| 作者:李光泉 | 发布日期:2016-11-08 01:07:11
地球物理专业 地 址:云南大学资源环境与地球科学学院 邮 编:650091 |
云南大学地球物理系教授,系主任。1974年生,云南保山人。1996年获中国科技大学地球物理学士,1997年获光华奖学金,1999年获中国科技大学地球物理硕士,2004年获美国佛罗里达州立大学地球流体动力学博士。主要从事地下水、石油污染、地球物理。在WRR, GW, TiPM, JAWRA, JCKS, Grundwasser, AC, GR, EPSL, GJI, JAES, PAG, CJES上发表SCI论文24篇(第一作者12篇),EI期刊论文1篇,8篇技术报告,获国家自然科学基金1项(40万)。曾在美国Groundwater and Environmental Services任水文地质师, 在Sprint-Nextel任高级J2EE工程师。擅长VC++, Windows编程, Watcom C++/C/Fortran混合编程, AutoCAD/DXF矢量绘图与编程。熟悉软件Mathematica, Amira, Surfer, EVS, GMS, ARMOS, BioTrans, WinParm, CorelDraw, ArcGIS。 |
Biography of Dr. Guangquan Li Guangquan Li was born in Yunnan, China in 1974. He got his B.S. in Geophysics from Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China in 1996, and acquired the Guanghua Fellowship in 1997. After getting a M.S. in 1999, he went to Florida State University, USA, where he obtained his Ph.D in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics in 2004. In 2005-2007, he worked as staff hydrogeologist at Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc., and was a senior J2EE developer for Sprint-Nextel, Inc. in 2007-2008. Then he became an Assistant Professor at Yunnan Univ. In 2011, he got a grant (65,000 USD) from NSFC, and was exceptionally promoted to Professor in 2012. Currently he is Chair of Dept. of Geophysics. |