FGS was among the top 3 ( Ranked No.1,2016 ) in China
and top 100 ( Ranked No.51-100,2019 ) in the world.

Brief Introduction

Name:Ziyue Chen

Title:Associate Professor


Based on a series of research, I published 40 leading /corresponding author SCIpapers, in such top environment and remote sensing journals as Nature Communications, Science Bulletin, Environment internationalEarth System Science Data , ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Environmental Pollution , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics , Geoderma  and Soiland Tillage Research . I published a book in Cambridge Scholars Pressing. My team also released a global fire data set and a national PM2.5 data set, which make unique contribution to air pollution research in China. 
Research Areas and Featured Projects
Attribution on Composite Airborne pollution In recent years, with the gradual decrease of PM2.5 concentrations and rapid increase of ozone concentrations, composite atmospheric pollution has become an urgent environmental issue in China. However, the sole use of traditional statistical models struggles to isolate the effect of individual influencing factors on airborne pollutants and thus the meteorological and anthropogenic attribution of airborne pollution remains highly challenging. Based on advanced causation models, causality models and Chemical Transport Models,our team separated and quantified the meteorological and anthropogenic drivers for atmospheric pollution in China. For PM2.5, our research established a theoretical system of PM2.5-meteorology interactions,revealed the spatiotemporal difference between dominant meteorological factors for PM2.5 pollution across regions and comprehensively evaluated the effects of long-term, contingent, local and region integrative emission-reduction strategies. For ozone, our research revealed the spatiotemporal similarity of dominant meteorological factors, indicative precursors, and formation-regimes for ozone concentrations across regions. 
Primary Teaching Areas

The attribution of Composite Airborne Pollution 

The principle and Application of Airborne Lidar

The physics and principle of Remote sensing

Education and Professional Experience

BS and MS   Nanjing University 

PhD              University of Cambridge


Gao, B, Yang, J., Chen, Z*. et al. 2023. Geographical Convergent Cross Mapping (GCCM): Inferring causal associations from cross-sectional Earth System data. Nature Communications. In Press

Gao, B., Li, M., Wang, J., Chen, Z*. 2022. Temporally or spatially? Causation inference in Earth System Sciences. Science Bulletin 67, 232-235.

Chen,J., Lv, Q., Wu, S., Zeng, Y., Li, M., Chen,Z*., et al. 2023. An adapted hourly Himawari-8 fire product for China:principle, methodology and verification. Earth System Science Data.  15(5):1911-1931

Wang, Z., Li, R., Chen, Z*. et al. 2022. The estimation of hourly PM2.5 concentrations across China based on a Spatial and Temporal Weighted Continuous Deep Neural Network (STWC-DNN). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 190(2):38-55

Chen, J., Yao, Q., Chen, Z*. et al. 2022. The Fengyun-3D (FY-3D) global active fire product: principle, methodology and validation. Earth System Science Data 14(8):3489-3508.

Chen, Z., Chen, D., Zhao, C., Kwan, M., Cai, J., Zhuang, Y., Zhao, B., Wang, X., Chen, B., Yang, J., Li, R., He, B., Gao, B., Wang, K., Xu, B. Influence of meteorological conditions on PM2.5 concentrations across China: A review of methodology and mechanism. Environment International, 2020, 139: 105558.

Li, R., Xu, M., Li, M., Chen, Z.*, Zhao, N., Gao,B., Yao,Q.2021. Identifying the spatiotemporal variations in ozone formation regimes across China from 2005 to 2019 based on polynomial simulation and causality analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 21(20):15631-15646

Chen, Z., Chen, D., Kwan, M., Chen, B., Gao, B., Zhuang, Y., Li, R., Xu, B. 2019. The control of anthropogenic emissions contributed to 80% of the decrease in PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing from 2013 to 2017. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19,13519-13533.

Chen, Z. Chen, D., Wen, W., Zhuang, Y., Kwan, M., Chen, B, Zhao, B., Yang, L., Gao, B., Li, R., Xu, B. 2019. Evaluating the “2+26” Regional Strategy for Air Quality Improvement During Two Air Pollution Alerts in Beijing: variations of PM2.5 concentrations, source apportionment, and the relative contribution of local emission and regional transport. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19(10):6879-6891.

Chen, Z., Zhuang, Y., Xie, X.M., Chen, D.L., Cheng, N.L., Yang, L., Li, R. 2019. Understanding long-term variations of meteorological influences on ground ozone concentrations in Beijing During 2006–2016. Environmental Pollution. 245, 29-37.