发布时间:2018年03月29日 点击量:6068
1996年获University of Miami 博士学位;
1997-1999年,University of Miami 和Genentech Inc. 博士后;
2016年 - 云南大学生命科学院, 教授;
2003年 中国科学院“百人计划”入选者;
2004年 国家自然科学基金委员会 “杰出青年基金”获得者;
目前任Biology of the Cell主编,Journal of Genetics and Genomics 编委,Science in China, Life Science 编委。
张建教授长期从事脊椎动物早期胚胎发育的研究,主要研究母源因子在早期发育中的功能。 其中发现非洲爪蛙中参与中内胚层发育的主控基因VegT并研究了其调控机制,是早期胚胎发育重要的工作之一,在领域内产生重要影响。发现母源xNorrin是决定神经外胚层发育的关键基因,研究了Norrin与Wnt和TGF-beta信号通路的调控关系,揭示了人类Norrie疾病特定病人群致病的分子新机制。近年来主要开展斑马鱼和小鼠早期发育的研究, 集中研究细胞谱系(如:原始生殖细胞)建立等。 研究成果发表在Cell, PLOS Biology, Development, PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience等国际学术期刊上。
1.Zhu DM, Gong X, Fang JS, Zhang Jian*. (2017) Efficient Induction of Syncytiotrophoblast Layer II Cells from Trophoblast Stem Cells by Canonical Wnt Signaling Activation. Stem Cell Reports. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stemcr.2017.10.014
2.Miao LY, Yuan Y, Cheng F, Fang JS, Zhou F, Ma WR, Huang XH, Wang YC, Chen DH, Zhang Jian*. (2017) Translation Repression by Maternal RNA Binding Protein Zar1 is Essential for Early Oogenesis in Zebrafish. Development. 144(1):128-138
3.Cheng F, Miao L, Wu Q, Gong X, Xiong J*, Zhang Jian*. (2016) Vinculin b deficiency causes epicardial hyperplasia and coronary vessel disorganization in zebrafish.Development 143(19):3522-3531.
4.Fang J, Wang H, Miao L, Kuang X, Ma W, Wang C, Zhang Jian*, Xia G*. (2016) Involvement of Protein Acyltransferase ZDHHC3 in Maintaining Oocyte Meiotic Arrest in Xenopus laevis. Biol. Reprod. 95(3):67.
5.Ma W., Zhang Jian*. (2015) Jag1b is essential for patterning inner ear sensory cristae by regulating anterior morphogenetic tissue separation and preventing posterior cell death. Development 142, 763-773.
6.W. Su, J. Fang, F. Cheng, C. Liu, F. Zhou, Zhang Jian*. (2013) RNF2/Ring1b negatively regulates p53 expression in selective cancer cell types to promote tumor development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110(5):1720-5.
7.C. Liu, W. Ma, W. Su, Zhang Jian*. (2012) Prdm14 acts upstream of islet2 transcription to regulate axon growth of primary motoneurons in zebrafish. Development 139(24):4591-600.
8.HW. Wang, JS. Fang, X. Kuang, LY. Miao, C. Wang, GL. Xia, ML. King, Zhang Jian*. (2012) Activity of long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase is required for maintaining meiotic arrest in Xenopus laevis. Biol. Reprod. 87(3):74 .
9.S. Xu, F. Cheng, J. Liang, W. Wu, Zhang Jian*. Maternal xNorrin, a Canonical Wnt Signaling Agonist and TGF-b Antagonist, Controls Early Neuroectoderm Specification in Xenopus. PLOS Biology. 10(3): e1001286 (2012).
10.Zhang L, Zheng S, Wu H, Wu Y, Liu S, Fan M, Zhang Jian.* (2009) Identification of BLyS (B lymphocyte stimulator), a non-myelin-associated protein, as a functional ligand for Nogo-66 receptor. J. Neurosci. 29(19): 6348-52.
11.Zhang, J., Houston, D.W., King, M. L., Payne, C., Wylie, C., and Heasman, J. (1998) The role of maternal VegT in establishing the primary germ layers in Xenopus embryos. Cell 94, 515-524.
12.Zhang, Jian. and King, M.L. (1996) Xenopus VegT RNA is localized to the vegetal cortex during oogenesis and encodes a novel T-box transcriptional factor involved in dorsal/ventral patterning. Development 122, 4119-41.