2006年09月~2010年06月 广东工业大学 计算机学院 本科
2006年07月~2011年01月 深圳英蓓特信息技术有限公司 软件工程师
2012年09月~2015年06月 四川大学 计算机学院 硕士研究生
2015年07月~2016年01月 香港浸会大学理论与计算研究所 研究助理
2017年09月~2021年06月 四川大学 计算机学院 博士研究生
2021年08月~至今 桂林理工大学 信息科学与工程学院 讲师
目前担任国际期刊Pattern Recognition(SCI一区,Top)、IEEE TCSVT(SCI一区,Top)、Knowledge-Based Systems(SCI一区,Top)、Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(SCI一区,Top)、IEEE TNSRE(SCI一区)、IEEE SPL(SCI二区)、Applied Intelligence(SCI二区)、IET Image Processing (CCF C)、Digital Signal Processing (SCI)、Computing (SCI)、Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (SCI)、Frontiers in Plant Science (SCI)等国际知名期刊和CVPR(CCF A)、NIPS(CCF A)、ICML (CCF A)、ICLR、 AAAI (CCF A)、ACM MM(CCF A)、ECAI(CCF B)、ACCV(CCF C)、3DV (CCF C)、FG (CCF C)、PRCV(CCF C)等知名会议的审稿人,国际期刊Electronics(SCI)的Guest Editor。
(5)国际合作项目,美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST),“Measurement Science of Biometrics”,2012-2014,参与;
(8)国家自然科学基金项目,协同图像分解与分割的并发多任务图像处理变分方法 ,2020-2023,参与;
(1) An Improved AM-FM-Based Approach for Reconstructing Fingerprints from Minutiae[J](IJIG, 2015)( 第一作者)
(2) On the spatial inhomogeneity of fingerprint minutiae: A regression approach. (ICB 2015, CCF C)( 第一作者)
(3) Asymmetric discriminative correlation filters for visual tracking[J] (FITEE, 2020, SCI, CCF C)( 第一作者)
(4) Equivalence of Correlation Filter and Convolution Filter in Visual Tracking(ICIG 2021)( 第一作者)
(5) Learning Residue-Aware Correlation Filters and Refining Scale Estimates with the GrabCut for Real-Time UAV Tracking(3DV 2021, CCF C) ( 第一作者)
(6) Learning Residue-Aware Correlation Filters and Refining Scale for Real-time UAV Tracking(Pattern Recognition, 2022, SCI一区, CCF B) ( 第一作者)
(7) Rank-Based Filter Pruning for Real-Time UAV Tracking." (Submitted to International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2022, CCF B)( 通讯作者)
(8) 3D fingerprint modelling and synthesis[J].( Electronics Letters, 2015, SCI): 1418-1420.( 第二作者)
(9) Towards Silhouette-Aware Human Detection in Depth Images(IJCNN 2021, CCF C) ( 第二作者)
(10) Learning Disentangled Representation for Fine-grained Visual Cate-gorization( ICIG 2021) ( 第二作者)
(11) SSPNet: Scale Selection Pyramid Network for Tiny Person Detection from UAV Images( IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, SCI) ( 第二作者)
(12) Low-quality 3D Face Recognition with Soft Thresholding(CCBR 2021) ( 第二作者)
(13) The 1st Tiny Object Detection Challenge: Methods and Results. (ECCVW 2020, CCF B)( 共同作者)
(14) Text Detection in Tibetan Ancient Books:A Benchmark (PRML 2021)( 共同作者)
(15) Fisher Pruning for Real-Time UAV Tracking.(IJCNN 2022, CCF C) (通讯作者)
(16) Detection Beyond What and Where: A Benchmark for Detecting Occlusion State (PRCV 2022,CCF C) (通讯作者)
(17) Towards Semi-supervised Segmentation of Retinal Fundus Images via Self-training (PRML 2022) (通讯作者)
(18) Learning Disentangled Representation in Pruning for Real-Time UAV Tracking (accepted by ACML 2022, CCF C) (通讯作者)
(19) Efficiency and Precision Trade-offs in UAV Tracking with Filter Pruning and Dynamic Channel Weighting(accepted by FSDM 2022) (通讯作者)
(20) Tracking Small and Fast Moving Objects: A Benchmark (accepted by ACCV 2022, CCF C) (通讯作者)
