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Strengthening Global Partnerships: CUPL Delegation Led by Council Chair Hu Ming Explores Collaboration in Belarus and the United Kingdom

Published:2023-10-10 | Views:

From September 18 to 23, Hu Ming, Council Chair of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), led a delegation to Belarus and the United Kingdom. The visit aimed to enhance and deepen collaborative efforts between CUPL and universities in both countries, further advancing the "Double First Class" initiative and the international development of CUPL.

Belarus Visit

On September 19, the delegation visited Belarusian State University. Discussions with President Andrei KAROL and Vice President Konstantin KOZADAEV focused on implementing the Memorandum of Understanding signed in March, covering areas like teacher exchanges, short-term and long-term teaching, student exchanges, joint programs, and summer projects. President Andrei KAROL accepted an invitation from Hu Ming to visit CUPL, fostering broader and deeper cooperation.

University of Bristol, United Kingdom

On the morning of September 21, the delegation visited the University of Bristol, reviewing past collaborations and acknowledging practical initiatives in master's programs and teacher exchanges since signing the Memorandum of Understanding in 2020. Discussions encompassed degree program cooperation, faculty and student exchanges, and collaborative research projects. Deliberations also extended to scholarship creation, research funding applications, and innovative cooperation models.

University of Exeter, United Kingdom

The afternoon of September 21 saw the delegation at the University of Exeter. Talks with Vice President Gareth Stansfield focused on advancing teacher and student exchanges, and joint degree program. Consensus was reached on undergraduate and graduate student exchange models.

University of Kent, United Kingdom

On September 22, the delegation visited the University of Kent, where they signed a Cooperation Agreement. Mark Preston, Chairman of Board of Regents of the University of Kent, and representatives from the Global Lifelong Learning Centre, the International Office, and the Law School, attended in the meeting. The two sides also had detailed discussions on specific cooperation fields and cooperation methods, including scientific research cooperation, summer programs, exchange of scholars, as well as online and offline seminars, classes and series of lectures.

Embassy Visits

During the visit to Belarus, the delegation met with Ambassador Xie Xiaoyong, Minister Counselor Luo Shixiong, and during the UK visit, they met with Minister Counselor Zhang Jin from the Chinese embassies. The delegation introduced CUPL's cooperation with universities in Belarus and the UK, seeking guidance and suggestions to promote international cooperation and educational exchange.

This visit is pivotal in advancing CUPL's collaboration with world-class universities and deepening exchanges globally. The delegation included Huo Zhengxin, Director of the Office of Development Planning and Disciplinary Construction, Yu Fei, Dean of the Civil, Commercial, and Economic Law School, Li Lin, faculty at the School of Juris Master, and Wang Fuping, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange at CUPL.