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来源:地理科学系 | 作者:男顶 | 发布日期:2024-04-28 15:35:28 



· 遥感观测(如雷达和卫星)对水文气象灾害监测的应用;
· 水文模拟误差和不确定性;
· 全球和区域尺度的洪水模拟、监测、预报以及灾害风险评估;
· 全球变暖和土地利用/覆盖变化对(未来)极端水文气象事件(如强降水、洪水) 的影响。


  欢迎对以上研究方向感兴趣的本科生、研究生(自然地理、资源与环境专业)加入课题组 ! 
( 注:即将入学的研究生如有意愿开展合作研究,建议提前联系导师,并发送个人简历 和毕业论文Word版至 nanding@ynu.edu.cn



2023—2024 刘鑫权 攻读硕士研究生
  马子键 银行系统职员
  冶   雄 青海省公务员




2023.02—至今 云南大学 讲师
2018.02—2023.01 中山大学 博士后
2017.06—2017.12 Risk Management Solutions Ltd. Risk Analyst
2010.10—2011.11 Rothamsted Research Research Assistant





University of Bristol










2022.03—2022.05 HPC‑Europa3 Transnational Access Programme 主持
2020.01—2022.12 国家自然科学基金—青年基金项目 主持
2020.01—2022.12 高校基本科研业务费—青年教师面上项目 主持




[20] Peng, J., Chen, J., Liu, S., Liu, T., Cao, M., Nanding, N., Zhuang, L., Bao, A., & Maeyer, P. (2024). Dynamics of algal blooms in typical low‑latitude plateau lakes: Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors. Environmental Pollution, Vol.345, 123453, P1‑P13

[19] Huang, Z., Wu, H., Gu, G., Li, X., Nanding, N., Adler, R. F., Yilmaz, K. K., Alfieri, L., & Chen, S. (2023). Paired satellite and NWP precipitation for global flood forecasting. Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol.15, Issue.11, 2866

[18] Pan, X., Wu, H., Chen, S., Nanding, N., Huang, Z., Chen, W., Li, C., et al. (2023). Evaluation and applicability analysis of GPM satellite precipitation over mainland China. Remote Sensing, Vol.15, Issue.11, 2866

[17] Li, X., Wu, H., Nanding, N., Chen, S., Hu, Y., & Li, L. (2023). Statistical bias correction of precipitation forecasts based on quantile mapping on the sub‑seasonal to seasonal scale. Remote Sensing, Vol.15, Issue.7, 1743

[16] Chen, W., Wu, H., Kimball, J. S., Alfieri, L., Nanding, N., Li, X., et al. (2022). A coupled river basin‑urban hydrological model (DRIVE‑Urban) for real‑time urban flood modeling. Water Resources Research, Vol.58, Issue.11, e2021WR031709

[15] Yan, Y., Wang, G., Nanding, N., & Chen, W. (2022). Hydrological evaluation of satellite‑based precipitation products in Hunan Province. Remote Sensing, Vol.14, Issue.13, 3127

[14] Yan, Y., Wang, G., Wu, H., Gu, G., & Nanding, N. (2022). Characteristics of precipitation and floods during typhoons in Guangdong Province. Remote Sensing, Vol.14, Issue.8, 1945

[13] Zhang, J., Dai, Q., Nanding, N., & D. Han. (2022). Exploring the effect of catchment morphology on streamflow characteristics with virtual experiments. Journal of Hydrology, Vol.608, Part A, 127093

[12] Yu, H., Yu, X., Zhou, Z., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Nanding, N., Freychet, N., Dong, B., Wang, D., Lott, F. C., Tett, S. F. B., & Sparrow, S. (2022). Attribution of April 2020 exceptional cold spell over northeast China. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol.103, Issue.3, S61‑S67

