京师特聘教授 博导




职称:京师特聘教授 博导



中国地信产业协会海洋时空信息工作委员会、中国系统工程学会生态环境系统工程专业委员会、定量遥感专委会、实景三维遥感技术与应用专业委员会 等委员会委员

Remote Sensing,Frontiers in Soil Science, Frontiers in Environmental Science,Space: Science and Technology 等期刊编辑、编委。


入选国家中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才项目。近几年来发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文40余篇,包括Nature Communications,Science Bulletin, Environment International, Earth System Science Data, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 等TOP期刊。出版数据集三套,著有英文专著一本.



南京大学   本科  地理信息科学

南京大学   硕士  地理信息科学    (导师李满春 教授)

剑桥大学   博士  地理         (导师Bob Haining 教授)

北京师范大学 2014-至今    

本科生课程:复合型大气污染探因 遥感物理与应用





Gao, B, Yang, J., Chen, Z*. et al. 2023. Geographical Convergent Cross Mapping (GCCM): Inferring causal associations from cross-sectional Earth System data. Nature Communications. 14, 5875.

Gao, B., Li, M., Wang, J., Chen, Z*. 2022. Temporally or spatially? Causation inference in Earth System Sciences. Science Bulletin 67, 232-235.

Chen,J., Lv, Q., Wu, S., Zeng, Y., Li, M., Chen,Z*., et al. 2023. An adapted hourly Himawari-8 fire product for China:principle, methodology and verification. Earth System Science Data.  15(5):1911-1931

Wang, Z., Li, R., Chen, Z*. et al. 2022. The estimation of hourly PM2.5 concentrations across China based on a Spatial and Temporal Weighted Continuous Deep Neural Network (STWC-DNN). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 190(2):38-55

Chen, J., Yao, Q., Chen, Z*. et al. 2022. The Fengyun-3D (FY-3D) global active fire product: principle, methodology and validation. Earth System Science Data 14(8):3489-3508.

Chen, Z., Chen, D., Zhao, C., Kwan, M., Cai, J., Zhuang, Y., Zhao, B., Wang, X., Chen, B., Yang, J., Li, R., He, B., Gao, B., Wang, K., Xu, B. Influence of meteorological conditions on PM2.5 concentrations across China: A review of methodology and mechanism. Environment International, 2020, 139: 105558.

Li, R., Xu, M., Li, M., Chen, Z.*, Zhao, N., Gao,B., Yao,Q.2021. Identifying the spatiotemporal variations in ozone formation regimes across China from 2005 to 2019 based on polynomial simulation and causality analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 21(20):15631-15646

Chen, Z., Chen, D., Kwan, M., Chen, B., Gao, B., Zhuang, Y., Li, R., Xu, B. 2019. The control of anthropogenic emissions contributed to 80% of the decrease in PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing from 2013 to 2017. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19,13519-13533.

Chen, Z. Chen, D., Wen, W., Zhuang, Y., Kwan, M., Chen, B, Zhao, B., Yang, L., Gao, B., Li, R., Xu, B. 2019. Evaluating the “2+26” Regional Strategy for Air Quality Improvement During Two Air Pollution Alerts in Beijing: variations of PM2.5 concentrations, source apportionment, and the relative contribution of local emission and regional transport. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19(10):6879-6891.

Chen, Z., Zhuang, Y., Xie, X.M., Chen, D.L., Cheng, N.L., Yang, L., Li, R. 2019. Understanding long-term variations of meteorological influences on ground ozone concentrations in Beijing During 2006–2016. Environmental Pollution. 245, 29-37.


高校GIS论坛优秀教学成果奖 (1/6)




Cambridge Overseas Trust