
Diao Zhihua

Updated:: 2018-01-25  Clicks: 320  

Diao Zhihua

Associate Professor

ADDRESSDong Feng Road 5, Zhengzhou





Research   InterestsDigital Image Processing, Agricultural Robots, Precise   Spraying, Identification of Crop Diseases

Educational   Experiences

2001.9-2005.7 Bachelor of Engineering in automation, Department of Electrical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Manahan,   China;

2005.9-2010.7 doctor of engineering in control science   and engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Science   and Technology of China, Hefei, China.

Teaching   CoursesMotion control system foundation, Robot Introduction, Robot appreciation

Selected  Research Achievements


1、Diao Zhihua, Zhao Mingzhen, Song   Yinmao, et al. Crop line recognition algorithm and realization in precision   pesticide system based on machine vision[J]. Transactions of the Chinese   Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(7):   4752.   (in Chinese with English abstract)

2、Diao Zhihua, Wang Huan, Song Yinmao,   et al. Segmentation method for cotton mite disease image under complex background[J].   Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions   of the CSAE), 2013, 29(5): 147152. (in Chinese with English abstract)

3、Zhihua Diao, Chunjiang Zhao, Xinyu   Guo, Shenglian Lu, Weiliang Wen, An Algorithm for Segmenting Spots in Crop   Leaf Disease Image with Complicated Background[J]. Sensor Letters, 2010,   8(1): 61-65.

4、Diao Zhihua, Zhao Chunjiang, Guo   Xinyu, Lu Shenglian. A new SVM multi-class classification algorithm based on   balance decision tree[J]. Control and Decision, 2011, 26(1):149-152.

5、Diao Zhihua, Zhao Chunjiang, Guo   Xinyu, et al. Human-computer interface development of wireless monitoring   system based on minigui[C]. CCTA2007, 2008, 1: 471-477.

6、Diao Zhihua, Zhao Chunjiang,Wu Gang.   Review of Application of Mathematical Morphology in Crop Disease Recognition.   CCTA2008, 2009, 2 :981-990.

7、WU Yuanyuan, DIAO Zhihua, WU Yuqiang.   Robust Stabilization of Nonholonomic Systems with Unknown Time Delays.   CCC2011, 2011, 1166-1171. (EI)

8、Zhihua Diao, Yuanyuan Wu. Research on   feature extraction of wheat leaf disease image. Advanced Materials Research,   2011, 317-319(2):1326-1329. (EI)

9、Diao Zhihua, Chen Liping, Wu Gang, et   al. Design and implementation of wireless monitoring and control system for   protected environment[J]. Transactions of the CSAE, 2008,24(7)146150.(in Chinese with English abstract)

10、Zhihua Diao, Anping Zheng, Yuanyuan   Wu. Shape Feature Extraction of Wheat Leaf Disease based on Invariant Moment   Theory. CCTA2011, 2011, 168-173.EI

11、SONG Yinmao, DIAO Zhihua, WANG   Yunpeng, WANG Huan.  Research on image   feature extraction of crop disease   Electrical & Electronics Engineering   (EEESYM), 2012 IEEE, pp 448-451.EI

12、Zhihua Diao, Yinmao Song, Yunpeng   Wang, Huan Wang. Feature Extraction of Leaf Image for Mite Disease in Cotton   Fields  Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 605-607,   pp919-922. EI

13、Zhihua Diao, Yinmao Song, Huan Wang,   Yunpeng Wang. study surveys on image segmentation of plant disease   spot.Advanced Material Research, 2012, 542-543:1047-1050.(EI)

14、DIAO ZHIHUA, WANG HUAN, SONG YINMAO,   WANG YUNPENG. Image segmentation method for cotton mite disease based on   color features and area thresholding. Journal of theoretical and applied   information technology. 2013, 48(1):527-533. (EI)


1Agricultural machinery navigation line detection   algorithm based on machine vision. Application No.: 201410110238X.

2A crop   row detection algorithm for corn precision spraying systemApplication No.201410710905.8.

Research   Project

1Time:   2013.01 - 2015.12, No: 132102110150, Name of the project: precision   spraying identification system research and application based   on the image processing, Type of project: The key science and technology   project of Science and Technology Department of Henan province, Sum: 50000   yuan

2Time:   2013.03 -2015.02, No: 131PPTGG411-13, Name of the project: The research   of intelligent recognition system of wheat disease based on image   processing, Type of project: General science and technology project of   Zhengzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Sum: 50000 yuan

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