袁凯  (副教授)










毕业院校:Delft University of Technology




博士毕业于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology),硕士与本科毕业于北京交通大学,先后在香港科技大学和荷兰代尔夫特大学从事博士后研究工作三年


主讲本科生课程《交通工程学》和研究生课程《交通运输工程学》以及《交通运输前沿科学》。近年来,先后主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、合肥市留学回国人员创新创业扶持计划、工业安全与应急技术安徽省重点实验室(合肥工业大学)课题等项目。在《Transportation Science》、《Transportmetrica B》等交通运输领域国际顶刊发表论文,2021年获评《交通运输系统工程与信息》优秀审稿人。



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1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,“坡道环境下交通拥堵机理与管控策略研究”,主持(在研);(点击此处查看项目进展链接)

2. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金资助,合肥工业大学学术新人提升计划B项目,“城市交通拥堵基本缓解表征及其影响机理研究”,主持(在研);

3. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金资助,工业安全与应急技术安徽省重点实验室(合肥工业大学),“考虑城市交通拥堵的极端天气应急响应策略”,主持(结题);

4. 合肥市留学回国人员创新创业扶持计划,“有限共享下的公交专用道交通流建模与优化”,主持(在研);

5. Urban Smart Measures and Incentives for quality of Life Enhancement (U_SMILE) project, 荷兰国家自然科学研究理事会 Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) ,主要科研⼈员,参与;

6. Empower the Public with Personalize of Air Quality & Exposure Health Risk Information project,汇丰银行150周年慈善计划 HSBC150 anniversary charity program, 主要科研⼈员,参与;


1.    Yin, Z., Yuan, K.* and Zheng S. (2024) Optimization of traffic flow by allowing private cars to merge into the bus lane at specific locationsJournal of Advanced Transportation.

2.    Yuan, K.* and Knoop, V.L. (2023) Hysteresis and the Unobserved Congestion Branch in the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram: Theoretical Considerations and ModelingJournal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2023, Article ID 8797109, 15 pages, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/8797109.

3.     Yuan, K., Cui Dandan and Long, Jiancheng (2023) Bus frequency optimization in a large-scale multi-modal transportation system: Integrating 3D-MFD and dynamic traffic assignment, Digital Transportation and Safety, 2:1−13 doi: 10.48130/DTS-2023-0020.

4.     Guo, J.Q., Long, J.C., Xu, X.X., Yu, M. and Yuan, K. (2022) The vehicle routing problem of intercity ride-sharing between two cities. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 158:113-139.

5.     Yuan, K.*, and Lo K.Hong (2021) Multi-class traffic flow dynamics: an endogenous model. Transportation Science, 55(2):456-474.

6.     Yuan, K.*, Knoop, V.L., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2019). Multi-class traffic flow on a partially space-shared road. Transportmetrica-B, 7(1):1505-1520.

7.     Yuan, K.*, Laval, J., Knoop, V.L., Jiang, R., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2019). A Geometric Brownian motion car-following model: towards a better understanding of capacity drop. Transportmetrica-B, 7(1):915-927.

8.     Yuan, K.*, Knoop, V.L., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2017) A microscopic investigation into the capacity drop: impacts of longitudinal behavior on the queue discharge rate. Transportation Science, 51(3):852-862.

9.     Yuan, K.*, Knoop, V.L., Leclercq, L., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2017) Capacity drop: a comparison between stop-and-go wave and standing queue at lane-drop bottleneck. Transportmetrica-B. 5(2):145-158.

10.     Yuan, K.*, Knoop, V. L., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2016). A kinematic wave model in Lagrangian coordinates incorporating capacity drop: application to homogeneous road stretches and discontinuities. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 465:472-485.

11.   Yuan, K.*, Knoop, V.L., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2015). Capacity drop: relation between the speed in congestion and the queue discharge rate. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2491(2491): 72-80. (Poster here).