[11] Tang, H., Wang, Z., Tang, B., Ma, Y., Pei, L., Tian, F., Wang, J., Nanding, N., Sparrow, S., Tett, S. F. B., Dong, B., & Lott, F. C. (2022). Reduced probability of 2020 June-July persistent heavy Mei‑yu rainfall event in the middle to lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin under anthropogenic forcing. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol.103, Issue.3, S83‑S89

[10] Nanding, N., Rico‑Ramirez, M.A., Han, D., Wu, H., Dai, Q., & Zhang, J. (2021). Uncertainty assessment of radar‑raingauge merged rainfall estimates in river discharge simulations. Journal of Hydrology, Vol.603, Part C, 127093

[9] Nanding, N., Wu, H., Tao, J., Maggioni, V., Beck, H. E., Zhou, N., Huang, M., & Huang, Z. (2021). Assessment of precipitation error propagation in discharge simulations over the Contiguous United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol.22, Issue.8, P1987‑P2008 (Highlighted in ESSIC News)

[8] Huang, Z., Wu, H., Adler, R. F., Schumann, G., Gourley, J. J., Kettner, A., & Nanding, N. (2021). Multi‑source flood inventories over the Contiguous United States for actual and natural conditions. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, Vol.102, Issue.6, E1133‑E1149

[7] Li, R., Li, D., Nanding, N. (corresponding author), Wang, X., Fan, X., Chen, Y., Tian, F., Tett, S. F. B., Dong, B., & Lott, F. C. (2021). Anthropogenic influences on heavy precipitation during the 2019 extremely‑long rainy season in southern China. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, Vol.102, Issue.1, S103‑S109

[6] Nanding, N., & Rico‑Ramirez, M.A. (2021). Precipitation measurement with weather radars. ICT for Smart Water Systems: Measurements and Data Science, The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol.102, P235‑P258

[5] Nanding, N., Chen, Y., Wu, H., Dong, B., Tian, F., Tett, S.F.B., Rico‑Ramirez, M.A., Chen, Y.H., Huang, Z.J., Yan, Y., Lott, F.C., Li, R., Li, D., Wang, X., & Fan, X.W. (2020). Anthropogenic influences on 2019 July precipitation extremes over the mid‑Lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol.8, No.603061, P1‑P6

[4] Yan, Y., Wu, H., Gu, G., Huang, Z., Alfieri, L., Li, X., Nanding, N., Pan, X., & Tang, Q. (2020). Climatology and interannual variability of floods during the TRMM era (1998‑2013). Journal of Climate, Vol.33, Issue.8, P3289‑P3305

[3] Huang, Z.Q., Li, C.Q., Wu, H., Jiang, L., Nanding, N., Tang, Q.H., Wang, A.H., Zhao, S.H., & Yamazaki, D. (2020). A national multi‑resolution river network database based on MERIT DEM and DRT upscaling algorithm. Geography and Geo‑Information Science, Vol.36, Issue.3, P1‑P9

[2] Nanding, N., Rico‑Ramirez, M.A., & Han, D. (2015). Comparison of different radar‑raingauge rainfall merging techniques. Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol.17, Issue.3, P422‑P445

[1] Dai, Q., Han, D., Rico‑Ramirez, M.A., Zhuo, L., Nanding, N., & Islam, T. (2015). Radar rainfall uncertainty modelling influenced by wind. Hydrological Processes, Vol.29, Issue.7, P1704‑P1716




2020.01—2021.02 客座编辑 Remote Sensing (MDPI)
2019.02—至今 审稿人 Journal of Hydrology 
Journal of Hydrometeorology (AMS)
Environmental Research Letters (IOP)
Environmental Research Communications (IOP)
Geophysical Research Letters (AGU)
Climate Dynamics (AMS)
Atmospheric Research
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
International Journal of Disaster Reduction
Meteorological Applications (RMS)
Hydrological Sciences Journal
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Journal of Water and Climate Change
IEEE Journals and etc.




( 更新于2024年5月、昆明 )


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