and multivariate ordered probit model, Journal of Safety Research, 85, 222-233.

Mingming Zhao, et al., Dianchen Zhu., 2024. Real-Time Freeway Traffic State Estimation for Inhomogeneous Traffic Flow. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 129633.

Gege Qi., Jialei Hu., Dianchen Zhu., 2024. Robust vehicle trajectory prediction based on "Atacker-defender" framework with prior distribution transfer learning model. To be submitted to IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation System


朱殿臣; 张秀伟; 冯忠祥; 李靖宇. 一种信号交叉口人车博弈冲突风险评估与预警方法。发明专利,授权专利号:ZL 20221 1213626.1,授权公告号:CN 115662113 B,授权公告日:2023年10月13日

朱殿臣; 樊哲延; 冯忠祥. 一种安全场论下车辆与弱势道路使用者交互预测方法。发明专利,已授权。授权公告日:2024年8月27日

朱殿臣; 李锐析; 冯忠祥; 一种行人与自动驾驶车辆的交互博弈均衡策略探究方法。发明专利,已授权。授权公告日:2024年9月30日

朱殿臣; 胡佳磊; 冯忠祥; 胡川; 构建基于异质图网络的交叉口人车轨迹预测模型的方法。发明专利,公开受理。

朱殿臣; 张秀伟; 蒋博韬; 焦柯瑞;基于Scoot系统的行人检测的路网信号灯优化方法。发明专利,公开受理。

朱殿臣; 刘泓阳; 张乐涵; 刘俊杰; 童天赐; 张琪; 一种基于驾驶第一视角的弱势道路使用者识别、轨迹预测及预警方法。发明专利,公开受理。

朱殿臣; 俞谦扬; 冯忠祥. 一种基于MPC的车道保持方法。发明专利,公开受理。

Zhu Dianchen ; A two-stage safety evaluation model for red light running behavior of pedestrians, The 25th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 香港, 2021-12-9至2021-12-11 (会议报告)

Zhu Dianchen ; Disaggregated and Aggregated Levels Factors Affecting the Red Light Running Behavior of Pedestrian, The 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington D.C, 2020-1-12至2020-1-15 (会议报告)

Zhu Dianchen ; Disaggregated and Aggregated Levels Factors Affecting the Red Light Running Behavior of Pedestrians, The 23rd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 香港, 2019-12-8至2019-12-11 (会议报告)

温惠英; 朱殿臣 ; 一种停车场停车饱和度检测的VMS预告装置, 2018-2-23, 中国, ZL 20172060091 9.3 (实用新型专利)

温惠英; 朱殿臣 ; 一种停车场停车饱和度检测的VMS预告装置及方法, 2017-5-26, 中国, CN20171038 4692.8 (发明专利)

四. 学术兼职及奖励

CICTP2024 海外华人国际交通科技年会 优秀Area Editor.

WTC 2024 世界交通大会心理与行为委员会青年委员




Accident Analysis and Prevention

Transportation Research Part C

Transportation Research Part A

Transportation Research Part F

Transportation Research interdiscipline Perspectives

Tunnelling Underground Space and Technology

Travel Behaviour and Society

Technology in Society

Traffic Injury Prevention

Transport Policy

Case Study on Transport Policy

Cognitive Technology and Work

Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering

IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems

Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience
2018-8 | 2021-10
  • 香港理工大学
  • Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  • Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Doctoral degree

2015-9 | 2018-7
  • 华南理工大学
  • Transportation Planning and Management
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
  • Master's degree

2011-8 | 2015-6
  • 合肥工业大学
  • Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  • University graduated
  • Bachelor's degree

  • Social Affiliations
  • Research Focus
  • 《Transportation research part F》,《TR-IP》审稿人

  • 《Travel behaviour and society》审稿人

  • 《Accident analysis and prevention》审稿人

Personal information


Date of Birth:1995-08-17

Date of Employment:2022-02-22

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Business Address:合肥工业大学三立苑307


Degree:Doctoral degree


Alma Mater:香港理工大学

Discipline:Transportation Planning and Management

Honors and Titles:

安徽省优秀毕业生  2015-05-06

合肥工业大学院级优秀毕业设计  2015-06-15

合肥工业大学三好学生,三下乡优秀调研报告  2013-09-06

第九届国际建设工程与管理创新竞赛(The 9th ICCEM)二等奖,清华大学主办  2016-06-28

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