Representative Publications: [1] Hongbo Guan, Dongyang Shi. An efficient NFEM for optimal control problems governed by a bilinear state equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2019, 77(1): 1821-1827. [2] Hongbo Guan, Yong Wang, Huiqing Zhu. Meshless methods for solving Dirichlet boundary optimal control problems governed by elliptic PDEs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 98: 438-445. [3] Hongbo Guan, Dongyang Shi. Nonconforming finite element methods for the constrained optimal control problems governed by nonsmooth elliptic equations, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2020, 36(2): 471-481. [4] Hongbo Guan, Yong Yang, Huiqing Zhu. The convergence and superconvergence of a MFEM for elliptic optimal control problems, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2020,12(2): 527-544. [5] Hongbo Guan, Yapeng Hong, Congcong Bi. Global superconvergence analysis of a nonconforming FEM for Neumann boundary OCPs with elliptic equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2020, 97(12): 2451-2461. [6] Hongbo Guan, Chaoyang Hao, Yapeng Hong, Pei Yin. A prior error estimate for linear finite element approximation to interface optimal control problems, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2020, 50(1):96-101. [7] Hongbo Guan, Dongyang Shi. Superconvergence analysis of a nonconforming FEM for monotone semilinear elliptic optimal control problems, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2020, 36(6): 1405-1417. [8] Hongbo Guan, Yong Yang, Huiqing Zhu. A nonuniform anisotropic FEMs for elliptic boundary layer optimal control problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 2021, 26(3): 1711-1722. [9] Hongbo Guan, Zhimin Zhang, Huiqing Zhu. A note on the immersed finite element basis functions for elliptic interface problems, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2021, 115: 106660. [10] Pei Yin, Hongyun Yue, Hongbo Guan. Optimal order error estimates of a modified nonconforming rotated Q_1 IFEM for interface problems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 9:1-9. [11] Hongbo Guan, Yong Yang, Huiqing Zhu. A locking-free nonconforming FEM for optimal control problems governed by linear elasticity equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022, 413: 114299. [12] Kwesi Acheampong, Hongbo Guan, Huiqing Zhu. The localized method of approximate particular solutions for solving an optimal control problem, Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science, 2022, 3: 1000038. |