
Hongbo Guan

Updated:: 2023-11-14  Clicks: 103  

Hongbo Guan

Professor, Master Supervisor

ADDRESSDongfeng Road 5#, Zhengzhou, Henan




Research InterestsFinite element methods and its applications

Education Background:

09/1999—07/2003  Bachelor of Information and Computational Science, Zhengzhou University, China

09/2003—07/2006  Master of Science in Computational Mathematics, Zhengzhou University, China

09/2011—07/2015  Ph.D., Mathematics, Zhengzhou University, China


Advanced mathematics, Mathematics analysis, Linear algebra and spatial analytic geometry, Real variable function and functional analysis, Mathematical theory of finite element method, Mixed finite element methods, discontinuous finite element methods

Representative Publications

[1] Hongbo Guan, Dongyang Shi. An efficient NFEM for optimal control problems governed by a bilinear state equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2019, 77(1): 1821-1827.

[2] Hongbo Guan, Yong Wang, Huiqing Zhu. Meshless methods for solving Dirichlet boundary optimal control problems governed by elliptic PDEs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 98: 438-445.

[3] Hongbo Guan, Dongyang Shi. Nonconforming finite element methods for the constrained optimal control problems governed by nonsmooth elliptic equations, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2020, 36(2): 471-481.

[4] Hongbo Guan, Yong Yang, Huiqing Zhu. The convergence and superconvergence of a MFEM for elliptic optimal control problems, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2020,12(2): 527-544.

[5] Hongbo Guan, Yapeng Hong, Congcong Bi. Global superconvergence analysis of a nonconforming FEM for Neumann boundary OCPs with elliptic equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2020, 97(12): 2451-2461.

[6] Hongbo Guan, Chaoyang Hao, Yapeng Hong, Pei Yin. A prior error estimate for linear finite element approximation to interface optimal control problemsIAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2020, 50(1)96-101.

[7] Hongbo Guan, Dongyang Shi. Superconvergence analysis of a nonconforming FEM for monotone semilinear elliptic optimal control problems, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2020, 36(6): 1405-1417.

[8] Hongbo Guan, Yong Yang, Huiqing Zhu. A nonuniform anisotropic FEMs for elliptic boundary layer optimal control problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 2021, 26(3): 1711-1722.

[9] Hongbo Guan, Zhimin Zhang, Huiqing Zhu. A note on the immersed finite element basis functions for elliptic interface problems, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2021, 115: 106660.

[10] Pei Yin, Hongyun Yue, Hongbo Guan. Optimal order error estimates of a modified nonconforming rotated Q_1 IFEM for interface problems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 9:1-9.

[11] Hongbo Guan, Yong Yang, Huiqing Zhu. A locking-free nonconforming FEM for optimal control problems governed by linear elasticity equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022, 413: 114299.

[12] Kwesi Acheampong, Hongbo Guan, Huiqing Zhu. The localized method of approximate particular solutions for solving an optimal control problem, Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science, 2022, 3: 1000038.


[1]  01/2016—12/2019, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11501527), Principal Investigator

[2] 01/2022—12/2023, Natural Science Foundation of Henan  (Grant No. 222300420585), Principal Investigator

[3] 01/2021—12/2023, Young backbone teachers Foundation of Henan  (Grant No. 2020GGJS126), Principal Investigator

HonorsFirst prize in the Teaching Competition for the 8th young teachers of ZZULI2008

Professional AffiliationsAMS Mathematical Reviews

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