(21) Global Filter Pruning with Self-Attention for Real-Time UAV Tracking (accepted by BMVC 2022, CCF C) (通讯作者)
(22) Animal Pose Refinement in 2D Images with 3D Constraints (accepted by BMVC 2022, CCF C) (第二作者)
(23) Unsupervised 3D Animal Canonical Pose Estimation with Geometric Self-Supervision (accepted by FG 2022, CCF C) (第二作者)
(24) Identity-Preserved Human Posture Detection in Infrared Thermal Images: A Benchmark. (Sensors 2022, SCI) (第二通讯作者)
(25) Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Shape Constraint and Triple Attention for Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation (Sensors 2022, SCI) (共同一作)
(26) Animal Pose Estimation Based on 3D Priors (accepted by Applied Science 2022, SCI) (第二作者)
(27) Learning Disentangled Representation with Mutual Information Maximization for Real-Time UAV Tracking (accepted by ICME 2023, CCF B) (通讯作者)
(28) Towards Discriminative Representations with Contrastive Instances for Real-Time UAV Tracking (accepted by ICME 2023, CCF B) (通讯作者)
(29) Fisher Pruning for Developing Real-Time UAV Trackers (accepted by Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 2023, SCI) (通讯作者)
(30) Beyond Animal Detection:A Benchmark for Detecting Animal Age Group (accepted by AICS 2023) (通讯作者)
(31) Liquid Content Detection In Transparent Containers: A Benchmark (Sensors, 2023, SCI) (共同作者)
(32) Beyond Human Detection: A Benchmark for Detecting Common Human Posture (Sensors, 2023, SCI) (共同作者)
(33) Data-Scarce Animal Face Alignment via Bi-Directional Cross-Species Knowledge Transfer (accepted by ACM MM 2023, CCF A) (共同作者)
(34) Adaptive and Background-Aware Vision Transformer for Real-Time UAV Tracking (accepted by ICCV 2023, CCF A) (第一作者)
(35) SDD: A Benchmark for Empowering Shadow Detection (accepted by ICAIBD 2024)(通讯作者)
(36) Enhancing UAV Tracking: a Focus on Discriminative Representations Using Contrastive Instances(accepted by Journal of Real-Time Image Processing,2024, SCI)(通讯作者)
(37) Learning Target-Aware Vision Transformers for Real-Time UAV Tracking(accepted by IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024,SCI一区, CCF B)(第一作者)
(38) Night-Time Pothole Detection: A Benchmark (accepted by Electronics, 2024, SCI) (通讯作者)
(39) Tracking Transforming Objects: A Benchmark (accepted by PRCV 2024, CCF C)(通讯作者)
(40) Real-Time UAV Tracking Through Disentangled Representation with Mutual Information Maximization (IEEE Access, 2024, SCI) (通讯作者)
(41) Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement Based on Explicit Denoising and Knowledge Distillation (Computers, Materials & Continua, 2024, SCI) (通讯作者)
(42) Human Detection in Low-Resolution Depth Images (accepted by ICAIDT 2024)(通讯作者)
(43) Towards Labeling-free Fine-grained Animal Pose Estimation (ACM MM 2024, CCF A)(共同作者)
(44) Tracking Reflected Objects: A Benchmark(accepted by ACCV 2024, CCF C)(通讯作者)
(45) Towards Reflected Object Detection: A Benchmark(accepted by CVM 2024, CCF C)(通讯作者)
(46) Adaptively Bypassing Vision Transformer Blocks for Efficient Visual Tracking (Pattern Recognition, 2024, SCI一区, CCF B) (通讯作者)
(47) Learning Adaptive and View-Invariant Vision Transformer for Real-Time UAV Tracking(accepted by ICML 2024, CCF A)(通讯作者)