Hui-juan Mai

Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology

Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, CHINA 650091

email: jennymhj@ynu.edu.cn; jennymhj@126.com



2017: PhD, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese     Academy of Sciences. Major: Archaeometry.

2011: BL (dual degree), Peking University, China. Major: International Relations and Foreign Affairs.

2011: BM, Peking University, China. Major: Nursing.


07/2017Present: Postdoctoral researcher, Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology, Yunnan University, China.

Awards and Grants

2017-2020: National Natural Science Foundation of China, The Agricultural Activities and Environment Adaptation of the Ancestors of Silk Road from the Han to Tang Dynasties - Taking Xinjiang as an Example” (NSFC:41672171participate).

2015-2016: Merit Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2011-2015: Sub-topics of Chinese Academy of Sciences strategic pilot project of science and technology (A), Bone chemistry and residue analysis (XDA05130303participate).

Representative Publications (* indicates corresponding author)

1. Mai, H-J., Yang, Y-M., Abuduresule, Y., Li, W-Y., Hu, X-J., and Wang, C-S., 2016, Characterization of cosmetic sticks at Xiaohe Cemetery in early Bronze Age Xinjiang, China: Scientific Reports, v. 6, doi: 10. 1038/srep18939.

2. Mai, H-J., Yang, Y-M., Jiang, H-E., Wang, B., and Wang, C-S., 2017, Investigating the materials and manufacture of Jinzi: the lining of Futou (Chinese traditional male headwear) from the Astana Cemeteries, Xinjiang, China: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v.27, p.116-124. doi: 10. 1016/j.culher.2017.02.018.

3. Zhang, G-L., Mai, H-J., Liu, B-S., Merlin, M.D., Wang, S-Z., Li, Y-Q., and Jiang, H-E., 2016, Wood Analysis of an Outer Coffin Unearthed from the Qian Zhang Tomb (AD 1535) in Wuxi of East China: Journal of Ethnobiology, v. 36, p. 930-952.

4. Chen, T., Yao, S-W., Merlin, M.D., Mai, H-J., Qiu, Z-W., Hu, Y-W., Wang, B., Wang, C-S., and Jiang, H-E., 2014, Identification of Cannabis Fiber from the Astana Cemeteries, Xinjiang, China, with Reference to its Unique Decorative Utilization: Economic Botany, v. 68, p. 59-66.

5. Shevchenko, A., Yang, Y-M., Knaust, A., Verbavatz, J-M., Mai, H-J., Wang, B., Wang, C-S., and Shevchenko, A., 2016, Open Sesame: Identification of Sesame Oil and Oil Soot Ink in Organic Deposits of Tang Dynasty Lamps from Astana Necropolis, China: PLOS ONE, doi: 10. 1371/journal.pone.0158636.

6. Ren M., Luo, W-G., Zhao, Y-J., Mai, H-J., Rao, H-Y., Yang, Y-M., and Wang, C-S., 2016, Analysis of lipids in the organic residue in a bronze Zengfu from the Wei and Jin Dynasties in Gansu Province: Sciences of conservation and archaeology, v. 2, p. 116-122.

Research Interests

1. Scientific and technological analysis of palaeontological and archaeological remains.

2. Ancient protein and other organic component analysis.

by: Maoyin Zhang
[update: 2018-01-17]