Fan Wei

Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology

Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, CHINA 650091

Telephone: +8618313782067

Email: weifan@ynu.edu.cn; weifan-022@163.com



2013: PhD, China University of Geosciences, China. Major: Paleontology and Stratigraphy.

2008: BSc, China University of Geosciences, China. Major: Geology.


10/2013Present: Research Assistant at Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology, Yunnan University.

Awards and Grants

20162018: NSFC Grant (41502016).

20152017: CAS Grant (143111).

20142017: AFRP Grant (2014FD005).

20162017: YKLP Grant (2015DG007-ZZ02).

Representative Publications

1. Zong, R-W., Liu, Q., Wei, F., and Gong, Y-M., 2017, Fentou Biota: A Llandovery (Silurian) Shallow-Water Exceptionally Preserved Biota from Wuhan, Central China: Journal of Geology, v. 125, p. 469–478.

2. Wei, F., Gong, Y-M., and Yang, H., 2013, Spatial and temporal distribution and diversity of Devonian Tentaculitoids in China: Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, v. 52, p. 59–66.

3. Wei, F., Gong, Y-M., and Yang, H., 2012, Biogeography, ecology and extinction of Silurian and Devonian tentaculitoids: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 358360, p. 4050.

4. Wei, F., and Gong, Y-M., 2011, Progress and prospect of studies on tentaculitoids: Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, v. 50, p. 4863.

Research Interests

1. Cambrian small shelly fossils, and their taxonomy, systematics, evolution and microstructure (largely based on the study of phosphatized material in thin sections).

2. Small carbonaceous fossils from the Chengjiang Biota, basic morphology and evolution of major Cambrian metazoan groups.

3. Devonian tentaculitoids from South China, including taxonomy, biostratigraphy, evolution and ecology.

Courses Taught

1Micropalaeontology (Graduate course).

2Evolutionary Biology   (Graduate course).

by: Maoyin Zhang
[update: 2018-01-17]