12.   袁凯,关伟*. 城市快速路交通流车头时距分布特性分析 [J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2011, 11(6):68-73. (in Chinese. English translation:  Time-headway Distribution Features on Urban Freeway).

* indicates the corresponding author.


1. Yuan, K. (2023) Nature of urban traffic delays: understanding and modeling urban congestion dynamics and its determinants Modeling. TFTC summer meeting 2023, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

2. Yuan, K., Knoop, V.L. and Van Lint, J.W.C. (2020) Matching the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram with Demand Profiles: From a Perspective of Departure Time Choice Behavior. The 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. (See poster here)

3. Yuan, K. and Hong K.L. (2017) Multi-lane multi-class traffic flow dynamics. The 22nd international conference of Hong Kong society for transportation studies, Hong Kong.

4. Wang, S.L., Yuan, K. and Hong, K.L. (2017) Modeling freeway travel time distribution considering moving bottlenecks: an analytical approach. The 22nd international conference of Hong Kong society for transportation studies, Hong Kong.

5. Yuan, K., Laval, J., Knoop, V.L., Jiang, R., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2017) A Geometric Brownian motion car-following model: towards a better understanding of capacity drop. The 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

6. Yuan, K., Knoop, V.L., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2016) A Microscopic Investigation into the Capacity Drop: Impacts of Bounded Accelerations and Reaction time. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

7. Yuan, K., Knoop, V.L., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2016) Optimal dynamic green time for distributed signal control, 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rio de Janeiro, 2016, pp. 447-451. doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2016.7795593.

8. Yuan, K., Knoop, V.L., Schreiter T. and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2015) A Hybrid Kinematic Wave Model Incorporating Capacity Drops. 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - (ITSC 2015), Spain.

9. Yuan, K., Knoop, V.L. and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2015) Capacity Drop: A Relation Between The Speed In Congestion And The Queue Discharge Rate. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

10. Yuan, K., Knoop, V.L., Leclercq, L., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2015) Capacity Drop: A Comparison between Stop-And-Go Wave and Standing Queue at Lane-Drop Bottleneck. The Traffic Flow Theory Summer Meeting, Portland, U.S.A.

11. Yuan, K., Knoop, V.L. and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2014) Optimal Dynamic Green Time For Distributed Signal Control. The Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Leeds, United Kingdom.

12. Lin, L., Yuan, K. and Ren, S. (2014) Analysis of urban freeway traffic flow characteristics based on frequent pattern tree. 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - (ITSC 2015), China.

13. Yuan, K.*, Knoop, V.L., Van Lint, J.W.C. (2020) Departure rates optimization and perimeter control: comparison and cooperation in a multi-region urban network. Proceedings of Traffic and Granular Flow 2019,  pp: 597-603. Editors: Iker Zuriguel, Angel Garcimartin, Raul Cruz.


[1]   2006.9-2010.6

北京交通大学  |  交通运输(铁路运输)  |  学士学位  |  本科(学士)

[2]   2010.9-2012.6

北京交通大学  |  交通运输规划与管理  |  硕士学位  |  研究生(硕士)毕业

[3]   2012.9-2016.12

Delft University of Technology  |  交通运输工程  |  博士学位  |  研究生(博士)毕业
导师:Prof Serge Hoogendoorn and Dr. Victor Knoop


[1]   2020.4-至今

合肥工业大学  |  汽车与交通工程学院 运输与物流工程系  |  副研究员  |  在职

[2]   2015.11-2016.2

Georgia Institute of Technology  |  乔治亚理工学院  |  访问学者  | 
Advisor:Dr. Jorge Laval

[3]   2017.1-2018.4

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  |  香港科技大学  |  博士后  | 
Advisor:Prof. Hong K.Lo

[4]   2018.4-2020.4

Delft University of Technology  |  代尔夫特理工大学  |  博士后  | 
Advisor:Dr. Victor Knoop and Prof. Hans van Lint


  • [1]   荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 客座研究员(Gust researcher)

  • [2]   安徽省非线性科学学会 理事


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